Good morning and Merry Christmas Guys and Gals!
I went to bed early last night. I prayed that God help me to figure out what to write about this morning. He did! He told me to write about His love!
Do you love people like Jesus did? Do you spend time with them even if they are still living in sin? I'm not talking about sinning with them but being a light of hope for them to guide them out of their sin! Do you speak the truth to them about their sin? I'm not talking about just what the bible says, but in the way you live your life as well! Do you stand firm in the truth as He did and let them walk away if they so choose, but being ready to be there for them should they turn to you for help?
I think that today so many people are twisting the message that Jesus brought to the world. He brought the message of truth through love! It did not matter who Jesus was speaking to, He spoke the truth to them! He did not worry about how it would be viewed politically, or socially, or even if some thought His message was one of hate and not love! He told the truth about it! With that truth, He also offered to show the way out of the sinful life into the life of Salvation through Him! He told the people of that day that following the Law by the letter is never what he wanted. Instead, He told them about following the Law from the heart and what it meant to do so! For if you love the Lord your God with all your heart, and soul, and mind; and if you love your neighbor as yourself; then you will establish the very tenets of the Law with your actions because it will come naturally from your heart!
If someone says that the truth you are speaking to them is hateful, kindly correct them that you are telling them the truth in love so that they will know and understand that their sin is hurting them and as long as they keep sinning in their sin, their life will have the curse of that sin upon it! Here is the important part though... that is only half the message! You also have to tell them how God gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins on the cross so that they, as sinners, would be able to come to Him, Jesus Christ, and receive forgiveness of those sins and start, yes I said start, a path to righteousness!
See, the cross of Jesus is where we begin our journey! It is a long journey and often filled with perils and hazards which we must pass through! As Christians we will have hard times and troubles! But Jesus Christ, the Son of the Ever Living God, will be right there beside us and within us as we pass through those perils and hazards! And for every thing we suffer for His name's sake here in these mortal bodies of ours, we store up treasures in Heaven for when we arrive there with the hope of Eternal Life and Incorruptible Bodies waiting for us when we get there! This is our hope! This is our joy! That we get to live Eternity with Jesus Christ in Heaven!
But others also need to hear of Jesus! And if you do not speak the truth to them about Jesus, then how will they know? So go and speak the truth, in love, to those you love and even those you may feel that you hate! Do it today! Do it with love and gentleness! Because just as it was hard for you to face the truth of sin in your life, so it will be hard for them to face the truth of sin in their life! But remember this, if they choose to turn from you and walk away, let them! But be ready to receive them back with love when they repent and turn from their sin and seek Jesus Christ who is their only hope of Salvation!
This is my Christmas message to you today! May God bless every one of you this day!
I choose to be a Man of Integrity in Christ! This is where I will share that walk with any who want to share it with me!
25 December 2011
22 December 2011
Give Those You Love Something Of Yourself!
Hello Guys and Gals!
With Christmas closing in fast, I ask each one of you to give something to those you love that really matters! I ask you to give yourself!
Too often, we find that we are under pressure to prove our love to our loved ones with the pocketbook. We have to show our love with what we spend on them. That is the message that Society teaches us today! I say we should send a different message. I think we should give something, anything, or ourselves to make a meaningful gift that will be remembered long after that new piece of technology is dust and ashes!
So what can you give? Well ask yourself this question: what do you do well? Think about that for a minute! Figure out what you do that you look upon and conclude that you do this thing well. Do you make cards? Do you work with wood? Do you sing? Do you write poetry? Do you recite poetry? Do you work well? Figure it out! It will be different for each and every one of you. So figure it out and then think about how you can make that thing you do a gift for others. Then use your effort and work to give that as a gift to those you love this year!
I promise you this: if you give of yourself to those you love, it will mean more to them in the years to come than any other present you can buy them this year!
Another thing I ask you to do: spend time with those you love! Get together and watch a movie. Cook a meal... together. Bake some cookies or ornaments. Go fishing or hunting. Build a campfire and have a conversation about anything. Play a game, not a video game but a board game. Go do something, anything, to spend time with those you love this year! The relationship you have with people is far more important than anything that comes from the pocketbook!
So give something of yourself and spend some time with those you love this Christmas!
God bless you all this day!
With Christmas closing in fast, I ask each one of you to give something to those you love that really matters! I ask you to give yourself!
Too often, we find that we are under pressure to prove our love to our loved ones with the pocketbook. We have to show our love with what we spend on them. That is the message that Society teaches us today! I say we should send a different message. I think we should give something, anything, or ourselves to make a meaningful gift that will be remembered long after that new piece of technology is dust and ashes!
So what can you give? Well ask yourself this question: what do you do well? Think about that for a minute! Figure out what you do that you look upon and conclude that you do this thing well. Do you make cards? Do you work with wood? Do you sing? Do you write poetry? Do you recite poetry? Do you work well? Figure it out! It will be different for each and every one of you. So figure it out and then think about how you can make that thing you do a gift for others. Then use your effort and work to give that as a gift to those you love this year!
I promise you this: if you give of yourself to those you love, it will mean more to them in the years to come than any other present you can buy them this year!
Another thing I ask you to do: spend time with those you love! Get together and watch a movie. Cook a meal... together. Bake some cookies or ornaments. Go fishing or hunting. Build a campfire and have a conversation about anything. Play a game, not a video game but a board game. Go do something, anything, to spend time with those you love this year! The relationship you have with people is far more important than anything that comes from the pocketbook!
So give something of yourself and spend some time with those you love this Christmas!
God bless you all this day!
01 December 2011
Truth! Not Political Correctness!
Hello Guys and Gals!
I have been hearing more and more of late about how we are supposed to be careful with the truth we share because those hearing it may be offended and turn away from hearing about Christ and the cross! I do not think this is right! I believe with all my heart that this is wrong! I believe that we should call sin for what it is, that is sin, and that we should call a lie for what it is, that is a lie! If we are not bold, in love, in telling the truth about Jesus, then why would anyone continue to believe in the Jesus we preached to them if we held something back when we should have spoken up?
Look at what Jesus said to his disciples:
"Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet." - Matthew 10:14. Jesus knew that they would not be received by many people! He told them to shake the dust off their feet as a testimony against them when they leave!
And when Jesus healed on the Sabbath and spoke against the Pharisees of that day, did they not immediately start planning to kill him? Do you think that Jesus did not know of their plotting? So when Jesus sees the Pharisees again, he rebukes them because they were saying he casts out demons by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons. This is where Jesus speaks about how a house divided cannot stand in Matthew 12:22-29!
But what about those who didn't believe in him? When Jesus returned to Nazareth the scriptures say that he didn't do many miracles there because of the people's unbelief (Matthew 13:58).
I can go on and on about the many examples where Jesus preached the truth and was not concerned with his own safety, or whether or not he would offend the hearers of his words! Anyone living in sin will be offended by the words of truth you speak about Jesus no matter how nicely you put it! But if you do not speak the truth, then you turn the testimony of Jesus Christ into a lie!
What about those who have been brought up being told lies about their history and would be offended in you correcting their misconceptions of historical fact? You tell the truth anyway! If there is something that they do not understand because of a lie that has been taught to them, you correct that lie to them! If you know the truth and remain silent, then you are just as guilty of the lie they believe as the one who taught it to them!
Look at when Jesus spoke the truth to people. Do you think they were not offended and walked away? They did! But I did not see Jesus go after them! He didn't chase them saying wait, maybe you didn't hear me! I love you! Why are you still walking away? Maybe I didn't say it in the right tone. I love you! Why are you still walking away? Maybe I didn't learn enough of your traditions to be able to explain myself accurately enough so as not to offend you when telling you of myself!
Jesus did not chase after them! He did not change the truth he spoke! He did not worry about offending them! He knew they would be offended and walk away and even plan to do him harm! He spoke the whole truth anyway! He even rebuked those who were already planning to do him harm with the truth that he spoke openly and publicly to them!
So why, I ask you, do we today preach in such a way as to be politically correct and inoffensive in presenting Jesus Christ to people? Do you not know that the holiness of Jesus Christ and the very message of him is offensive to every sinner? Why are we mincing our words? How do you know that the very truth you speak, even though it offends the sinner at that time, won't have a huge impact upon the person hearing it and the Holy Spirit won't guide them into finding out the truth of what you said? How do you know that they won't say to themselves 'if this person told me the truth about this thing, maybe they are telling me the truth about this Jesus as well'?
The point I'm making here is quit being Politically Correct Christians! Jesus was about as Politically Incorrect as they come! So what if you offend someone in speaking the truth in love about Jesus Christ? Yes I keep saying in love because I do not believe that you should yell someone into salvation! But you should still be firm and kind in doing so! You can tell the truth, calling their lies a lie and calling their sin a sin and the power of the Holy Spirit will give strength to your words, if they are the truth, and that person you spoke that truth to, even though they may walk away, has had a seed planted within them! Why is it that we Christians believe that we are the ones who are supposed to reap the harvest of our planting? Are there not other laborers out there doing God's will?
So when you hear someone say that they are offended by the gospel that you speak, simply tell them you know they are and why you know they are! But do not stop speaking the truth of Jesus Christ for if you do then the very lies that you do not correct you will take a share of the guilt of that person believing those lies!
May God bless you all this day!
I have been hearing more and more of late about how we are supposed to be careful with the truth we share because those hearing it may be offended and turn away from hearing about Christ and the cross! I do not think this is right! I believe with all my heart that this is wrong! I believe that we should call sin for what it is, that is sin, and that we should call a lie for what it is, that is a lie! If we are not bold, in love, in telling the truth about Jesus, then why would anyone continue to believe in the Jesus we preached to them if we held something back when we should have spoken up?
Look at what Jesus said to his disciples:
"Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet." - Matthew 10:14. Jesus knew that they would not be received by many people! He told them to shake the dust off their feet as a testimony against them when they leave!
And when Jesus healed on the Sabbath and spoke against the Pharisees of that day, did they not immediately start planning to kill him? Do you think that Jesus did not know of their plotting? So when Jesus sees the Pharisees again, he rebukes them because they were saying he casts out demons by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons. This is where Jesus speaks about how a house divided cannot stand in Matthew 12:22-29!
But what about those who didn't believe in him? When Jesus returned to Nazareth the scriptures say that he didn't do many miracles there because of the people's unbelief (Matthew 13:58).
I can go on and on about the many examples where Jesus preached the truth and was not concerned with his own safety, or whether or not he would offend the hearers of his words! Anyone living in sin will be offended by the words of truth you speak about Jesus no matter how nicely you put it! But if you do not speak the truth, then you turn the testimony of Jesus Christ into a lie!
What about those who have been brought up being told lies about their history and would be offended in you correcting their misconceptions of historical fact? You tell the truth anyway! If there is something that they do not understand because of a lie that has been taught to them, you correct that lie to them! If you know the truth and remain silent, then you are just as guilty of the lie they believe as the one who taught it to them!
Look at when Jesus spoke the truth to people. Do you think they were not offended and walked away? They did! But I did not see Jesus go after them! He didn't chase them saying wait, maybe you didn't hear me! I love you! Why are you still walking away? Maybe I didn't say it in the right tone. I love you! Why are you still walking away? Maybe I didn't learn enough of your traditions to be able to explain myself accurately enough so as not to offend you when telling you of myself!
Jesus did not chase after them! He did not change the truth he spoke! He did not worry about offending them! He knew they would be offended and walk away and even plan to do him harm! He spoke the whole truth anyway! He even rebuked those who were already planning to do him harm with the truth that he spoke openly and publicly to them!
So why, I ask you, do we today preach in such a way as to be politically correct and inoffensive in presenting Jesus Christ to people? Do you not know that the holiness of Jesus Christ and the very message of him is offensive to every sinner? Why are we mincing our words? How do you know that the very truth you speak, even though it offends the sinner at that time, won't have a huge impact upon the person hearing it and the Holy Spirit won't guide them into finding out the truth of what you said? How do you know that they won't say to themselves 'if this person told me the truth about this thing, maybe they are telling me the truth about this Jesus as well'?
The point I'm making here is quit being Politically Correct Christians! Jesus was about as Politically Incorrect as they come! So what if you offend someone in speaking the truth in love about Jesus Christ? Yes I keep saying in love because I do not believe that you should yell someone into salvation! But you should still be firm and kind in doing so! You can tell the truth, calling their lies a lie and calling their sin a sin and the power of the Holy Spirit will give strength to your words, if they are the truth, and that person you spoke that truth to, even though they may walk away, has had a seed planted within them! Why is it that we Christians believe that we are the ones who are supposed to reap the harvest of our planting? Are there not other laborers out there doing God's will?
So when you hear someone say that they are offended by the gospel that you speak, simply tell them you know they are and why you know they are! But do not stop speaking the truth of Jesus Christ for if you do then the very lies that you do not correct you will take a share of the guilt of that person believing those lies!
May God bless you all this day!
23 November 2011
The Bigger Threat!
Hello Guys and Gals!
I usually try and not bring politics into my blog but you all know how passionately I feel about it. But this morning I am doing just that because I believe it has to be said.
Back when Rick Perry was leading the polls, out came people who said because he did this or that, they will never vote for him!
Then we had Herman Cain in the lead and the allegations of sexual assault. Again we hear the same thing!
Now that Newt Gingrich is leading, there is a push against his policies and history as well. Again we are hearing the same thing from voters on how they will never vote for him!
Now I am not telling anyone how to vote or how to hold their conscience in their voting. But I think, because of our morals on the right, that the Left uses our very morals against us by bringing up accusations and allegations of those things which violate our moral principles with the very people we have portraying our values as our prospective candidates! All they have to do is push forward an allegation, whether it is true or not, whether it is 15 years old or recent, and play on our moral values in order to get the candidates which we are currently looking hard at out of the lead! It is in this way that the Left is able to pick and choose which candidate they will have to face when it comes time for the actual election!
But there is a bigger threat! I say we should continue to vet our candidates and explore them very critically! And I say that we should vote our hearts and minds, especially our minds, when we nominate the candidate to run against Barach Obama! But Obama is the bigger threat! I would happily take any one of the candidates running for the Republican ticket over another 4 years of Barach Obama!
So stick to your convictions during the nomination process! Absolutely! But once the nominee has been chosen to run against Barach Obama, then we must all rally behind that one candidate in order to make sure that Barach Obama is a one term president!
United we stand, divided we fall!
Do you guys not remember what happened with Ross Perot splitting the Republican vote and ensuring that Bill Clinton wins with a 40% share of the vote? I say to you now that anything that the candidates for the Republican nominee have done in their past is nothing compared to what Obama is doing now and will do in the future! I believe that if Obama is elected, that it will be the last election held in America and that elections will be eliminated under his next term, if not before then!
I want you also to think about Ninevah in the book of Jonah! God had punishment in store for Ninevah. Yet the people of Ninevah, at the preaching of Jonah to repent, humbled themselves, repented and prayed! These were not Israelites but Gentiles who did this! God saw their repentance and relented in bringing the punishment of that nation until a later time! I believe that America is ripe for God's Anger and justifiably so! But I also believe that if we humble ourselves, repent, and pray; that God will hold off the punishment He is bringing against America for the sins we have allowed to corrupt our society!
We are One Nation Under God! That is not the God of Allah, or Buddha! That is YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! We believe in YHWH as the one and only God! All other gods are false for they are not living gods! It is the beliefs and principles of the Christian Bible under which this great nation was founded and which we need to return to!
So pray about this and whatever candidate is nominated for Republican nominee, rally behind that candidate because I can most assuredly state that whoever this person will be, they will be a far better choice than Barach Obama as the leader of our nation, for Barach Obama is the bigger threat!
May God bless you all this day! Happy Thanksgiving!
I usually try and not bring politics into my blog but you all know how passionately I feel about it. But this morning I am doing just that because I believe it has to be said.
Back when Rick Perry was leading the polls, out came people who said because he did this or that, they will never vote for him!
Then we had Herman Cain in the lead and the allegations of sexual assault. Again we hear the same thing!
Now that Newt Gingrich is leading, there is a push against his policies and history as well. Again we are hearing the same thing from voters on how they will never vote for him!
Now I am not telling anyone how to vote or how to hold their conscience in their voting. But I think, because of our morals on the right, that the Left uses our very morals against us by bringing up accusations and allegations of those things which violate our moral principles with the very people we have portraying our values as our prospective candidates! All they have to do is push forward an allegation, whether it is true or not, whether it is 15 years old or recent, and play on our moral values in order to get the candidates which we are currently looking hard at out of the lead! It is in this way that the Left is able to pick and choose which candidate they will have to face when it comes time for the actual election!
