10 February 2014

A Sincere Heart Apologizes!

Hello Guys and Gals,

I probably sound arrogant at times to all of you. This is not my intent and if you have felt that of me, I apologize sincerely from the depths of my heart!

I do take a strong stand in my writing. I write so as to show you all the truth as I have learned it through all my studies. I believe each and every one of you can also have such truth in your life through study. I know that every single one of you has an incredible brain. I know that the only reasons why you all probably have not delved into the same studies that I have is probably because of family duties and priorities that I do not yet have.

So if I come off arrogant in my stand for truth, I apologize. I am certainly one who should not be arrogant about anything for I am nothing! What value I have, the only value I have, is the value which Jesus Christ has bestowed upon me and that value exists only because He saw fit to salvage this wretch of a human being that I was and remold me into what you now see and will see in this body I now submit to Christ with!

I have an ongoing principle which I strive to adhere to: if I am found in error in regards to what I am saying, I will, with sincere heart, apologize to you both publicly and, if possible, privately for my error!

Please forgive my arrogance in anything not of Jesus Christ if I have ever offended you with it!

May God bless you with the love of His Son, Jesus Christ, this day!

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