21 July 2010

Just Be Yourself!

Hello Guys and Gals!

I wanted to write this message today more from my heart than from any research I've done over the years. When I was younger, all I wanted to be was 'cool'! I worked very hard at trying to do that, but it wasn't the real me. I felt that if I showed the real me to people that they wouldn't like me much.

So as I went through my teens, twenties, thirties, and so on, and so on...

All I did was change one definition of cool for another! I went through many stages in attempting to be in the cool crowd. Now I wonder how much different it would have been if I had just let myself be myself.

I changed in the last year or two. I changed immensely. Not that I haven't been changing over the many years as well. It's just that I finally realized that it didn't matter what other people think if I'm truly being true to myself and to God! I started giving my whole self to God, not just parts of me, but all of me. In doing so, I found out who I really am. What an awesome revelation. To discover the real me after all these years. And on top of that, find out that my real identity of myself had always been rooted in God!

Listen up Guys and Gals! Be true to yourself. Quit worrying about what others may think of your true personality. Quit worrying about what others will say about your hobbies and habits and anything else that you may have this concern in.

Be yourself! Figure out who you are and be that! Enjoy that! Live that! I encourage all of you to search in God's Word first to discover your true self. That is where I looked last and wish I had looked there first! Any way you do it, do it! Find yourself and be true to yourself by living and doing what gives you true happiness. For me, it's all about restoring relationships that I've had in the past, strengthen relationships I have now, and seek out new relationships with people I meet in the future! In all of this, I'm NOT seeking to destroy, but to build!

God bless you all this day!

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