But there is a bigger threat! I say we should continue to vet our candidates and explore them very critically! And I say that we should vote our hearts and minds, especially our minds, when we nominate the candidate to run against Barach Obama! But Obama is the bigger threat! I would happily take any one of the candidates running for the Republican ticket over another 4 years of Barach Obama!
So stick to your convictions during the nomination process! Absolutely! But once the nominee has been chosen to run against Barach Obama, then we must all rally behind that one candidate in order to make sure that Barach Obama is a one term president!
United we stand, divided we fall!
Do you guys not remember what happened with Ross Perot splitting the Republican vote and ensuring that Bill Clinton wins with a 40% share of the vote? I say to you now that anything that the candidates for the Republican nominee have done in their past is nothing compared to what Obama is doing now and will do in the future! I believe that if Obama is elected, that it will be the last election held in America and that elections will be eliminated under his next term, if not before then!
I want you also to think about Ninevah in the book of Jonah! God had punishment in store for Ninevah. Yet the people of Ninevah, at the preaching of Jonah to repent, humbled themselves, repented and prayed! These were not Israelites but Gentiles who did this! God saw their repentance and relented in bringing the punishment of that nation until a later time! I believe that America is ripe for God's Anger and justifiably so! But I also believe that if we humble ourselves, repent, and pray; that God will hold off the punishment He is bringing against America for the sins we have allowed to corrupt our society!
We are One Nation Under God! That is not the God of Allah, or Buddha! That is YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! We believe in YHWH as the one and only God! All other gods are false for they are not living gods! It is the beliefs and principles of the Christian Bible under which this great nation was founded and which we need to return to!
So pray about this and whatever candidate is nominated for Republican nominee, rally behind that candidate because I can most assuredly state that whoever this person will be, they will be a far better choice than Barach Obama as the leader of our nation, for Barach Obama is the bigger threat!
May God bless you all this day! Happy Thanksgiving!
30 October 2011
Whoever Said Life Was Fair?
Hello Guys and Gals!
I am asking you a question today. Whoever said life was fair? The reason I am asking this question is because I have been seeing many people saying 'that's not fair' or 'why me' lately. It seems like everyone is exhibiting an entitlement to fairness in their life. Why? Who said life was fair? Who said you get the rose garden with the little house and the white picket fence?
In my own life, I have come through a lot of adversity to say the least. I am addicted to methamphetamines! Yes I still claim it as an active addiction because I believe it will never go away! Do you know what that is like? Well, some of you do. Some, on the other hand, do not. It is the most addictive substance known to man! There is nothing more addictive in the eyes of the medical community today. Yes even compared to Heroine!
I am beating that addiction! I had no help doing it other than Jesus. Everyone seems to want these drug treatment programs and seem to say that this is the only cure. I didn't use one. But I can honestly say that without Jesus in my life, I would still be on that junk today! But He was the only one! Not my family! Not my friends! Not my co-workers! Not even my church! It was solely Jesus! I had no help whatsoever from anyone in beating this addiction except for Jesus!
Yet, you do not hear me complaining about why did I have to be tempted with Meth. You do not hear me complaining about why did I not have anyone help me through this like a drug treatment program. I don't complain because I am running the race set before me! 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 states:
24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. 25 Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. 26 Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; 27 but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.
Now the race that I run and the the race that you run are not the same race! Every single one of us runs a different race! There is a different race set before each one of us! Yet our goal is that imperishable wreath! The one given by Jesus alone! So what that my race is different from your race! Run the race set before you to win it!
Is your race easier than mine? Is your race harder than mine? I do not know the answer to that question. I only know that they are different races. It does not matter if the race set before you is easier or harder than the race set before someone else! What matters is that you strive for that wreath! What matters is that you run the race before you to win! What matters is that when you fall down, and you will fall down, that you get back up and continue on toward the goal! That is your race! This is my race! They are different and fair does not even enter into it! You have what you have and I have what I have! Both are challenging to the runners! Will you overcome your challenge? I am sure striving to overcome mine!
May God bless you all this day!
I am asking you a question today. Whoever said life was fair? The reason I am asking this question is because I have been seeing many people saying 'that's not fair' or 'why me' lately. It seems like everyone is exhibiting an entitlement to fairness in their life. Why? Who said life was fair? Who said you get the rose garden with the little house and the white picket fence?
In my own life, I have come through a lot of adversity to say the least. I am addicted to methamphetamines! Yes I still claim it as an active addiction because I believe it will never go away! Do you know what that is like? Well, some of you do. Some, on the other hand, do not. It is the most addictive substance known to man! There is nothing more addictive in the eyes of the medical community today. Yes even compared to Heroine!
I am beating that addiction! I had no help doing it other than Jesus. Everyone seems to want these drug treatment programs and seem to say that this is the only cure. I didn't use one. But I can honestly say that without Jesus in my life, I would still be on that junk today! But He was the only one! Not my family! Not my friends! Not my co-workers! Not even my church! It was solely Jesus! I had no help whatsoever from anyone in beating this addiction except for Jesus!
Yet, you do not hear me complaining about why did I have to be tempted with Meth. You do not hear me complaining about why did I not have anyone help me through this like a drug treatment program. I don't complain because I am running the race set before me! 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 states:
24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. 25 Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. 26 Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; 27 but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.
Now the race that I run and the the race that you run are not the same race! Every single one of us runs a different race! There is a different race set before each one of us! Yet our goal is that imperishable wreath! The one given by Jesus alone! So what that my race is different from your race! Run the race set before you to win it!
Is your race easier than mine? Is your race harder than mine? I do not know the answer to that question. I only know that they are different races. It does not matter if the race set before you is easier or harder than the race set before someone else! What matters is that you strive for that wreath! What matters is that you run the race before you to win! What matters is that when you fall down, and you will fall down, that you get back up and continue on toward the goal! That is your race! This is my race! They are different and fair does not even enter into it! You have what you have and I have what I have! Both are challenging to the runners! Will you overcome your challenge? I am sure striving to overcome mine!
May God bless you all this day!
13 October 2011
Adhere Yourself To The Truth!
Hello Guys and Gals!
When Jesus spoke the truth to people, often times they did not want to hear the truth and went away as we see in Matthew 19:21-22,
21 Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." 22 But when the young man heard this statement, he went away grieving; for he was one who owned much property.
As you see here, Jesus did not chase after him saying, 'Wait, maybe you did not understand. Maybe I should try explaining it yet another way!' No, Jesus did not chase after him but simply let him go! Yet Jesus is willing to be there for when that man came to the full knowledge of the truth and was willing to come back to Jesus. Did this man ever do that? I don't know! But I do know that we must all struggle with the truth before we come to a full acceptance of it!
But what if the person who walks away is family? Then let them walk away! But what if I love them? Then let them walk away! If you have told them the truth, meaning the Gospel or possibly something else that has happened in your life that has brought strife, then the truth will do your speaking for you. You do not have to try and convince them of more truth by more talking!
Do not throw your pearls before swine who will trod on them and grind them into the mud! In other words, if they are not receptive of the truth you are speaking, then let them walk away and let them be as a Gentile to you! This means you let them, by their choice, walk out of your life! Do not go and chase after them begging them to stay in your life!
Why not? Because this puts them in a position of authority over you! Do not let this happen! Do not let them think within their minds that they are the one who has the truth because you have come back to them! Stand firm in the truth as God has revealed it to you and as you know it! Adhere yourself to it even if it means that they are cut off and out of your life!
I have had to do this because certain people would not hear the truth. I have cut off these people and let them live in their lies until they come to the full knowledge of the truth! I have to adhere to this because if I do not, then they will think that I am somehow less than the liar! I will not have that! You should not have that! You should have your firm conviction the the truth which God has shown to you! Stand up for it! Speak it in love! And when they walk away, do not chase after them! Let them face the truth and come to terms with it! Even if it takes years and years! Even if they never come to terms with it! Stand firm in the truth and adhere yourself and your life to it!
May God bless you all this day!
When Jesus spoke the truth to people, often times they did not want to hear the truth and went away as we see in Matthew 19:21-22,
21 Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." 22 But when the young man heard this statement, he went away grieving; for he was one who owned much property.
As you see here, Jesus did not chase after him saying, 'Wait, maybe you did not understand. Maybe I should try explaining it yet another way!' No, Jesus did not chase after him but simply let him go! Yet Jesus is willing to be there for when that man came to the full knowledge of the truth and was willing to come back to Jesus. Did this man ever do that? I don't know! But I do know that we must all struggle with the truth before we come to a full acceptance of it!
But what if the person who walks away is family? Then let them walk away! But what if I love them? Then let them walk away! If you have told them the truth, meaning the Gospel or possibly something else that has happened in your life that has brought strife, then the truth will do your speaking for you. You do not have to try and convince them of more truth by more talking!
Do not throw your pearls before swine who will trod on them and grind them into the mud! In other words, if they are not receptive of the truth you are speaking, then let them walk away and let them be as a Gentile to you! This means you let them, by their choice, walk out of your life! Do not go and chase after them begging them to stay in your life!
Why not? Because this puts them in a position of authority over you! Do not let this happen! Do not let them think within their minds that they are the one who has the truth because you have come back to them! Stand firm in the truth as God has revealed it to you and as you know it! Adhere yourself to it even if it means that they are cut off and out of your life!
I have had to do this because certain people would not hear the truth. I have cut off these people and let them live in their lies until they come to the full knowledge of the truth! I have to adhere to this because if I do not, then they will think that I am somehow less than the liar! I will not have that! You should not have that! You should have your firm conviction the the truth which God has shown to you! Stand up for it! Speak it in love! And when they walk away, do not chase after them! Let them face the truth and come to terms with it! Even if it takes years and years! Even if they never come to terms with it! Stand firm in the truth and adhere yourself and your life to it!
May God bless you all this day!
11 October 2011
Not Peace, But A Sword
Hello Guys and Gals,
I have been thinking about this topic for a while now. With this mornings devotions though, I feel I must speak about this. Jesus said this in Matthew 10:34-36,
34 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.35 For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW;36 and A MAN'S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD.
Jesus draws a clear line through all of humanity! That line separates those who accept His salvation and those who do not accept it! Which side are you on? Are you saved? Or have you rejected His Grace?
Do you not realize that once you have heard the Gospel, that it either looses or binds you by the strength of itself? The loosening comes through Salvation and the binding comes through the rejection of that Salvation!
Matthew 16:19 says,
19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.
Matthew 18:18 says it again,
18 Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.
And John 20:23 goes on to say,
23 If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained."
Therefore, if you show others how to have their sins forgiven through Jesus Christ, then their sins will be forgiven upon their acceptance of His salvation. But if they reject that salvation, their sins are bound to them by the very power of the gospel.
This is why we are divided and why our very family members turn upon us with violence! They will see that you have been saved through Jesus Christ and they do not want to give up their independence and sin! By not giving up and giving in to His will, they reject, of their own will, the very same salvation that you have received. In that rejection, they have their sins bound to them for all time and having tasted and rejected the gospel are then to be considered as Gentiles or Unbelievers and considered not a member of the church! They see that they do not have the same blessings as you and it results in envy being born in them and that envy turns to hate and anger and violence! This happens every single time in some fashion or another! Do not mistake me, it will happen again and again!
This is why we need to present the gospel in a loving way, but also to make sure those we present the gospel to know the consequences of rejecting the gospel! You must tell them that by rejection of the gospel, they sentence themselves to eternal damnation and hellfire such as they will experience in the Lake of Fire, also known as Gehenna! But the most torturous of all those punishments, and make no mistake, they are punishments from God for the rejection of His Son, is that God will withdraw His presence from them! Do you not know that the Lake of Fire is nothing compared to the withdrawal of God's presence? Even Hitler and Pol Pot and Stalin and every other evil person that has ever lived knew the presence of God throughout their whole life! There was only one who knew the absence of God's presence here on Earth and that is Jesus as he died on the Cross when he said in Matthew 27:46,
This was when God withdrew His presence from Jesus so that the full punishment and wrath of God was paid in full by His Son so that our sins through His sacrifice could be forgiven and we be restored to a loving relationship with God Almighty, the Creator of all that was, is, and will be! There is nothing that exists that did not come from Him!
I have often said that you should always speak the truth, for it is like a surgeon's scalpel and while it may hurt when it is heard, it heals through the pain it brings! So you must speak the truth in love about the gospel! And part of the gospel is Gehenna and Separation from God! It is the truth and unbelievers deserve to know the whole truth!
But remember this, when you are attacked, and you will be attacked, it is because you have gained salvation and they have not! They are envious of your salvation but they want that salvation their way and not God's way! They think they have the power to control their own lives and when they see you have given that power to God, as if he never had it all along, they begin to hate you for your surrender of yourself to Him and that is why they attack you! So pray a simple prayer. Pray that God draws near to them! If their heart will be changed, then salvation will come from it. If their heart will not be changed, then His presence will drive them far from you!
May God bless you all this day!
I have been thinking about this topic for a while now. With this mornings devotions though, I feel I must speak about this. Jesus said this in Matthew 10:34-36,
34 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.35 For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW;36 and A MAN'S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD.
Jesus draws a clear line through all of humanity! That line separates those who accept His salvation and those who do not accept it! Which side are you on? Are you saved? Or have you rejected His Grace?
Do you not realize that once you have heard the Gospel, that it either looses or binds you by the strength of itself? The loosening comes through Salvation and the binding comes through the rejection of that Salvation!
Matthew 16:19 says,
19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.
Matthew 18:18 says it again,
18 Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.
And John 20:23 goes on to say,
23 If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained."
Therefore, if you show others how to have their sins forgiven through Jesus Christ, then their sins will be forgiven upon their acceptance of His salvation. But if they reject that salvation, their sins are bound to them by the very power of the gospel.
This is why we are divided and why our very family members turn upon us with violence! They will see that you have been saved through Jesus Christ and they do not want to give up their independence and sin! By not giving up and giving in to His will, they reject, of their own will, the very same salvation that you have received. In that rejection, they have their sins bound to them for all time and having tasted and rejected the gospel are then to be considered as Gentiles or Unbelievers and considered not a member of the church! They see that they do not have the same blessings as you and it results in envy being born in them and that envy turns to hate and anger and violence! This happens every single time in some fashion or another! Do not mistake me, it will happen again and again!
This is why we need to present the gospel in a loving way, but also to make sure those we present the gospel to know the consequences of rejecting the gospel! You must tell them that by rejection of the gospel, they sentence themselves to eternal damnation and hellfire such as they will experience in the Lake of Fire, also known as Gehenna! But the most torturous of all those punishments, and make no mistake, they are punishments from God for the rejection of His Son, is that God will withdraw His presence from them! Do you not know that the Lake of Fire is nothing compared to the withdrawal of God's presence? Even Hitler and Pol Pot and Stalin and every other evil person that has ever lived knew the presence of God throughout their whole life! There was only one who knew the absence of God's presence here on Earth and that is Jesus as he died on the Cross when he said in Matthew 27:46,
This was when God withdrew His presence from Jesus so that the full punishment and wrath of God was paid in full by His Son so that our sins through His sacrifice could be forgiven and we be restored to a loving relationship with God Almighty, the Creator of all that was, is, and will be! There is nothing that exists that did not come from Him!
I have often said that you should always speak the truth, for it is like a surgeon's scalpel and while it may hurt when it is heard, it heals through the pain it brings! So you must speak the truth in love about the gospel! And part of the gospel is Gehenna and Separation from God! It is the truth and unbelievers deserve to know the whole truth!
But remember this, when you are attacked, and you will be attacked, it is because you have gained salvation and they have not! They are envious of your salvation but they want that salvation their way and not God's way! They think they have the power to control their own lives and when they see you have given that power to God, as if he never had it all along, they begin to hate you for your surrender of yourself to Him and that is why they attack you! So pray a simple prayer. Pray that God draws near to them! If their heart will be changed, then salvation will come from it. If their heart will not be changed, then His presence will drive them far from you!
May God bless you all this day!
05 October 2011
If Not You, Then Who?
Hello Guys and Gals!
I would like to talk about our attitude of careless disregard today. I don't know how or why, when someone speaks the truth about any situation, they can be dismissed out of hand by uncaring people because what they speak about 'does not really matter'!
I do not know if I am a considered a 'prophet' by any stretch of the imagination. I am not saying that I am. What I am saying is that History repeats itself and we can look to the actions of those in the past to predict the actions of those who are doing the same things in the present!
Yet we have seen 'prophets' rejected even back before the time of Jesus! In Matthew 23:34-36 we see Jesus speaking about how the prophets He has sent have been rejected time and again:
34 ``Therefore, behold, I am sending you prophets and wise men and scribes; some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city,35 so that upon you may fall the guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.36 Truly I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation.
So when people speak the truth, whether it be from God directly, or whether it be from knowing the where the actions of those leading us will lead if we continue to let them go down that path, why is it that so many do not take it to heart? Why do so many dismiss it out of hand? Why do so many think that the person who is speaking this truth is a 'Kook'?
Is it because your hearts have hardened so much that you no longer recognize truth when you see it?
Today, of all the times in the world to have the privilege of living, we can research the facts given so easily! Just twenty years ago we did not have this ability. If someone did research, they had to go to actual libraries and spend hours researching facts to come to the truth behind what someone was saying. They had to go to the archives of newspapers and seek through microfilm to find the reference that would allow you to pull up the actual newspaper and read what it actually said back at that time! Today we have the internet and search engines! We have the ability to type in key words and pull up tons of information that has been written about those key words!
Now it is true that you have to use reason and logic and follow sources listed and check them out to find out if they're true or not in order to disseminate whether what you pull up is accurate or not. But you can do that in record time today! Why do people not do this? It is so easy!
The simple answer is that, because it is so easy, we have become lazy! We do not see if someone is lying or telling the truth! We simply render a judgment on what we already perceive to be the truth and either judge it to be accurate or false on our perception! What ever happened to doing your homework?
What if what someone says is actually from God in His effort to put a stop to what is happening today through the warnings of the past? What if you have dismissed what this person has said without doing the research? What if it comes true? What if, had you listened to the person previously, you could have been instrumental in stopping it from happening? What if you had that opportunity and you failed in it? What if millions of people were killed because of your inaction?
Personally, I'm not willing to be one of these people who are indifferent to the truth! I do my research! I do my fact checking! I do compare everything I have to God's Word and see whether it lines up with His truth or not!
Mostly, and most important to me, I do not want to stand before the Throne of God and have no excuse for me not doing everything I can do to help other people come to a saving knowledge of Him in my lifetime! I do not want to stand before my Lord and my God and have Him be disappointed in what He gave me to work with and not having done all I can with it for His glory! Even though I am already afraid I have failed Him for the past I have lived.
So what about you today? Will you stand idly by and dismiss what is the truth because you didn't do your homework? Will you stand before the Throne of God and have no excuse because you stayed silent when you could have spoken out?
All it takes for Evil to succeed is for Good Men to do nothing!
May God bless you all this day!
I would like to talk about our attitude of careless disregard today. I don't know how or why, when someone speaks the truth about any situation, they can be dismissed out of hand by uncaring people because what they speak about 'does not really matter'!
I do not know if I am a considered a 'prophet' by any stretch of the imagination. I am not saying that I am. What I am saying is that History repeats itself and we can look to the actions of those in the past to predict the actions of those who are doing the same things in the present!
Yet we have seen 'prophets' rejected even back before the time of Jesus! In Matthew 23:34-36 we see Jesus speaking about how the prophets He has sent have been rejected time and again:
34 ``Therefore, behold, I am sending you prophets and wise men and scribes; some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city,35 so that upon you may fall the guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.36 Truly I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation.
So when people speak the truth, whether it be from God directly, or whether it be from knowing the where the actions of those leading us will lead if we continue to let them go down that path, why is it that so many do not take it to heart? Why do so many dismiss it out of hand? Why do so many think that the person who is speaking this truth is a 'Kook'?
Is it because your hearts have hardened so much that you no longer recognize truth when you see it?
Today, of all the times in the world to have the privilege of living, we can research the facts given so easily! Just twenty years ago we did not have this ability. If someone did research, they had to go to actual libraries and spend hours researching facts to come to the truth behind what someone was saying. They had to go to the archives of newspapers and seek through microfilm to find the reference that would allow you to pull up the actual newspaper and read what it actually said back at that time! Today we have the internet and search engines! We have the ability to type in key words and pull up tons of information that has been written about those key words!
Now it is true that you have to use reason and logic and follow sources listed and check them out to find out if they're true or not in order to disseminate whether what you pull up is accurate or not. But you can do that in record time today! Why do people not do this? It is so easy!
The simple answer is that, because it is so easy, we have become lazy! We do not see if someone is lying or telling the truth! We simply render a judgment on what we already perceive to be the truth and either judge it to be accurate or false on our perception! What ever happened to doing your homework?
What if what someone says is actually from God in His effort to put a stop to what is happening today through the warnings of the past? What if you have dismissed what this person has said without doing the research? What if it comes true? What if, had you listened to the person previously, you could have been instrumental in stopping it from happening? What if you had that opportunity and you failed in it? What if millions of people were killed because of your inaction?
Personally, I'm not willing to be one of these people who are indifferent to the truth! I do my research! I do my fact checking! I do compare everything I have to God's Word and see whether it lines up with His truth or not!
Mostly, and most important to me, I do not want to stand before the Throne of God and have no excuse for me not doing everything I can do to help other people come to a saving knowledge of Him in my lifetime! I do not want to stand before my Lord and my God and have Him be disappointed in what He gave me to work with and not having done all I can with it for His glory! Even though I am already afraid I have failed Him for the past I have lived.
So what about you today? Will you stand idly by and dismiss what is the truth because you didn't do your homework? Will you stand before the Throne of God and have no excuse because you stayed silent when you could have spoken out?
All it takes for Evil to succeed is for Good Men to do nothing!
May God bless you all this day!
27 September 2011
Take Up Your Cross
Hello Guys and Gals!
I have been pondering the question of what does it mean to take up your cross and follow Jesus. Matthew 16:24-27 reads,
24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, ``If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. 25 For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. 26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? 27 For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and WILL THEN REPAY EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS.
But what does this truly mean? I have been thinking about it and this is the conclusion I have come to!
Will you be in such stress during prayer that you sweat blood?
Will you be willing to have one you love dearly betray you completely?
Will you be willing to have the rest of the people who should be supporting you in your time of need turn their backs upon you and abandon you?
Will you be willing to stand before a court where they are lying to bring charges against you and not say a word in your defense?
Will you be willing to be whipped and scoured?
Will you be willing to be beaten so badly that you are no longer recognized as a man?
Will you be willing to carry your cross through a crowd of people who are beating and spitting on you as you pass, cursing you through it all?
Will you be willing to be stripped naked and nailed to that cross with spikes piercing your wrists and feet?
Will you be willing to hang from that cross, being made a curse, having to life your body with your arms and legs in order to take a breath?
Will you be willing to hang there, naked and bleeding, before your own mother and loved ones?
Will you be willing to be ridiculed by those who are being tortured similarly as you are?
Will you be willing to speak the truth even during all this so that you can say to someone that you love them and forgive them?
Will you be willing to have your side pierced with a spear to prove that you are truly dead?
Will you be willing to have people hate you, even after you are dead, because of the truth you speak?
Will you be willing to do all of this just so that you can speak the truth of God's love to those who are lost?
This is what it means to take up your cross and follow after Jesus! I do not know if you will face any of the above things I have listed, or if you will face some newly devised torture in the minds of those that hate Jesus Christ. But I do know that you will face something of the sort if you are to truly take up your cross and follow Jesus Christ!
Pretty scary stuff huh? But do you not also know that Jesus has already done this for us? Do you not also know that He will be there with us as we go through what we are to go through? Do you not also know that great will be your reward in Heaven?
Lord Jesus Christ, I will take up my cross and follow You no matter what I have to face!
May God, the Lord of all creation, bless you all this day!
I have been pondering the question of what does it mean to take up your cross and follow Jesus. Matthew 16:24-27 reads,
24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, ``If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. 25 For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. 26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? 27 For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and WILL THEN REPAY EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS.
But what does this truly mean? I have been thinking about it and this is the conclusion I have come to!
Will you be in such stress during prayer that you sweat blood?
Will you be willing to have one you love dearly betray you completely?
Will you be willing to have the rest of the people who should be supporting you in your time of need turn their backs upon you and abandon you?
Will you be willing to stand before a court where they are lying to bring charges against you and not say a word in your defense?
Will you be willing to be whipped and scoured?
Will you be willing to be beaten so badly that you are no longer recognized as a man?
Will you be willing to carry your cross through a crowd of people who are beating and spitting on you as you pass, cursing you through it all?
Will you be willing to be stripped naked and nailed to that cross with spikes piercing your wrists and feet?
Will you be willing to hang from that cross, being made a curse, having to life your body with your arms and legs in order to take a breath?
Will you be willing to hang there, naked and bleeding, before your own mother and loved ones?
Will you be willing to be ridiculed by those who are being tortured similarly as you are?
Will you be willing to speak the truth even during all this so that you can say to someone that you love them and forgive them?
Will you be willing to have your side pierced with a spear to prove that you are truly dead?
Will you be willing to have people hate you, even after you are dead, because of the truth you speak?
Will you be willing to do all of this just so that you can speak the truth of God's love to those who are lost?
This is what it means to take up your cross and follow after Jesus! I do not know if you will face any of the above things I have listed, or if you will face some newly devised torture in the minds of those that hate Jesus Christ. But I do know that you will face something of the sort if you are to truly take up your cross and follow Jesus Christ!
Pretty scary stuff huh? But do you not also know that Jesus has already done this for us? Do you not also know that He will be there with us as we go through what we are to go through? Do you not also know that great will be your reward in Heaven?
Lord Jesus Christ, I will take up my cross and follow You no matter what I have to face!
May God, the Lord of all creation, bless you all this day!
21 September 2011
Israel as a Nation
Hello Guys and Gals!
This is a history of the re-establishment of Israel that I put together as a response to a debate I was having and I thought I'd share it here!
The re-establishment of Israel as a nation has been a promise of God for many centuries now! Here take a look at what Isaiah 66:7-17 says:
7 "Before she travailed, she brought forth; Before her pain came, she gave birth to a boy. 8 "Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forth all at once? As soon as Zion travailed, she also brought forth her sons. 9 "Shall I bring to the point of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD. "Or shall I who gives delivery shut the womb? " says your God. 10 "Be joyful with Jerusalem and rejoice for her, all you who love her; Be exceedingly glad with her, all you who mourn over her, 11 That you may nurse and be satisfied with her comforting breasts, That you may suck and be delighted with her bountiful bosom." 12 For thus says the LORD, "Behold, I extend peace to her like a river, And the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; And you will be nursed, you will be carried on the hip and fondled on the knees. 13 "As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; And you will be comforted in Jerusalem." 14 Then you will see this, and your heart will be glad, And your bones will flourish like the new grass; And the hand of the LORD will be made known to His servants, But He will be indignant toward His enemies. 15 For behold, the LORD will come in fire And His chariots like the whirlwind, To render His anger with fury, And His rebuke with flames of fire. 16 For the LORD will execute judgment by fire And by His sword on all flesh, And those slain by the LORD will be many. 17 "Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go to the gardens, Following one in the center, Who eat swine's flesh, detestable things and mice, Will come to an end altogether," declares the LORD.
Not only does this passage call for the Israel Nation being born in one day, but also that God will be indignant toward His enemies and punish them with His fury!
UN Resolution 181:
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 formalized British policy preferring the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people! The Ottoman Empire ended by the end of World War I! Britain who ruled the area sent Sir Herbert Samuel to facilitate the establishment of a Jewish State. In 1937, the British recommended dividing the country into 2 separate states; one Jewish and one Arab. This plan was accepted by leaders of the Jewish movement but flatly rejected by the Arabs. The Arabs did not want to recognize Israel or give Israelis a homeland at all. Their top priority was the destruction of Israel and not obtaining a National State for their people.
In May 1948, President Harry Truman announced his support for UN Resolution 181. Un Resolution was the partition plan to divide the land between Jews and Arabs. This was seen by Israel as the beginning of the United States support of Israel and Israel and the USA have been strong allies up until the Obama Administration! Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948!
On May 15, 1948, one day after its independence, Israel was attacked in what is known as the Arab-Israeli War. The fighting continued until January 1949. In this war Israel was invaded by 6 Arab armies. Egypt, Iraq, Arab Legion of Trans Jordan were all part of the armies invading Jerusalem. So Israel occupied the Western Section of Jerusalem and Jordan occupied the Eastern Section of Jerusalem, which included the Old City and most religious shrines. Even though the UN had committed itself to protect Jerusalem as an internationalized city, they didn’t lift a finger to protect them against the Arab invasion. It was the Israel defense forces that held back the attack of those Arab armies. During this Arab invasion, they expelled Jews who had lived in the Old City for generations and destroyed 50 synagogues and many study halls including the one where the Talmud was studied. So from 1948 – 1967, Jews were banned from the heart of Jerusalem and could not approach the Western Wall.
We also have the fact that Jordan occupied the West Bank, and many still do, which is a portion of the previous Palestine. Yet there is no Palestinian outcry of Jordan’s occupation.
In 1964, in Cairo, the Palestinian Liberation Organization was born. The stated goal of the PLO in their charter states “The destruction of the State of Israel through the arms struggle and replacing it with an independent Palestinian State between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean!”
In 1967, Egypt had joined forces with Jordan and Syria, and received significant military support from Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, and Algeria. In June 1967 was the Six Day War. Israel had ousted the Jordan occupation of the land and seized the Gaza Strip, the West Bank of the Jordan River, and Jerusalem. Israel even gave back the Sinai Peninsula in an attempt to keep the peace.
Yom Kippur War:
In 1973, we have the Yom Kippur War which was fought by a coalition led by Egypt and Syria against Israel. It was Egypt and Syria who started this war when their forced crossed the cease fire line and the Golan Heights. They attacked during Yom Kippur, one of the holiest days of the year for Israel, in an attempt to catch Israel off guard. 180 Israeli tanks faced an onslaught of 1400 Syrian tanks. Along the Suez Canal, 436 Israelis were attacked by 80,000 Egyptians. Their strategy was simple: remove Israel from the map! The US, under President Nixon, after an appeal from Golda Meier, stepped in to help Israel and replaced all they had lost under the Arab aggression.
This created tension and led to an oil embargo against the US. Peace talks continued for 6 years until the Camp David Accords of 1979 in which Israel, in an attempt to reach lasting peace, agreed to rezone and reallocate the Holy Land.
Yet instead of peace, Israel keeps a vigilant eye over their land against state sponsored terrorism and nuclear threat from the nations surrounding it.
Israel liberated the Old City of Jerusalem only after it was attacked and today Jerusalem is a different Jerusalem that is an open city to everyone. The only way Jerusalem stays protected for all faiths is under a free, democratic Israeli leadership. If Jerusalem were to be re-divided and half given to the administration of the Palestinian Authority, then religious freedom under that rule would come to an end!
Some of my references include:
The video of the History of Israel:
GBTV Glenn Beck Show air date of 9/13/2011:
Please note that you may need a subscription to view these resources but it is only $9.95 per month.
May God bless you all this day!
This is a history of the re-establishment of Israel that I put together as a response to a debate I was having and I thought I'd share it here!
The re-establishment of Israel as a nation has been a promise of God for many centuries now! Here take a look at what Isaiah 66:7-17 says:
7 "Before she travailed, she brought forth; Before her pain came, she gave birth to a boy. 8 "Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forth all at once? As soon as Zion travailed, she also brought forth her sons. 9 "Shall I bring to the point of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD. "Or shall I who gives delivery shut the womb? " says your God. 10 "Be joyful with Jerusalem and rejoice for her, all you who love her; Be exceedingly glad with her, all you who mourn over her, 11 That you may nurse and be satisfied with her comforting breasts, That you may suck and be delighted with her bountiful bosom." 12 For thus says the LORD, "Behold, I extend peace to her like a river, And the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; And you will be nursed, you will be carried on the hip and fondled on the knees. 13 "As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; And you will be comforted in Jerusalem." 14 Then you will see this, and your heart will be glad, And your bones will flourish like the new grass; And the hand of the LORD will be made known to His servants, But He will be indignant toward His enemies. 15 For behold, the LORD will come in fire And His chariots like the whirlwind, To render His anger with fury, And His rebuke with flames of fire. 16 For the LORD will execute judgment by fire And by His sword on all flesh, And those slain by the LORD will be many. 17 "Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go to the gardens, Following one in the center, Who eat swine's flesh, detestable things and mice, Will come to an end altogether," declares the LORD.
Not only does this passage call for the Israel Nation being born in one day, but also that God will be indignant toward His enemies and punish them with His fury!
UN Resolution 181:
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 formalized British policy preferring the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people! The Ottoman Empire ended by the end of World War I! Britain who ruled the area sent Sir Herbert Samuel to facilitate the establishment of a Jewish State. In 1937, the British recommended dividing the country into 2 separate states; one Jewish and one Arab. This plan was accepted by leaders of the Jewish movement but flatly rejected by the Arabs. The Arabs did not want to recognize Israel or give Israelis a homeland at all. Their top priority was the destruction of Israel and not obtaining a National State for their people.
In May 1948, President Harry Truman announced his support for UN Resolution 181. Un Resolution was the partition plan to divide the land between Jews and Arabs. This was seen by Israel as the beginning of the United States support of Israel and Israel and the USA have been strong allies up until the Obama Administration! Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948!
On May 15, 1948, one day after its independence, Israel was attacked in what is known as the Arab-Israeli War. The fighting continued until January 1949. In this war Israel was invaded by 6 Arab armies. Egypt, Iraq, Arab Legion of Trans Jordan were all part of the armies invading Jerusalem. So Israel occupied the Western Section of Jerusalem and Jordan occupied the Eastern Section of Jerusalem, which included the Old City and most religious shrines. Even though the UN had committed itself to protect Jerusalem as an internationalized city, they didn’t lift a finger to protect them against the Arab invasion. It was the Israel defense forces that held back the attack of those Arab armies. During this Arab invasion, they expelled Jews who had lived in the Old City for generations and destroyed 50 synagogues and many study halls including the one where the Talmud was studied. So from 1948 – 1967, Jews were banned from the heart of Jerusalem and could not approach the Western Wall.
We also have the fact that Jordan occupied the West Bank, and many still do, which is a portion of the previous Palestine. Yet there is no Palestinian outcry of Jordan’s occupation.
In 1964, in Cairo, the Palestinian Liberation Organization was born. The stated goal of the PLO in their charter states “The destruction of the State of Israel through the arms struggle and replacing it with an independent Palestinian State between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean!”
In 1967, Egypt had joined forces with Jordan and Syria, and received significant military support from Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, and Algeria. In June 1967 was the Six Day War. Israel had ousted the Jordan occupation of the land and seized the Gaza Strip, the West Bank of the Jordan River, and Jerusalem. Israel even gave back the Sinai Peninsula in an attempt to keep the peace.
Yom Kippur War:
In 1973, we have the Yom Kippur War which was fought by a coalition led by Egypt and Syria against Israel. It was Egypt and Syria who started this war when their forced crossed the cease fire line and the Golan Heights. They attacked during Yom Kippur, one of the holiest days of the year for Israel, in an attempt to catch Israel off guard. 180 Israeli tanks faced an onslaught of 1400 Syrian tanks. Along the Suez Canal, 436 Israelis were attacked by 80,000 Egyptians. Their strategy was simple: remove Israel from the map! The US, under President Nixon, after an appeal from Golda Meier, stepped in to help Israel and replaced all they had lost under the Arab aggression.
This created tension and led to an oil embargo against the US. Peace talks continued for 6 years until the Camp David Accords of 1979 in which Israel, in an attempt to reach lasting peace, agreed to rezone and reallocate the Holy Land.
Yet instead of peace, Israel keeps a vigilant eye over their land against state sponsored terrorism and nuclear threat from the nations surrounding it.
Israel liberated the Old City of Jerusalem only after it was attacked and today Jerusalem is a different Jerusalem that is an open city to everyone. The only way Jerusalem stays protected for all faiths is under a free, democratic Israeli leadership. If Jerusalem were to be re-divided and half given to the administration of the Palestinian Authority, then religious freedom under that rule would come to an end!
Some of my references include:
The video of the History of Israel:
GBTV Glenn Beck Show air date of 9/13/2011:
Please note that you may need a subscription to view these resources but it is only $9.95 per month.
May God bless you all this day!
20 September 2011
Sexual Purity
Hello Guys and Gals!
I recently faced a challenge to my life that I truly did not think I would face to such a degree. The challenge was whether or not I would agree to have sex with someone who was interested in me before marriage!
Years ago I made the promise to God to not have sex with anyone other than my future wife and that would only happen AFTER I married her! I believe in sexual purity. True that I am not a virgin. True that I have gone to the extreme when I have had sex in my past, even taking drugs to enhance the sex so that I could FEEL it all the more! I indulged and I am ashamed of it! I never had real satisfaction from any of those sexual encounters. I never found fulfillment in my life from all those sexual conquests. And if you think you have gone as far as I have, I have a few friends who can tell you that you surely have not!
Let me tell you a truth: there is no fulfillment or satisfaction in sex before a true commitment in marriage with the blessing of God upon it! You will not find it! You will never find it until you seek God first and a Godly wife second!
This challenge was very tough on me because it has been years since I felt attractive in a woman's sight. It has been years since I faced this kind of challenge! And before that I always had the aide of drugs to help entice those I would desire to sleep with! Yes the drugs I used are sexual enhancement aids! And with all that, I found NO satisfaction whatsoever!
I implore each and every one of you to re-examine your life like I have done! I ask that if there is anything in your life that goes against God's laws, that you take it to Him and repent. This means you ask His forgiveness for it and turn away from it and go the other direction! Repent means to never want to do it again, even though the desire may still be there! Please do this, not for me, but for yourselves because you will find true joy and happiness if you do this! For true fulfillment and satisfaction, sexual and otherwise, can only be found in Godly relationships through God Himself!
May God bless you all this day!
I recently faced a challenge to my life that I truly did not think I would face to such a degree. The challenge was whether or not I would agree to have sex with someone who was interested in me before marriage!
Years ago I made the promise to God to not have sex with anyone other than my future wife and that would only happen AFTER I married her! I believe in sexual purity. True that I am not a virgin. True that I have gone to the extreme when I have had sex in my past, even taking drugs to enhance the sex so that I could FEEL it all the more! I indulged and I am ashamed of it! I never had real satisfaction from any of those sexual encounters. I never found fulfillment in my life from all those sexual conquests. And if you think you have gone as far as I have, I have a few friends who can tell you that you surely have not!
Let me tell you a truth: there is no fulfillment or satisfaction in sex before a true commitment in marriage with the blessing of God upon it! You will not find it! You will never find it until you seek God first and a Godly wife second!
This challenge was very tough on me because it has been years since I felt attractive in a woman's sight. It has been years since I faced this kind of challenge! And before that I always had the aide of drugs to help entice those I would desire to sleep with! Yes the drugs I used are sexual enhancement aids! And with all that, I found NO satisfaction whatsoever!
I implore each and every one of you to re-examine your life like I have done! I ask that if there is anything in your life that goes against God's laws, that you take it to Him and repent. This means you ask His forgiveness for it and turn away from it and go the other direction! Repent means to never want to do it again, even though the desire may still be there! Please do this, not for me, but for yourselves because you will find true joy and happiness if you do this! For true fulfillment and satisfaction, sexual and otherwise, can only be found in Godly relationships through God Himself!
May God bless you all this day!
11 September 2011
Remembering 9/11
Hello Guys and Gals,
This morning, as we remember those who were lost in that horrible attack 10 years ago, I think Psalm 18:4-15 is appropriate:
4 The cords of death encompassed me, And the torrents of ungodliness terrified me.5 The cords of Sheol surrounded me; The snares of death confronted me.6 In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried to my God for help; He heard my voice out of His temple, And my cry for help before Him came into His ears.
7 Then the earth shook and quaked; And the foundations of the mountains were trembling And were shaken, because He was angry.8 Smoke went up out of His nostrils, And fire from His mouth devoured; Coals were kindled by it.9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down With thick darkness under His feet.10 He rode upon a cherub and flew; And He sped upon the wings of the wind.11 He made darkness His hiding place, His canopy around Him, Darkness of waters, thick clouds of the skies.12 From the brightness before Him passed His thick clouds, Hailstones and coals of fire.13 The LORD also thundered in the heavens, And the Most High uttered His voice, Hailstones and coals of fire.14 He sent out His arrows, and scattered them, And lightning flashes in abundance, and routed them.15 Then the channels of water appeared, And the foundations of the world were laid bare At Your rebuke, O LORD, At the blast of the breath of Your nostrils.
We will have troubles and distress! Yet the Lord God Almighty loves us so much that He folds over the very heavens in his efforts to reach down to save us from these troubles and distresses! So great and awesome is the Lord God that He reaches through time and space, which cannot bar Him for He is the One who created them, in order to save us! In order to bring us comfort! In order that we can have peace in Him!
Today, as you remember, know that God is there with you this day and even that day!
Grace and peace of Jesus Christ be with you all today!
This morning, as we remember those who were lost in that horrible attack 10 years ago, I think Psalm 18:4-15 is appropriate:
4 The cords of death encompassed me, And the torrents of ungodliness terrified me.5 The cords of Sheol surrounded me; The snares of death confronted me.6 In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried to my God for help; He heard my voice out of His temple, And my cry for help before Him came into His ears.
7 Then the earth shook and quaked; And the foundations of the mountains were trembling And were shaken, because He was angry.8 Smoke went up out of His nostrils, And fire from His mouth devoured; Coals were kindled by it.9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down With thick darkness under His feet.10 He rode upon a cherub and flew; And He sped upon the wings of the wind.11 He made darkness His hiding place, His canopy around Him, Darkness of waters, thick clouds of the skies.12 From the brightness before Him passed His thick clouds, Hailstones and coals of fire.13 The LORD also thundered in the heavens, And the Most High uttered His voice, Hailstones and coals of fire.14 He sent out His arrows, and scattered them, And lightning flashes in abundance, and routed them.15 Then the channels of water appeared, And the foundations of the world were laid bare At Your rebuke, O LORD, At the blast of the breath of Your nostrils.
We will have troubles and distress! Yet the Lord God Almighty loves us so much that He folds over the very heavens in his efforts to reach down to save us from these troubles and distresses! So great and awesome is the Lord God that He reaches through time and space, which cannot bar Him for He is the One who created them, in order to save us! In order to bring us comfort! In order that we can have peace in Him!
Today, as you remember, know that God is there with you this day and even that day!
Grace and peace of Jesus Christ be with you all today!
02 September 2011
Where I've Been
Hello Guys and Gals!
I know I haven't written lately. Bear with me please. I have had a lot of things going on with moving into my new place, the sprained ankle, and many other things. I will resume soon!
God bless you all this day!
I know I haven't written lately. Bear with me please. I have had a lot of things going on with moving into my new place, the sprained ankle, and many other things. I will resume soon!
God bless you all this day!
14 August 2011
My Declaration That Jesus Is Lord
Hello Guys and Gals!
I would like to start off with Psalm 18:1-2:
1 "I love You, O Lord, my strength."
2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge;
My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
I love how David, at the end of his life, looks back upon his life on his deathbed and writes this psalm! He describes God as his rock, or better described as a rock in the desert which provides shade so that life sprouts in the shade of this rock. He describes God as his fortress, or better explained as the only secure structure on which he depends. He describes God as his deliverer, the One who has delivered him out of the hands of his enemies. He describes God as the One in Whom he takes his refuge or seeks his safety. He describes God as his shield, or the barrier by which nothing can get by to attack him. He describes God as the horn of his salvation, or the instrument singularly responsible for sounding the clarion call so that he is saved from sin. He describes God as his stronghold, the place of security and strength upon which he could rest from all his worries and strife. Think about each and every one of these descriptions carefully as how David thought about God at the end of his life!
Now let us look upon Ephesians 6:10-17:
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.14 Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;16 in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
We are supposed to gird ourselves with the Armor of God so that we can stand! Yes, that's right... stand! We are supposed to stand against all that opposes God, His Son, and His Spirit!
Now let's take a look at Jesus' words in Matthew 10:32-39:
32 "Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven.
33 "But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.
34 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.35 "For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
36 and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household.
37 "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.38 "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.
39 "He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.
We are to confess that Jesus is our Lord before everyone, even if it puts our very own loved ones and family against us. We are to put Him first in all things!
So we are to Stand and Confess to the world that Jesus Christ is Lord!
Now let us look at a great man who did just that. Let us look at Elijah who Stood up to Baal and Confessed that God was greater than Baal. Let's look at 1 Kings 18:24-28:
24 "Then you call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the Lord, and the God who answers by fire, He is God." And all the people said, "That is a good idea."
25 So Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, "Choose one ox for yourselves and prepare it first for you are many, and call on the name of your god, but put no fire under it. "26 Then they took the ox which was given them and they prepared it and called on the name of Baal from morning until noon saying, "O Baal, answer us." But there was no voice and no one answered. And they leaped about the altar which they made.27 It came about at noon, that Elijah mocked them and said, "Call out with a loud voice, for he is a god; either he is occupied or gone aside, or is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and needs to be awakened."28 So they cried with a loud voice and cut themselves according to their custom with swords and lances until the blood gushed out on them.
We see here that, not only did Elijah stand and confess that God was greater than Baal, but he challenged Baal to a fight against God to see who was truly God. Further, we see Elijah taunting the prophets of Baal in front of all the crowd gathered that day to try harder and harder even getting them to spill their own blood to try and get Baal to answer them!
So now I get to the whole point of my message today. Is the situation in the Old Testament or even any in the New Testament any different from what is going on today? We have many other religions and other gods out there who are either claiming that they are the same as YHWH, the one true God, or that they're the true way to heaven and that following YHWH is the wrong path. And since Political Correctness entered the world, it is wrong to stand up and confess that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. On top of that, we are supposed to be considerate of their religious beliefs and not declare that they are wrong. Further, we are supposed to let them do anything they want to us: lie, cheat, steal, and even kill us Christians with the furtherance of their religion and we are not supposed to even defend ourselves against them.
I'm here to tell you right now that Allah is not YHWH! He never has been and never will be. The problem with the religion of Islam and their belief that Allah is YHWH is in how they have changed the characteristics of YHWH into some distorted misrepresentation of what God truly is. In doing this, they have defined Allah as something other than what He truly is and therefore have clearly said that they are not followers and believers of YHWH or Jesus!
Yet we, as Christians, are not supposed to speak out against Islam because theirs is a religion of peace. FALSE! Not only is it written in the Quran that they are allowed to lie to infidels, or non Muslims, to achieve the world wide dominion of Islam, but they are even encouraged to do everything they can, even killing when they see fit to do so!
Yet we see a similar situation with Baal in the Old Testament and Elijah standing up to that false god! What happened? Did God punish Elijah for not speaking to the followers of Baal in love? Did God punish Elijah for not being tolerant of their beliefs? Did God punish Elijah for taunting their priests in front of the crowds? No, He did not! As a matter of fact, God showed His power to those same crowds because of the belief of one man, Elijah, who Stood and Proclaimed the power of God to those believers of a false god!
I say to you today that God has not changed! He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He will show His power through the believers in Him if we Stand and Confess Him to the world! Shoot, let's even taunt the believers of false gods into a battle with our God! I say let us Stand up and Confess that Jesus is Lord and that He is the only way to Salvation and Heaven and that all other gods are false, especially Allah of that false religion of Islam!
Do you have the courage to do that today? I do!
I stand and proclaim that Allah is a false and impotent god who has no power! I stand and proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only way to Salvation is through Him and any who do not believe in Him will burn eternally in Gehenna, the lake of fire! I stand and challenge any who believe otherwise to a fight with my Lord and my God Who will utterly destroy any who stand in opposition against Him!
May God give you the convictions of your heart and the courage to do as I have done today and declare that Jesus is Lord and nobody can reach Heaven unless they come to Him for salvation!
The Lord bless each and every one of you this day!
I would like to start off with Psalm 18:1-2:
1 "I love You, O Lord, my strength."
2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge;
My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
I love how David, at the end of his life, looks back upon his life on his deathbed and writes this psalm! He describes God as his rock, or better described as a rock in the desert which provides shade so that life sprouts in the shade of this rock. He describes God as his fortress, or better explained as the only secure structure on which he depends. He describes God as his deliverer, the One who has delivered him out of the hands of his enemies. He describes God as the One in Whom he takes his refuge or seeks his safety. He describes God as his shield, or the barrier by which nothing can get by to attack him. He describes God as the horn of his salvation, or the instrument singularly responsible for sounding the clarion call so that he is saved from sin. He describes God as his stronghold, the place of security and strength upon which he could rest from all his worries and strife. Think about each and every one of these descriptions carefully as how David thought about God at the end of his life!
Now let us look upon Ephesians 6:10-17:
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.14 Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;16 in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
We are supposed to gird ourselves with the Armor of God so that we can stand! Yes, that's right... stand! We are supposed to stand against all that opposes God, His Son, and His Spirit!
Now let's take a look at Jesus' words in Matthew 10:32-39:
32 "Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven.
33 "But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.
34 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.35 "For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
36 and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household.
37 "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.38 "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.
39 "He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.
We are to confess that Jesus is our Lord before everyone, even if it puts our very own loved ones and family against us. We are to put Him first in all things!
So we are to Stand and Confess to the world that Jesus Christ is Lord!
Now let us look at a great man who did just that. Let us look at Elijah who Stood up to Baal and Confessed that God was greater than Baal. Let's look at 1 Kings 18:24-28:
24 "Then you call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the Lord, and the God who answers by fire, He is God." And all the people said, "That is a good idea."
25 So Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, "Choose one ox for yourselves and prepare it first for you are many, and call on the name of your god, but put no fire under it. "26 Then they took the ox which was given them and they prepared it and called on the name of Baal from morning until noon saying, "O Baal, answer us." But there was no voice and no one answered. And they leaped about the altar which they made.27 It came about at noon, that Elijah mocked them and said, "Call out with a loud voice, for he is a god; either he is occupied or gone aside, or is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and needs to be awakened."28 So they cried with a loud voice and cut themselves according to their custom with swords and lances until the blood gushed out on them.
We see here that, not only did Elijah stand and confess that God was greater than Baal, but he challenged Baal to a fight against God to see who was truly God. Further, we see Elijah taunting the prophets of Baal in front of all the crowd gathered that day to try harder and harder even getting them to spill their own blood to try and get Baal to answer them!
So now I get to the whole point of my message today. Is the situation in the Old Testament or even any in the New Testament any different from what is going on today? We have many other religions and other gods out there who are either claiming that they are the same as YHWH, the one true God, or that they're the true way to heaven and that following YHWH is the wrong path. And since Political Correctness entered the world, it is wrong to stand up and confess that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. On top of that, we are supposed to be considerate of their religious beliefs and not declare that they are wrong. Further, we are supposed to let them do anything they want to us: lie, cheat, steal, and even kill us Christians with the furtherance of their religion and we are not supposed to even defend ourselves against them.
I'm here to tell you right now that Allah is not YHWH! He never has been and never will be. The problem with the religion of Islam and their belief that Allah is YHWH is in how they have changed the characteristics of YHWH into some distorted misrepresentation of what God truly is. In doing this, they have defined Allah as something other than what He truly is and therefore have clearly said that they are not followers and believers of YHWH or Jesus!
Yet we, as Christians, are not supposed to speak out against Islam because theirs is a religion of peace. FALSE! Not only is it written in the Quran that they are allowed to lie to infidels, or non Muslims, to achieve the world wide dominion of Islam, but they are even encouraged to do everything they can, even killing when they see fit to do so!
Yet we see a similar situation with Baal in the Old Testament and Elijah standing up to that false god! What happened? Did God punish Elijah for not speaking to the followers of Baal in love? Did God punish Elijah for not being tolerant of their beliefs? Did God punish Elijah for taunting their priests in front of the crowds? No, He did not! As a matter of fact, God showed His power to those same crowds because of the belief of one man, Elijah, who Stood and Proclaimed the power of God to those believers of a false god!
I say to you today that God has not changed! He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He will show His power through the believers in Him if we Stand and Confess Him to the world! Shoot, let's even taunt the believers of false gods into a battle with our God! I say let us Stand up and Confess that Jesus is Lord and that He is the only way to Salvation and Heaven and that all other gods are false, especially Allah of that false religion of Islam!
Do you have the courage to do that today? I do!
I stand and proclaim that Allah is a false and impotent god who has no power! I stand and proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only way to Salvation is through Him and any who do not believe in Him will burn eternally in Gehenna, the lake of fire! I stand and challenge any who believe otherwise to a fight with my Lord and my God Who will utterly destroy any who stand in opposition against Him!
May God give you the convictions of your heart and the courage to do as I have done today and declare that Jesus is Lord and nobody can reach Heaven unless they come to Him for salvation!
The Lord bless each and every one of you this day!
29 July 2011
The Image Of Jesus Christ!
Hello Guys and Gals!
I would like to thank you all who keep reading my blog for your continued reading of it. I never expected all of you to keep reading it faithfully as many of you do. Thank you!
Lately I have received many compliments on who I am. I have been told I am a good man, I have a good heart, I am doing good things in my life. And I am here to tell you all that you are wrong! It is not me that you see but Jesus within me!
I remember a time not too long ago when people did not like to be around me. It was said of me, 'You are just not a good person!' People did not like me to be around... period. And yet, I still did not change. I was too good for them 'jerks' who did not understand that I was smarter and better looking than them. I'm sure every one of you have had similar thoughts when someone says something bad about you.
Then something funny happened. Jesus decided that I had been running around long enough trying to do life my way and He decided to remind me of the commitment I had made to Him all those many years ago when He saved me. He then reached out and touched my heart with His unshakable love. In that moment, He showed me what the image of Him was that others were seeing in me. I am ashamed of how I portrayed Him to others all those years of my life! So now I live for Him! All that I do now is for His glory and the good you see in me is Jesus within me doing these things!
I guess I'm just tired of hearing about how everyone is putting off a bad image of Christ in their standing up for His truth and laws and His definitions of what sin is! Today we see Christians being attacked by non-Christians and even some Christians for not being tolerant or loving enough to those who are not Christian; such as Muslims, Gays, or anyone else who does not like Christianity! Let me remind you of a few things that are a direct result of loving Christians: Schools, Hospitals, and Charities. That's right, even the earliest known schools were because Christians thought that everyone should be able to read and write and get an education. And Hospitals because Christians thought that everyone should have access to good medical care. And while Charities may have existed before Christians, it was because of Christians that Charities have grown and become so worthy of us sending our money to help others through them; they started through churches and their outreach programs to help depraved communities!
Do not think that the image of Jesus Christ that is within Christians does not shine! It does and we should be proud of His light shining through us to the world! We have often heard of how some people put a bad image of Christ out there for the world to look upon. But seldom do we hear about the good image of Christ. Well that image is much more prevalent than the bad image and the world that sees it, hates it! They want nothing more to do than to keep others from seeing it because they know it is a good thing and they don't want to bring attention to it because they still have sin in their life they have not faced yet and that scares the hell into them! That's right! I said it scares the hell INTO them! This is because their fear of facing that sin is so powerful that they literally bring hellish, evil ways to bear in their attempts to keep the world from seeing it. Pray for the world that God opens their eyes to the truth!
And for all the mighty lights of Jesus Christ out there who are showing a good image of Jesus Christ to the world... do not be discouraged and keep letting your light shine! Even though the world hates your light, let it shine forth and pierce the darkness in their hearts! Thank you today for letting that light shine into my heart and helping me to face the sin in my own life! For now I am also shining the light of Jesus Christ that is in me to the world and all the good that you see in me, is wholly and completely coming from Jesus Christ within me!
God bless you all this day!
I would like to thank you all who keep reading my blog for your continued reading of it. I never expected all of you to keep reading it faithfully as many of you do. Thank you!
Lately I have received many compliments on who I am. I have been told I am a good man, I have a good heart, I am doing good things in my life. And I am here to tell you all that you are wrong! It is not me that you see but Jesus within me!
I remember a time not too long ago when people did not like to be around me. It was said of me, 'You are just not a good person!' People did not like me to be around... period. And yet, I still did not change. I was too good for them 'jerks' who did not understand that I was smarter and better looking than them. I'm sure every one of you have had similar thoughts when someone says something bad about you.
Then something funny happened. Jesus decided that I had been running around long enough trying to do life my way and He decided to remind me of the commitment I had made to Him all those many years ago when He saved me. He then reached out and touched my heart with His unshakable love. In that moment, He showed me what the image of Him was that others were seeing in me. I am ashamed of how I portrayed Him to others all those years of my life! So now I live for Him! All that I do now is for His glory and the good you see in me is Jesus within me doing these things!
I guess I'm just tired of hearing about how everyone is putting off a bad image of Christ in their standing up for His truth and laws and His definitions of what sin is! Today we see Christians being attacked by non-Christians and even some Christians for not being tolerant or loving enough to those who are not Christian; such as Muslims, Gays, or anyone else who does not like Christianity! Let me remind you of a few things that are a direct result of loving Christians: Schools, Hospitals, and Charities. That's right, even the earliest known schools were because Christians thought that everyone should be able to read and write and get an education. And Hospitals because Christians thought that everyone should have access to good medical care. And while Charities may have existed before Christians, it was because of Christians that Charities have grown and become so worthy of us sending our money to help others through them; they started through churches and their outreach programs to help depraved communities!
Do not think that the image of Jesus Christ that is within Christians does not shine! It does and we should be proud of His light shining through us to the world! We have often heard of how some people put a bad image of Christ out there for the world to look upon. But seldom do we hear about the good image of Christ. Well that image is much more prevalent than the bad image and the world that sees it, hates it! They want nothing more to do than to keep others from seeing it because they know it is a good thing and they don't want to bring attention to it because they still have sin in their life they have not faced yet and that scares the hell into them! That's right! I said it scares the hell INTO them! This is because their fear of facing that sin is so powerful that they literally bring hellish, evil ways to bear in their attempts to keep the world from seeing it. Pray for the world that God opens their eyes to the truth!
And for all the mighty lights of Jesus Christ out there who are showing a good image of Jesus Christ to the world... do not be discouraged and keep letting your light shine! Even though the world hates your light, let it shine forth and pierce the darkness in their hearts! Thank you today for letting that light shine into my heart and helping me to face the sin in my own life! For now I am also shining the light of Jesus Christ that is in me to the world and all the good that you see in me, is wholly and completely coming from Jesus Christ within me!
God bless you all this day!
22 July 2011
Accepting Them Just As They Are!
Hello Guys and Gals!
This one is a tough one to write because it deals a lot with my past! I am talking about being a drug addict and what people think of them. Too often I see how people who do not and have not done drugs look down upon those who have, even if they are now clean and beaten the addiction! This frustrates me. I'm here to let you know that a drug addict is just like everyone else. They make mistakes. Big ones even. But just like everyone else, they sometimes find their way out of that life and fix their life. Yet others are unforgivable of them because they had the audacity to have done something so socially unacceptable in the first place.
Well, let's talk about that. I've seen and met people who have never done drugs or even touched a drop of alcohol who do not have the compassion and love in their hearts that some addicts do even when they're abusing! It isn't about being an addict or not. It is about the person! And addicts, just like ever social level, have the good ones and bad ones in it.
Talk about hypocrisy huh? You have people who do not do drugs and look down their noses at those who have and beaten them, yet they do things like marital infidelity, abuse prescription medications, smoke way too much, whatever. The fact is that everyone has some sort of sin in their life and to look down upon those with a different sin than yours is outright hypocrisy!
Do you know why the biggest sinners sometimes turn out to be the hardest workers and most devoted to Christ's cause than others? It is because they were forgiven by God for so very much! Look at it this way, if you owed someone $5.00 and they forgave you, you'd probably thank them and maybe take them out to lunch or something. But if you owed $100,000.00 or more and they forgave you, you'd want to do something much bigger and grander to show how much you appreciate what they did for you in the first place! It's not about owing and paying back. It is about doing something, anything you can think of, to show how much you appreciate the one who has forgiven you so much!
The hypocritical part is that most who have very little sin in their life are not forgiven, in their own eyes, for very much. In God's eyes, a little sin has the same punishment as a big sin, that of separation from God! That is what Salvation is all about, restoring us, the sinner, back to God so that our relationship with Him can be mended. Yet those who feel they only had a little to be forgiven do not look at it from God's eyes in that sin is sin no matter how small or big. Instead they feel like they're already living a good life and do not seek to do much more.
Don't get me wrong here. There are plenty people out there who have not done much wrong and do get it. There are those who commit wholly to God and know His view of sin very well!
So I guess what I'm getting at is this, the next time you see an addict, or murderer, or alcoholic, or thief, or even a liar; try and help them out of their sin and then be accepting of them as you would anyone else who is working at living a good life now. Go out of your way to help them know that you realize all they've been forgiven of and help them to show their appreciation for that forgiveness!
We call come from different pasts and we all have different futures. But what if we all had the same heart to seek to help others out of their sin and then be fully accepting of them just as they now are? Wouldn't that be a much better place?
May God bless you all this day!
This one is a tough one to write because it deals a lot with my past! I am talking about being a drug addict and what people think of them. Too often I see how people who do not and have not done drugs look down upon those who have, even if they are now clean and beaten the addiction! This frustrates me. I'm here to let you know that a drug addict is just like everyone else. They make mistakes. Big ones even. But just like everyone else, they sometimes find their way out of that life and fix their life. Yet others are unforgivable of them because they had the audacity to have done something so socially unacceptable in the first place.
Well, let's talk about that. I've seen and met people who have never done drugs or even touched a drop of alcohol who do not have the compassion and love in their hearts that some addicts do even when they're abusing! It isn't about being an addict or not. It is about the person! And addicts, just like ever social level, have the good ones and bad ones in it.
Talk about hypocrisy huh? You have people who do not do drugs and look down their noses at those who have and beaten them, yet they do things like marital infidelity, abuse prescription medications, smoke way too much, whatever. The fact is that everyone has some sort of sin in their life and to look down upon those with a different sin than yours is outright hypocrisy!
Do you know why the biggest sinners sometimes turn out to be the hardest workers and most devoted to Christ's cause than others? It is because they were forgiven by God for so very much! Look at it this way, if you owed someone $5.00 and they forgave you, you'd probably thank them and maybe take them out to lunch or something. But if you owed $100,000.00 or more and they forgave you, you'd want to do something much bigger and grander to show how much you appreciate what they did for you in the first place! It's not about owing and paying back. It is about doing something, anything you can think of, to show how much you appreciate the one who has forgiven you so much!
The hypocritical part is that most who have very little sin in their life are not forgiven, in their own eyes, for very much. In God's eyes, a little sin has the same punishment as a big sin, that of separation from God! That is what Salvation is all about, restoring us, the sinner, back to God so that our relationship with Him can be mended. Yet those who feel they only had a little to be forgiven do not look at it from God's eyes in that sin is sin no matter how small or big. Instead they feel like they're already living a good life and do not seek to do much more.
Don't get me wrong here. There are plenty people out there who have not done much wrong and do get it. There are those who commit wholly to God and know His view of sin very well!
So I guess what I'm getting at is this, the next time you see an addict, or murderer, or alcoholic, or thief, or even a liar; try and help them out of their sin and then be accepting of them as you would anyone else who is working at living a good life now. Go out of your way to help them know that you realize all they've been forgiven of and help them to show their appreciation for that forgiveness!
We call come from different pasts and we all have different futures. But what if we all had the same heart to seek to help others out of their sin and then be fully accepting of them just as they now are? Wouldn't that be a much better place?
May God bless you all this day!
13 July 2011
Repentance And Backsliding!
Hello Guys and Gals!
Have you ever repented of something only to find that you fail in your repentance time and time again? I have! I would like to share with you something I read this morning.
'And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out and wept bitterly.' Matthew 26:75
John Calvin says that Peter, probably in fear, ran away and hid somewhere to weep. Peter knew what he had boasted to Jesus and knew that he had failed Jesus in that boast. When Peter wept the tears were from a heart broken because he had failed his Lord! How many times this has happened to me must be as numerous as there are stars. I cannot tell you how many times I have had this same broken heart within me. It hurts. It is shameful. It is sure knowledge of my not ever being able to live the kind of life God wants me to live.
But John Calvin says that God does not despise weak repentance! And that our tears, shed in the private sanctuaries we retreat to, are testimony before God and the angels that our repentance is real, because the tears flow from the deep feelings of our hearts! He then talks about some who cannot shed tears at these times of deep repentance and says that even their repentance is just as real as those who do shed tears. In other words, it is not the tears that are the testimony, but the feelings of the heart! I believe this is where God looks to find the truth in all that we do and say. I believe it is from the motivations of your heart that God finds the truth of who you really are!
Think on this today: what are the motivations of your heart toward God, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your politicians, and even your enemies? Would God approve of them?
God bless each and every one of you this day!
Have you ever repented of something only to find that you fail in your repentance time and time again? I have! I would like to share with you something I read this morning.
'And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out and wept bitterly.' Matthew 26:75
John Calvin says that Peter, probably in fear, ran away and hid somewhere to weep. Peter knew what he had boasted to Jesus and knew that he had failed Jesus in that boast. When Peter wept the tears were from a heart broken because he had failed his Lord! How many times this has happened to me must be as numerous as there are stars. I cannot tell you how many times I have had this same broken heart within me. It hurts. It is shameful. It is sure knowledge of my not ever being able to live the kind of life God wants me to live.
But John Calvin says that God does not despise weak repentance! And that our tears, shed in the private sanctuaries we retreat to, are testimony before God and the angels that our repentance is real, because the tears flow from the deep feelings of our hearts! He then talks about some who cannot shed tears at these times of deep repentance and says that even their repentance is just as real as those who do shed tears. In other words, it is not the tears that are the testimony, but the feelings of the heart! I believe this is where God looks to find the truth in all that we do and say. I believe it is from the motivations of your heart that God finds the truth of who you really are!
Think on this today: what are the motivations of your heart toward God, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your politicians, and even your enemies? Would God approve of them?
God bless each and every one of you this day!
04 July 2011
Bigger Than America OR Made In America!
Hello Guys and Gals!
Happy Fourth of July to you all!
I like superhero movies and comic books and all things associated with them. Recently there have been two superheroes who have made statements which are diametrically opposed to each other. Superman has stated that his mission is 'bigger than America'! Captain America's statement is 'made in America'! Both seem to me to be directly competing against each other for the hearts and minds of America today. And these statements are also a fair indication of the political climate here in America today.
On Superman's side, we have those who believe that we should put the interests of the world above the interests of America even if it should cause Americans to suffer in the long run. On Captain America's side, we have those who believe that we should keep American interests as the primary focus and use what we have already secured for ourselves and help others to achieve the same through their own governments, but in no way are we to sacrifice the interests of America so that the world would advance!
I do not believe that Superman is right here! I believe it is Captain America to whom we should look for our inspiration today! I believe in American exceptionalism and it is that very exceptionalism that has made America the great nation it is today under God!
To get to the heart of the matter, we have the very principles and ideas which our founding fathers established into the Constitution under attack today. Liberals are saying that these principles and ideas are open to interpretation in lieu of the changing times and that they are not set in stone. Conservatives believe just the opposite, that the principles set forth in the Constitution are unchanging and not in need of interpretation because they are so clearly stated as to what they are.
So I ask you today to think about the ideas set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America and also American exceptionalism. Think about what has made this country great under God and in the eyes of the rest of the world. Think about how the Constitution clearly states that the only powers the national government should have are the ones expressly given in the Constitution and any powers not expressly given belong to the state governments and the state governments alone and therefore forbidden from the national government. Think about how America is 'One Nation Under God', and was founded with our belief that God, the Christian God and not the Islamic god or any other false diety that men have devised, will bless America so long as we adhere to His principles and do not let ungodly ideas such as Socialism and Communism enter into our society. Think about how Capitalism and how every individual has the same right to succeed or fail as they work to advance themselves in American society. Think about how most people who are successful started their careers off by failing in so many other endevours before they found what they succeeded in. Think about how America lead the way in the Industrial Revolution. Think about how America lead the way in the Arms Race. Think about how America has never known defeat by another country. Think about how Hitler was unable to be stopped until America enterred into WWII and showed the world the power behind our mindset of American exceptionalism. Think about all these things!
Now think about the Socialist and Communist countries that have adopted the values thereof. Think about how their people are always suffering and always under one dictator or another. Think about how their people and how they actually protest when something is not right in their country only be be beaten and killed by the very governments they are protesting. Think about how they have done away with freedom to worship the god of their own choosing and if any are caught worshipping in any way, they are tortured and killed by their government. Think about all these things!
I believe in the Constitution and that what it says, it means. I believe in American exceptionalism and that when Americans set their minds to doing something, it becomes only a matter of time before that something gets accomplished.
Warning to all those opposed to the Constitution of the United States of America:
I give you this warning because I would that you reconsider your actions and your beliefs. I give you this warning because I do not think you know what you are doing. I give you this warning because I think you are unaware of the massive slumbering beast which you are about to wake up.
By and large Americans do not like to think too much about our political system. This is probably why America has gone so far towards Liberalism and Socialism and Communism in our political thinking today.
But most of America is Conservative and the Liberal machine has already woken up the massive slumbering beast. But there is one thing that Americans do better than anyone else: we get back up when we are knocked down! We get back up and we make WAR! We make war like no other on the planet! We make war better and stronger than anyone else ever has! When we march to war, the very sound of our marching sends fear into the hearts and minds of our enemies as if the Lord God Almighty were marching at the head of our armies! Because He is marching with us and for us! For our very core beliefs are based upon His laws and His principles and His might! He is known as the Lord of Hosts for a reason. Even should all of America and Israel be defeated by a coalition of the rest of the world governments, then the animals of the earth, the birds of the air, the fishes of the sea, the insects that dwell in the earth, all of these would turn upon those who worked to destroy America and Israel. And even if those governments should prevail against all those hosts, then the very rocks of the Earth would then turn and war upon those who fight against the Lord! He is the Lord of Hosts! His hosts are undending and undefeatable!
This is why America has stood by Israel through thick and thin until we wrongfully elected a socialist minded muslim into the White House. Even those that voted for Barack Obama now regret their vote if they have paid any attention at all to what he is actually doing in his fundamental transformation of America. But the massive slumbering beast has already woke up and now we have a battle of beliefs such as we have never before known on our hands. Do we adhere to the beliefs and principles and ideas set forth by our founding fathers in the Constitution of the United States of America, or do we let Socialism and Communism take over America when every other country who has adopted this type of government has either failed miserably or has oppressed their people?
Again, America, and Israel for that matter, know how to make war! And when we get knocked down, WE GET BACK UP! It does not matter how many times you knock us down, we will always get back up and we will not surrender our hard earned freedom to Socialism! WE ARE AMERICA and we will not be defeated even from within!
So as you all celebrate the Fourth of July today, also known as Independence Day, a day which America celebrates our declaration that we will not be oppressed ever again, celebrate it and think on these things and know that God is watching over both America and Israel today and that with Him standing with us, no one can stand against us and win!
Heroes are Made in America!
God bless you all this day!
Happy Fourth of July to you all!
I like superhero movies and comic books and all things associated with them. Recently there have been two superheroes who have made statements which are diametrically opposed to each other. Superman has stated that his mission is 'bigger than America'! Captain America's statement is 'made in America'! Both seem to me to be directly competing against each other for the hearts and minds of America today. And these statements are also a fair indication of the political climate here in America today.
On Superman's side, we have those who believe that we should put the interests of the world above the interests of America even if it should cause Americans to suffer in the long run. On Captain America's side, we have those who believe that we should keep American interests as the primary focus and use what we have already secured for ourselves and help others to achieve the same through their own governments, but in no way are we to sacrifice the interests of America so that the world would advance!
I do not believe that Superman is right here! I believe it is Captain America to whom we should look for our inspiration today! I believe in American exceptionalism and it is that very exceptionalism that has made America the great nation it is today under God!
To get to the heart of the matter, we have the very principles and ideas which our founding fathers established into the Constitution under attack today. Liberals are saying that these principles and ideas are open to interpretation in lieu of the changing times and that they are not set in stone. Conservatives believe just the opposite, that the principles set forth in the Constitution are unchanging and not in need of interpretation because they are so clearly stated as to what they are.
So I ask you today to think about the ideas set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America and also American exceptionalism. Think about what has made this country great under God and in the eyes of the rest of the world. Think about how the Constitution clearly states that the only powers the national government should have are the ones expressly given in the Constitution and any powers not expressly given belong to the state governments and the state governments alone and therefore forbidden from the national government. Think about how America is 'One Nation Under God', and was founded with our belief that God, the Christian God and not the Islamic god or any other false diety that men have devised, will bless America so long as we adhere to His principles and do not let ungodly ideas such as Socialism and Communism enter into our society. Think about how Capitalism and how every individual has the same right to succeed or fail as they work to advance themselves in American society. Think about how most people who are successful started their careers off by failing in so many other endevours before they found what they succeeded in. Think about how America lead the way in the Industrial Revolution. Think about how America lead the way in the Arms Race. Think about how America has never known defeat by another country. Think about how Hitler was unable to be stopped until America enterred into WWII and showed the world the power behind our mindset of American exceptionalism. Think about all these things!
Now think about the Socialist and Communist countries that have adopted the values thereof. Think about how their people are always suffering and always under one dictator or another. Think about how their people and how they actually protest when something is not right in their country only be be beaten and killed by the very governments they are protesting. Think about how they have done away with freedom to worship the god of their own choosing and if any are caught worshipping in any way, they are tortured and killed by their government. Think about all these things!
I believe in the Constitution and that what it says, it means. I believe in American exceptionalism and that when Americans set their minds to doing something, it becomes only a matter of time before that something gets accomplished.
Warning to all those opposed to the Constitution of the United States of America:
I give you this warning because I would that you reconsider your actions and your beliefs. I give you this warning because I do not think you know what you are doing. I give you this warning because I think you are unaware of the massive slumbering beast which you are about to wake up.
By and large Americans do not like to think too much about our political system. This is probably why America has gone so far towards Liberalism and Socialism and Communism in our political thinking today.
But most of America is Conservative and the Liberal machine has already woken up the massive slumbering beast. But there is one thing that Americans do better than anyone else: we get back up when we are knocked down! We get back up and we make WAR! We make war like no other on the planet! We make war better and stronger than anyone else ever has! When we march to war, the very sound of our marching sends fear into the hearts and minds of our enemies as if the Lord God Almighty were marching at the head of our armies! Because He is marching with us and for us! For our very core beliefs are based upon His laws and His principles and His might! He is known as the Lord of Hosts for a reason. Even should all of America and Israel be defeated by a coalition of the rest of the world governments, then the animals of the earth, the birds of the air, the fishes of the sea, the insects that dwell in the earth, all of these would turn upon those who worked to destroy America and Israel. And even if those governments should prevail against all those hosts, then the very rocks of the Earth would then turn and war upon those who fight against the Lord! He is the Lord of Hosts! His hosts are undending and undefeatable!
This is why America has stood by Israel through thick and thin until we wrongfully elected a socialist minded muslim into the White House. Even those that voted for Barack Obama now regret their vote if they have paid any attention at all to what he is actually doing in his fundamental transformation of America. But the massive slumbering beast has already woke up and now we have a battle of beliefs such as we have never before known on our hands. Do we adhere to the beliefs and principles and ideas set forth by our founding fathers in the Constitution of the United States of America, or do we let Socialism and Communism take over America when every other country who has adopted this type of government has either failed miserably or has oppressed their people?
Again, America, and Israel for that matter, know how to make war! And when we get knocked down, WE GET BACK UP! It does not matter how many times you knock us down, we will always get back up and we will not surrender our hard earned freedom to Socialism! WE ARE AMERICA and we will not be defeated even from within!
So as you all celebrate the Fourth of July today, also known as Independence Day, a day which America celebrates our declaration that we will not be oppressed ever again, celebrate it and think on these things and know that God is watching over both America and Israel today and that with Him standing with us, no one can stand against us and win!
Heroes are Made in America!
God bless you all this day!
Questions Answered For A Seeker!
Hello Guys and Gals!
Someone asked me a rather detailed question today which I have answered here because FB, as usual, would not permit a detailed response.
Here is what he asked me:
Paul says in Galatian 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek... neither MALE nor FEMALE; for you are all one in Jesus Christ.
Paul also says in 1 Timothy 11, 12 - Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, bot to be in silence.
Paul also says in 1 Corinthian 14:34 "Let your WOMEN keep silent in the CHURCHes, for they are not Permitted to SPEAK; but they are to be summissive, as the LAW also says.
Paul said in Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are NOT UNDER LAW but under grace.
What do you say on these things?
Here is my response to his question:
Galatians 3:28 is speaking about how believers in Christ are no longer themselves but are now part of Christ. If you are then part of Christ, then put on the whole of Christ and become a direct heir to the promise God made to Abraham!
Now 1 Timothy 2:11-12 is instruction on the woman's place in the hierarchy established by God. As God created man followed by woman and created woman to support the man, then the woman must therefore necessarily be in submission to the man as the church is in submission to Christ. Now this does not mean that Paul is talking about the type of submission put forth by the Islamic mindset. This is a submission knowing full well that the man will provide and care for her as Christ has provided and cared for the church. It is certainly not a submission of domination by a man.
Likewise, in 1 Corinthians 14:34, Paul is teaching about how the church hierarchy should be set up. Keep in mind that all of Paul's teachings come first from the Law as was established by God through Moses for the Jewish people. See, before Paul was converted, he thought that enforcing the Law upon people was how he would bring them to true devotion to God. Yet Jesus showed Paul how wrong his thinking was when He called him to become his apostle on the road to Damascus. Paul corrected his view and started looking at the whole of the Law from Christ's perspective instead of his own. But what Paul is expounding upon is what is already written in the Law.
As far as your Romans reference, it is true we are not under the Law as the Jewish people who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior still are. Nor are we under no law as those who are not Jewish nor have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. But we are under grace! Yet through that very grace, we believers establish the Law which is written upon our hearts as it states in Romans 3:31.
Too many people are trying to mix scripture references with other references because they're trying to say they have the same meaning just because it seems as if they are dealing with the same thing. In reality, each of these are actually dealing with different situations. But in the end, the Law still serves as a guide to the Christian in how they should behave. But that behavior shouldn't come from a legalistic motivation of obeying simply to make sure you do not break the Law. Instead, we should adhere to the principles which the Law sets forth as how we should behave both toward God and toward our neighbor. But not doing so just to obey, but doing so because it is in our hearts and desires to seek to do these things because of what Christ has done for us!
Please note that it all returns to 'context' in these references. If you seek to make an argument out of linking several scriptures together that in truth are actually dealing with different problems, then your linking of these references is in error. The only way they are not in error is if each of your references are referring to an argument being addressed by all of the references which you are linking together!
God bless you all this night!
Someone asked me a rather detailed question today which I have answered here because FB, as usual, would not permit a detailed response.
Here is what he asked me:
Paul says in Galatian 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek... neither MALE nor FEMALE; for you are all one in Jesus Christ.
Paul also says in 1 Timothy 11, 12 - Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, bot to be in silence.
Paul also says in 1 Corinthian 14:34 "Let your WOMEN keep silent in the CHURCHes, for they are not Permitted to SPEAK; but they are to be summissive, as the LAW also says.
Paul said in Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are NOT UNDER LAW but under grace.
What do you say on these things?
Here is my response to his question:
Galatians 3:28 is speaking about how believers in Christ are no longer themselves but are now part of Christ. If you are then part of Christ, then put on the whole of Christ and become a direct heir to the promise God made to Abraham!
Now 1 Timothy 2:11-12 is instruction on the woman's place in the hierarchy established by God. As God created man followed by woman and created woman to support the man, then the woman must therefore necessarily be in submission to the man as the church is in submission to Christ. Now this does not mean that Paul is talking about the type of submission put forth by the Islamic mindset. This is a submission knowing full well that the man will provide and care for her as Christ has provided and cared for the church. It is certainly not a submission of domination by a man.
Likewise, in 1 Corinthians 14:34, Paul is teaching about how the church hierarchy should be set up. Keep in mind that all of Paul's teachings come first from the Law as was established by God through Moses for the Jewish people. See, before Paul was converted, he thought that enforcing the Law upon people was how he would bring them to true devotion to God. Yet Jesus showed Paul how wrong his thinking was when He called him to become his apostle on the road to Damascus. Paul corrected his view and started looking at the whole of the Law from Christ's perspective instead of his own. But what Paul is expounding upon is what is already written in the Law.
As far as your Romans reference, it is true we are not under the Law as the Jewish people who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior still are. Nor are we under no law as those who are not Jewish nor have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. But we are under grace! Yet through that very grace, we believers establish the Law which is written upon our hearts as it states in Romans 3:31.
Too many people are trying to mix scripture references with other references because they're trying to say they have the same meaning just because it seems as if they are dealing with the same thing. In reality, each of these are actually dealing with different situations. But in the end, the Law still serves as a guide to the Christian in how they should behave. But that behavior shouldn't come from a legalistic motivation of obeying simply to make sure you do not break the Law. Instead, we should adhere to the principles which the Law sets forth as how we should behave both toward God and toward our neighbor. But not doing so just to obey, but doing so because it is in our hearts and desires to seek to do these things because of what Christ has done for us!
Please note that it all returns to 'context' in these references. If you seek to make an argument out of linking several scriptures together that in truth are actually dealing with different problems, then your linking of these references is in error. The only way they are not in error is if each of your references are referring to an argument being addressed by all of the references which you are linking together!
God bless you all this night!
17 June 2011
My Creed
Hello Guys and Gals!
This is something that came to mind today and I just had to write it down.
I am a man! I was created by the almighty God, creator of all that ever was, is, or ever will be! He created me in His image.
An image that I perverted and twisted into something horrendous with my sin of defying Him. But through His love, He called me back to him and forgave me of my rebellion against Him. He then broke all the wrong I had grown in my life and reshaped me into the image He always intended me to be. He is working on me still.
But I know that there is nothing which I cannot do with Him supporting me. I know that no weapon formed against me will prevail. I know that I will be assaulted endlessly by those that hate Him and try to twist His truth into anything else. But I will prevail against those that hate both Him and I. He has instilled in me the man I have become and I know what He has shown to me that I will face.
So bring your hordes Satan and still I will defy you for I do not defy you by my strength, but by the strength of Lord Jesus Christ. And even if I am defeated by any machinations you can dream up, I know that Jesus has already defeated you and that you will ultimately be thrown into Gehenna, the lake of fire, for a millenia. Such is the fate God has alloted for you. I will be victorious in His power against you!
May God's grace and love be with you all tonight!
This is something that came to mind today and I just had to write it down.
I am a man! I was created by the almighty God, creator of all that ever was, is, or ever will be! He created me in His image.
An image that I perverted and twisted into something horrendous with my sin of defying Him. But through His love, He called me back to him and forgave me of my rebellion against Him. He then broke all the wrong I had grown in my life and reshaped me into the image He always intended me to be. He is working on me still.
But I know that there is nothing which I cannot do with Him supporting me. I know that no weapon formed against me will prevail. I know that I will be assaulted endlessly by those that hate Him and try to twist His truth into anything else. But I will prevail against those that hate both Him and I. He has instilled in me the man I have become and I know what He has shown to me that I will face.
So bring your hordes Satan and still I will defy you for I do not defy you by my strength, but by the strength of Lord Jesus Christ. And even if I am defeated by any machinations you can dream up, I know that Jesus has already defeated you and that you will ultimately be thrown into Gehenna, the lake of fire, for a millenia. Such is the fate God has alloted for you. I will be victorious in His power against you!
May God's grace and love be with you all tonight!
18 May 2011
Disruption In God's House!
Hello Guys and Gals!
I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. I have been busy preparing and recovering from a major, intensive surgery. I had a Gastric Bypass and I am doing well. Thank you to all who were praying for me!
I have just been reading up on what happened this weekend at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas; a church pastored by John Hagee; a man I have always listened to and respect for most of my life. Pastor Hagee had dedicated this service on May 15, 2011 to express Cornerstone Church's appreciation for the State of Israel and the Jewish People. Hundreds of churches across America and around the world had joined Cornerstone Church in this effort to honor Israel.
It seems that the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center organized a protest for this service in an effort to disrupt Pastor Hagee's honoring of Israel. It started with one protester throwing hundreds of leaflets down upon those seated in the lower seating from her place in the balcony. On one side of the leaflet it stated, “We stand in solidarity with Palestinians and demand an end to U.S. support for Israeli occupation, apartheid and violations of the human rights of Palestinians. We stand in solidarity with the Third Intifada demanding the right of return to occupied territories.“ The other side of the leaflet showed a picture of a mother burying her child with the caption, ”Your tithes are responsible for this!”!
After that, protester by protester stood up in various parts of the seating area and started shouting anti-Israel propaganda. Just as it seemed to calm down some, another one would stand up and start again. In all, eleven protesters were removed from the service and documented and given trespass warnings never to come back.
I don't really want to get into any more facts of this story but if you are interested in finding out more, you can find the information and stories on!
I am scared for the lives of these protesters! Not because I fear any retaliation from anyone in attendance at the service or anyone associated with Pastor Hagee in any way. Not because I fear that Christians anywhere would take the law into their own hands and try to commit a 'holy war' against these people. But I fear for their lives because they have interrupted and dishonored a gathering of people who have gathered together to honor God Almighty and His chosen people, Israel, a nation whom He alone founded and brought into being with the roots of their people buried so deeply in the recesses of time that you cannot find another nation in existence today with the same religion or beliefs or traditions. They have dishonored not only those who attended this service, but also Israel and the Jewish People and, most importantly, God Himself!
Now I do not know who God will use. I do not know if they will be Christian, Jewish, or any other religion. I only know that when you declare war against God Himself, you are bound to end up in a bad way!
But in reality, did these protesters do anything they set out to do? Not really! They wanted to stop the service. Instead the stiffened the spines of all in attendance to make sure the service went on to completion! They wanted to spread their message of hate against Israel and the Jewish people. Instead they showed how intolerant they are of other people's beliefs and right to assemble! They unified Cornerstone Church's members into a single, unified force for God's will! In reality, the only thing they actually did is set their own agenda, if they even have a real agenda, back a long ways because nobody is bound to give them any sort of respectability after this atrocity!
Listen to me very closely my friends. If you are a Christian and you bless Israel and the Jewish People, you will be blessed by God! If you curse Israel and the Jewish People, you will be cursed by God! This is a promise God made to Abraham when He established His covenant with him in Genesis 12:1-3!
1 Now the Lord said to Abram,
"Go forth from your country,
And from your relatives
And from your father’s house,
To the land which I will show you;
2 And I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great;
And so you shall be a blessing;
3 And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."
It goes back to the very establishment of the Israel Nation! Simply put, you cannot be for God and against Israel! Even when God uses foreign nations to punish Israel by God's own hand, God later judges them nations for their crimes against Israel! Jeremiah prophecies about this very thing when God uses Babylon to judge Israel and then judges Babylon 70 years later! If you would be for God, then also be for Israel and the Jewish People! Pray for them and their nation that they find the truth that God has been trying to get them to see since He established His covenant with them so very long ago! That truth is revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!
Like I was saying earlier, I fear for these protesters. So tonight I would ask that you pray for them. I would ask that you pray that they come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior as well as we do. Please do this and also include a prayer for the safety and health of Israel and the Jewish People!
God bless you all this night!
I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. I have been busy preparing and recovering from a major, intensive surgery. I had a Gastric Bypass and I am doing well. Thank you to all who were praying for me!
I have just been reading up on what happened this weekend at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas; a church pastored by John Hagee; a man I have always listened to and respect for most of my life. Pastor Hagee had dedicated this service on May 15, 2011 to express Cornerstone Church's appreciation for the State of Israel and the Jewish People. Hundreds of churches across America and around the world had joined Cornerstone Church in this effort to honor Israel.
It seems that the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center organized a protest for this service in an effort to disrupt Pastor Hagee's honoring of Israel. It started with one protester throwing hundreds of leaflets down upon those seated in the lower seating from her place in the balcony. On one side of the leaflet it stated, “We stand in solidarity with Palestinians and demand an end to U.S. support for Israeli occupation, apartheid and violations of the human rights of Palestinians. We stand in solidarity with the Third Intifada demanding the right of return to occupied territories.“ The other side of the leaflet showed a picture of a mother burying her child with the caption, ”Your tithes are responsible for this!”!
After that, protester by protester stood up in various parts of the seating area and started shouting anti-Israel propaganda. Just as it seemed to calm down some, another one would stand up and start again. In all, eleven protesters were removed from the service and documented and given trespass warnings never to come back.
I don't really want to get into any more facts of this story but if you are interested in finding out more, you can find the information and stories on!
I am scared for the lives of these protesters! Not because I fear any retaliation from anyone in attendance at the service or anyone associated with Pastor Hagee in any way. Not because I fear that Christians anywhere would take the law into their own hands and try to commit a 'holy war' against these people. But I fear for their lives because they have interrupted and dishonored a gathering of people who have gathered together to honor God Almighty and His chosen people, Israel, a nation whom He alone founded and brought into being with the roots of their people buried so deeply in the recesses of time that you cannot find another nation in existence today with the same religion or beliefs or traditions. They have dishonored not only those who attended this service, but also Israel and the Jewish People and, most importantly, God Himself!
Now I do not know who God will use. I do not know if they will be Christian, Jewish, or any other religion. I only know that when you declare war against God Himself, you are bound to end up in a bad way!
But in reality, did these protesters do anything they set out to do? Not really! They wanted to stop the service. Instead the stiffened the spines of all in attendance to make sure the service went on to completion! They wanted to spread their message of hate against Israel and the Jewish people. Instead they showed how intolerant they are of other people's beliefs and right to assemble! They unified Cornerstone Church's members into a single, unified force for God's will! In reality, the only thing they actually did is set their own agenda, if they even have a real agenda, back a long ways because nobody is bound to give them any sort of respectability after this atrocity!
Listen to me very closely my friends. If you are a Christian and you bless Israel and the Jewish People, you will be blessed by God! If you curse Israel and the Jewish People, you will be cursed by God! This is a promise God made to Abraham when He established His covenant with him in Genesis 12:1-3!
1 Now the Lord said to Abram,
"Go forth from your country,
And from your relatives
And from your father’s house,
To the land which I will show you;
2 And I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great;
And so you shall be a blessing;
3 And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."
It goes back to the very establishment of the Israel Nation! Simply put, you cannot be for God and against Israel! Even when God uses foreign nations to punish Israel by God's own hand, God later judges them nations for their crimes against Israel! Jeremiah prophecies about this very thing when God uses Babylon to judge Israel and then judges Babylon 70 years later! If you would be for God, then also be for Israel and the Jewish People! Pray for them and their nation that they find the truth that God has been trying to get them to see since He established His covenant with them so very long ago! That truth is revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!
Like I was saying earlier, I fear for these protesters. So tonight I would ask that you pray for them. I would ask that you pray that they come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior as well as we do. Please do this and also include a prayer for the safety and health of Israel and the Jewish People!
God bless you all this night!
02 May 2011
What Is The Difference?
Hello Guys and Gals!
In the wake of Usama Bin Laden's death, many different views are popping up about what a Christian should feel or do in regards to this.
One view likes to quote Proverbs 24:17-18:
"Do not rejoice when your enemy falls,
And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles;
Or the Lord will see it and be displeased,
And turn His anger away from him."
Or even Matthew 5:43-44:
"You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
This view states that we should be forgiving of all that persecute us and we should not rejoice because our enemy has stumbled!
Another view likes to quote Psalm 58:10-11:
"The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance;
He will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.
And men will say, "Surely there is a reward for the righteous;
Surely there is a God who judges on earth!"
Here we see that the righteous will rejoice when vengeance is given to the wicked; when the wicked have been removed from the Earth.
But which one is right? I believe that the difference matters in the word 'wicked'! Just because someone is your enemy or uses you, does not mean that they are 'wicked'. But there are truly wicked people in this world. They exist and I believe that Usama Bin Laden was a person who was truly wicked to the very core of his being!
So you can count me in the 2nd group where we SHOULD rejoice with all shouts of joy and praise to the Lord Jesus for righteously judging the wicked Usama Bin Laden and bringing about his removal from the living!
Praise King Jesus for His righteousness and for training the U.S. Navy Seal Team Six with the training they needed to be able to remove Bin Laden from us!
God bless you all this night!
In the wake of Usama Bin Laden's death, many different views are popping up about what a Christian should feel or do in regards to this.
One view likes to quote Proverbs 24:17-18:
"Do not rejoice when your enemy falls,
And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles;
Or the Lord will see it and be displeased,
And turn His anger away from him."
Or even Matthew 5:43-44:
"You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
This view states that we should be forgiving of all that persecute us and we should not rejoice because our enemy has stumbled!
Another view likes to quote Psalm 58:10-11:
"The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance;
He will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.
And men will say, "Surely there is a reward for the righteous;
Surely there is a God who judges on earth!"
Here we see that the righteous will rejoice when vengeance is given to the wicked; when the wicked have been removed from the Earth.
But which one is right? I believe that the difference matters in the word 'wicked'! Just because someone is your enemy or uses you, does not mean that they are 'wicked'. But there are truly wicked people in this world. They exist and I believe that Usama Bin Laden was a person who was truly wicked to the very core of his being!
So you can count me in the 2nd group where we SHOULD rejoice with all shouts of joy and praise to the Lord Jesus for righteously judging the wicked Usama Bin Laden and bringing about his removal from the living!
Praise King Jesus for His righteousness and for training the U.S. Navy Seal Team Six with the training they needed to be able to remove Bin Laden from us!
God bless you all this night!
23 April 2011
My Easter Message To You!
Hello Guys and Gals!
Tomorrow is Easter. This is the day that we celebrate the Lord Jesus Christ rising from the grave, which he went to willingly so that we might be able to restore our relationship with God the Father! It was by Jesus' own power that he rose again. It was not by anything else than His love for us that He did this! He rose so that we might have life and life more abundantly!
If you are lonely, or in pain, or feel unloved, or what ever may be bothering you this night; know that I am available for you to speak with and pray with!
Please take the time tomorrow to pray a prayer of thanks so that Jesus will know you are thinking about Him and what He has given to us this Easter. I know He will appreciate it and it just might draw you closer to Him!
God bless you all this night and tomorrow for Easter as well!
Tomorrow is Easter. This is the day that we celebrate the Lord Jesus Christ rising from the grave, which he went to willingly so that we might be able to restore our relationship with God the Father! It was by Jesus' own power that he rose again. It was not by anything else than His love for us that He did this! He rose so that we might have life and life more abundantly!
If you are lonely, or in pain, or feel unloved, or what ever may be bothering you this night; know that I am available for you to speak with and pray with!
Please take the time tomorrow to pray a prayer of thanks so that Jesus will know you are thinking about Him and what He has given to us this Easter. I know He will appreciate it and it just might draw you closer to Him!
God bless you all this night and tomorrow for Easter as well!
18 April 2011
Putting God First!
Hello Guys and Gals!
What I am about to talk about is very hard. It is hard because it involves something in my past that caused me to both become a very bad person and eventually draw closer to God!
Over 20 years ago, I was in love with a woman. She was everything to me. She was the one who helped me come to the understanding of my need for Salvation and it was because of her efforts along with many others why I accepted Jesus into my heart!
This woman was older than I and we had one of them relationships in which we both could tell what the other was thinking or feeling, even if we were miles away. When we were spending time apart so that we could figure all of this out, I found out she was engaged to marry another man. I went to see her. I asked her how she could marry this guy. She told me that she loved me more than she did him. She said that when she was with me all she could think about was me and she could not put God first in her life. She said that she was marrying him because with him, she knew she would be able to put God first and that she knew the necessity of that need and that is why she was marrying him.
Years later, I was with a friend of mine working in his garage in the evening. Suddenly I could not think of anything but her! I guess I got real quiet because my friend asked me what was wrong. I told him that I couldn't stop thinking about her. Him knowing my past with her of course. He told me that whatever the reason, I would find out eventually why I was thinking about her.
The next day, I went to the grocery store. I got out of my car and stepped up onto the curb and literally bumped into her. We visited shortly and I found out that her plane had landed the night before at the same time I started thinking about her. Such was my relationship with this woman that whenever she is near, I still know it! To this day I have never loved another woman, yes even my own ex-wife, as much as I loved this woman!
I have finally learned to put God first in my life! I have been through hell and back with my life. It was one that I would never have wished for this woman that I loved so much. Then again, maybe part of the reason I went there was because I couldn't have the woman I loved so much.
Yet through it all, Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior, was there with me and rolled in the mud and the grime with me so that He, in His infinite love for me, could pull me out of a life of sinful depravity! Only by the strength of His mighty arm was this even possible! Such is my love for Him now that I love Him now even more than I love her! I may have been putting her first back then when she led me to Salvation in Jesus Christ, but now, that Salvation has been perfected in me, through His steadfast love, so that I can truly place Him first in my life!
See, I know now what I did not know then. The fact that even had she chosen me over him, that our life would not have been good and that it would probably have ended in divorce, for the simple reason that we, her and I, did not put God first in our lives!
Jesus said to those who questioned Him in Matthew 22:36-38,
36 Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 And he said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the great and first commandment.
Again in Matthew 6:33 He says,
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Listen to the truth as I have learned it from His hand! If you put God first in your life, you will have a much better life than if you do not. It does not matter if you have the love of your life with you or not. It does not matter if you have money or not. It does not matter if you have fame or not. It does not matter if you have friends or not. What does matter is that you put God first! If you do that, He will give you all the desires of your heart!
God bless you all this day!
What I am about to talk about is very hard. It is hard because it involves something in my past that caused me to both become a very bad person and eventually draw closer to God!
Over 20 years ago, I was in love with a woman. She was everything to me. She was the one who helped me come to the understanding of my need for Salvation and it was because of her efforts along with many others why I accepted Jesus into my heart!
This woman was older than I and we had one of them relationships in which we both could tell what the other was thinking or feeling, even if we were miles away. When we were spending time apart so that we could figure all of this out, I found out she was engaged to marry another man. I went to see her. I asked her how she could marry this guy. She told me that she loved me more than she did him. She said that when she was with me all she could think about was me and she could not put God first in her life. She said that she was marrying him because with him, she knew she would be able to put God first and that she knew the necessity of that need and that is why she was marrying him.
Years later, I was with a friend of mine working in his garage in the evening. Suddenly I could not think of anything but her! I guess I got real quiet because my friend asked me what was wrong. I told him that I couldn't stop thinking about her. Him knowing my past with her of course. He told me that whatever the reason, I would find out eventually why I was thinking about her.
The next day, I went to the grocery store. I got out of my car and stepped up onto the curb and literally bumped into her. We visited shortly and I found out that her plane had landed the night before at the same time I started thinking about her. Such was my relationship with this woman that whenever she is near, I still know it! To this day I have never loved another woman, yes even my own ex-wife, as much as I loved this woman!
I have finally learned to put God first in my life! I have been through hell and back with my life. It was one that I would never have wished for this woman that I loved so much. Then again, maybe part of the reason I went there was because I couldn't have the woman I loved so much.
Yet through it all, Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior, was there with me and rolled in the mud and the grime with me so that He, in His infinite love for me, could pull me out of a life of sinful depravity! Only by the strength of His mighty arm was this even possible! Such is my love for Him now that I love Him now even more than I love her! I may have been putting her first back then when she led me to Salvation in Jesus Christ, but now, that Salvation has been perfected in me, through His steadfast love, so that I can truly place Him first in my life!
See, I know now what I did not know then. The fact that even had she chosen me over him, that our life would not have been good and that it would probably have ended in divorce, for the simple reason that we, her and I, did not put God first in our lives!
Jesus said to those who questioned Him in Matthew 22:36-38,
36 Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 And he said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the great and first commandment.
Again in Matthew 6:33 He says,
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Listen to the truth as I have learned it from His hand! If you put God first in your life, you will have a much better life than if you do not. It does not matter if you have the love of your life with you or not. It does not matter if you have money or not. It does not matter if you have fame or not. It does not matter if you have friends or not. What does matter is that you put God first! If you do that, He will give you all the desires of your heart!
God bless you all this day!
13 April 2011
Making A Mountain Out Of A Molehill!
Hello Guys and Gals!
I am writing this today to give some clarification to any who may misunderstand an event in my life. It seems that a lot of the trouble I have been having with my family has come from misunderstanding. I have started talking with my family again. This time, they contacted me and I think they're finally trying to understand where I am in my life.
It was said to me during this conversation that I was making a mountain out of a molehill. I replied that this is one of the problems because what they were perceiving as a molehill, to me, it WAS a mountain! In this incident, I did everything right for the FIRST time in my life! Nobody believed me! I understand that my past actions were very influential in them not believing me. But this was a mountain for me and holds huge significance in my life! I did do everything right and it was the first time I did so. It is very important to me that people understand that this was a life changing moment in my life that holds real significance in the formation of my integrity!
It is important to me that when I tell someone anything, that I am believed in what I have told them. Integrity is when what you say and what you do are the same thing! I tell people not to lie. It is very important to me that I do not lie! I am not perfect. I still make mistakes. But I also tell people that when you do make a mistake, you should try and make it right with those you have made the mistake with!
I have been attempting to do that. But my family has not understood how important that event was in my life and why it is so important to me that I be believed that I told the truth that day! It truly was a mountain for me! There have been many misconceptions with this whole affair. All I have ever wanted was to get to the whole truth of the matter. I believe that my mother and I have made real inroads into doing that very thing tonight. We did not end, either one of us, being happy at what we talked about. But I think understanding has started to come around! For that I am thankful and glad!
I hope the healing continues. But please, in your own life, when you come across someone as stubborn as I am about something that you do not understand, please keep in mind that what you see as a molehill, may be a mountain to them! Try to see it from their point of view and seek to understand the whole truth of a matter on all sides so that healing may come!
God bless you all this night!
I am writing this today to give some clarification to any who may misunderstand an event in my life. It seems that a lot of the trouble I have been having with my family has come from misunderstanding. I have started talking with my family again. This time, they contacted me and I think they're finally trying to understand where I am in my life.
It was said to me during this conversation that I was making a mountain out of a molehill. I replied that this is one of the problems because what they were perceiving as a molehill, to me, it WAS a mountain! In this incident, I did everything right for the FIRST time in my life! Nobody believed me! I understand that my past actions were very influential in them not believing me. But this was a mountain for me and holds huge significance in my life! I did do everything right and it was the first time I did so. It is very important to me that people understand that this was a life changing moment in my life that holds real significance in the formation of my integrity!
It is important to me that when I tell someone anything, that I am believed in what I have told them. Integrity is when what you say and what you do are the same thing! I tell people not to lie. It is very important to me that I do not lie! I am not perfect. I still make mistakes. But I also tell people that when you do make a mistake, you should try and make it right with those you have made the mistake with!
I have been attempting to do that. But my family has not understood how important that event was in my life and why it is so important to me that I be believed that I told the truth that day! It truly was a mountain for me! There have been many misconceptions with this whole affair. All I have ever wanted was to get to the whole truth of the matter. I believe that my mother and I have made real inroads into doing that very thing tonight. We did not end, either one of us, being happy at what we talked about. But I think understanding has started to come around! For that I am thankful and glad!
I hope the healing continues. But please, in your own life, when you come across someone as stubborn as I am about something that you do not understand, please keep in mind that what you see as a molehill, may be a mountain to them! Try to see it from their point of view and seek to understand the whole truth of a matter on all sides so that healing may come!
God bless you all this night!
08 April 2011
Does Jesus Think Of You As His Friend?
Hello Guys and Gals!
I haven't written in a while and for that, I apologize!
I want to know today if you believe that Jesus thinks of you as his friend? It is not a hard question. It is actually a very simple question. In other words, do you talk to Jesus the same way you do one of your friends?
I was always intrigued by how Abraham is referred to as being a friend of God. And if you think about Abraham and his talks with God, he wasn't afraid to approach God and try to bring Him round to Abraham's way of thinking. Think about the conversation Abraham had with God about Sodom. Abraham kept talking to God until he 'talked' God into agreeing not to destroy Sodom if He found 10 righteous people there! Sadly, there wasn't even that in that city. But the conversation they had, Abraham knew it was God he was talking to and was very respectful in it, yet we also see that Abraham was intimately familiar with God to the point that he was unafraid to voice his objections to God about the destruction of all the people of Sodom. That, my friends, is friendship! That is what it is all about!
So I ask again, how often do you just chat with God? Do you wish Him a good morning when you wake up? Do you ask Him how His day is going? Do you ask Him if there is anything you can do for Him today? Do you tell Him when you see someone you are really attracted to about how you are attracted to that person? Have you ever told Him a joke? Do you perceive Him as laughing with you when you find something particularly amusing?
In other words, do you share all the little intimate details of your life with Him like you would your best friend? This is what I'm getting at! Does Jesus, when He looks at you and thinks about you, know that you share with Him as you would your friend?
I try to share my life with Him in this way. I desire to know Jesus as intimately as I know my other friends. I desire to know Him as I know a best friend! For that is what He is to me, my best friend!
May God bless you all this day through your friendship with His Son, Jesus Christ!
I haven't written in a while and for that, I apologize!
I want to know today if you believe that Jesus thinks of you as his friend? It is not a hard question. It is actually a very simple question. In other words, do you talk to Jesus the same way you do one of your friends?
I was always intrigued by how Abraham is referred to as being a friend of God. And if you think about Abraham and his talks with God, he wasn't afraid to approach God and try to bring Him round to Abraham's way of thinking. Think about the conversation Abraham had with God about Sodom. Abraham kept talking to God until he 'talked' God into agreeing not to destroy Sodom if He found 10 righteous people there! Sadly, there wasn't even that in that city. But the conversation they had, Abraham knew it was God he was talking to and was very respectful in it, yet we also see that Abraham was intimately familiar with God to the point that he was unafraid to voice his objections to God about the destruction of all the people of Sodom. That, my friends, is friendship! That is what it is all about!
So I ask again, how often do you just chat with God? Do you wish Him a good morning when you wake up? Do you ask Him how His day is going? Do you ask Him if there is anything you can do for Him today? Do you tell Him when you see someone you are really attracted to about how you are attracted to that person? Have you ever told Him a joke? Do you perceive Him as laughing with you when you find something particularly amusing?
In other words, do you share all the little intimate details of your life with Him like you would your best friend? This is what I'm getting at! Does Jesus, when He looks at you and thinks about you, know that you share with Him as you would your friend?
I try to share my life with Him in this way. I desire to know Jesus as intimately as I know my other friends. I desire to know Him as I know a best friend! For that is what He is to me, my best friend!
May God bless you all this day through your friendship with His Son, Jesus Christ!
16 March 2011
The Rights Of Citizenship!
Hello Guys and Gals!
I got into a very fun debate the other day with one of my favorite friends in the whole world! I made this statement on FaceBook:
"If you are NOT an American Citizen, then the rights of U.S. Citizens, guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America, are NOT your rights! If you do want to become a Citizen of the U.S.A., then go through the proper legal means to attain that Citizenship, and then those very rights will be a right guaranteed to you as well!"
This friend of mine quickly pointed out a very good passage of scripture to me. Leviticus 19:33-34:
33 ‘When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong.
34 ‘The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.
My friend convinced me through more debate that my statement was too general in the way I first stated it!
Over the next couple of days I could not get this debate out of my head. So I asked myself why. I started thinking about both sides of the issue.
I do fully agree with my friend that we should not do strangers who reside with us any wrong! And anyone who comes to the USA with the true intent of becoming as one who is native to the USA, abiding by our laws, our beliefs, and our constitution, then yes, they should be accorded all the rights with their good intent that a US Citizen would have!
But someone might say that everyone should have those rights no matter what. Well let us take a good look at exactly what that statement is saying.
First of all what constitutes a citizen?
A Natural Born Citizen can be defined as:
Currently, Title 8 of the U.S. Code fills in the gaps left by the Constitution. Section 1401 defines the following as people who are "citizens of the United States at birth:"
Anyone born inside the United States *
Any Indian or Eskimo born in the United States, provided being a citizen of the U.S. does not impair the person's status as a citizen of the tribe
Any one born outside the United States, both of whose parents are citizens of the U.S., as long as one parent has lived in the U.S.
Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national
Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year
Any one found in the U.S. under the age of five, whose parentage cannot be determined, as long as proof of non-citizenship is not provided by age 21
Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time)
A final, historical condition: a person born before 5/24/1934 of an alien father and a U.S. citizen mother who has lived in the U.S.
This information was found here:
A Naturalized Citizen, on the other hand, has certain requirements that need to be met in order for that person to become a Naturalized Citizen. These requirements are:
Foreign nationals who wish to become citizens of the United States may do so through the naturalization process. Citizenship confers many advantages -- the right to vote, protection from the government, access to certain jobs and benefits, and the option to hold public office. All naturalization applicants must meet a number of filing requirements, described below.
An applicant for naturalization must be at least eighteen years old.
An applicant must be a legal permanent resident in the U.S. The applicant must have an I-551 (Alien Registration Card) to proceed.
Residence and Physical Presence
Just before applying, a naturalization applicant must have been physically present in the U.S. for at least 30 months out of the previous five years. However, if the applicant was absent for more than six months but less than one year, the applicant may still be eligible if he or she can show that the absence was not an abandonment of resident status.
Good Moral Character
A naturalization applicant must show good moral character during the five-year period prior to application (three years if married to a U.S. citizen or one year for certain military exceptions). Murder convictions are a permanent obstacle to naturalization, as are aggravated felony convictions on or after November 29, 1990.
Certain criminal convictions in the five years prior to the application will bar naturalization, but even if the applicant fears that a conviction will ruin his or her application, all convictions must still be disclosed. It is far worse to have U.S. immigration authorities discover a falsehood than to disclose the issue.
Attachment to the Constitution
An application for naturalization must declare the applicant's willingness to support and defend the U.S. and the Constitution. An applicant declares his or her "attachment" to the U.S. and the Constitution at the time he or she takes the oath of allegiance.
Applicants must be able to read, write, speak, and understand English words in ordinary use. Some applicants may be exempt because of age or mental condition.
U.S. Government and History Knowledge
An applicant for naturalization must demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of U.S. history and certain principles of U.S. government. Applicants are exempt if they have a medically recognizable physical or mental impairment that affects their ability to learn or understand these topics.
Oath of Allegiance
U.S. citizenship is conferred after the oath of allegiance is taken. A modified oath may be available in certain instances, such as religious opposition to oaths.
Legal Help with the Naturalization Process
Successfully naturalizing in the United States requires a thorough understanding of the steps involved, and careful preparation at each stage. If you or a loved one are considering becoming a U.S. citizen through naturalization, you should contact an experienced immigration attorney who can guide you through each step of the process and protect your legal rights
This information can be found here:
I want to focus specifically upon the Naturalized Citizenship because I believe that many things should be of particular note here!
1. The right of Protection from the Government only comes with Citizenship!
2. An applicant for Citizenship must be of Good Moral Character!
3. An applicant must declare their willingness to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America!
4. Applicants must be able to read, write, speak, and understand English words in ordinary use!
5. Citizenship is not granted until the applicant takes an Oath of Allegiance!
So the Right of Protection from the Government and the application of the Bill of Rights guaranteed to a Citizen of the United States of America under the Constitution of the United States of America is only given and guaranteed to actual Citizens of the United States of America! Therefore all rights such as a speedy trial, a court appointed attorney, humane treatment and everything else that the Constitution grants to their Citizens are only guaranteed to Citizens!
But we still extend and grant these rights to Non Citizens! Why? Because we are a Nation who believes in the Golden Rule where we treat others the same way we wish we would be treated!
So with all this, let's take another look at my statement above as well as my friend's passage of scripture.
My statement clearly states the case I have laid out for you as to who is considered a Citizen of the United States of America and that the Constitutional Guaranteed Rights of the USA are only guaranteed for Citizens of the USA as defined above!
But what about being strangers among us? This passage clearly indicates that we should treat those who live among us as a native citizen. Yet let us not confuse the fact that the US Constitution does not govern it's people by Holy Scripture but by the Constitution. So even if we are Christians and we believe the Holy Scripture, we should also follow the law of the land and that which defines the Law as is stated by Paul here in Romans 13:1-6:
1 Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.
2 Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.
3 For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same;
4 for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.
5 Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake.
6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing.
I believe that it all hinges upon the foreigner who lives among us part of the passage. Let's look at the intent of someone from a foreign land who would choose to live among another people. They would be living among another people because they see something in the way that those people live which they value and want part of! What could this be? I believe that it is the freedoms and rights that every Citizen of the USA has that you will find in no other country on the face of this planet!
I believe that there are those who come to the US in order to commit crimes and terrorism against it's citizens and do not have Good Moral Character or Intent to live among us and abide by our laws! I believe fully and completely that each and every one of these subversive persons who come to the US with evil intent should not be given any rights whatsoever as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America and that the authorities should use any and every means at their disposal to stop them from committing evil acts upon the Citizens of the USA!
But what about torture you may ask. I fully believe that those who use Enhanced Interrogation Techniques in our government do so with full knowledge that those they use them upon have evil intentions for the US Citizens and should have full clearance to do whatever it takes to protect it's people!
But just so we are clear, Enhanced Interrogation Techniques is NOT Torture! Anyone who wants to know the true difference between the two simply needs to talk to any person who was a Prisoner of War to a foreign country where they do use Torture to get information out of the PoW! Just talk to them and then compare what they say to Enhanced Interrogation Techniques as shown by any of a number of articles or news stories easily looked up on a web search!
The simple truth is that the US Government treats their prisoners better than any other government in the world! Not only that, but they also graciously grant rights, guaranteed only to Citizens of the US, to many who are not Citizens and have evil intent to do harm upon US Citizens!
So everyone out there who is says that we should be guaranteeing the Rights of a US Citizen to even non citizens, I say that you are wrong! The reason why is because if the roles were reversed, I can guarantee you that your rights would be the first thing to go under their authority!
In the end, it does not matter whether rights are given or rights are taken! What matters is that God will ultimately dispense true justice upon all evil doers and give forgiveness to all who accept His Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, as their Lord and Savior! All hail King Jesus, Lion of Judah and my best friend!
May God bless you all this day!
I got into a very fun debate the other day with one of my favorite friends in the whole world! I made this statement on FaceBook:
"If you are NOT an American Citizen, then the rights of U.S. Citizens, guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America, are NOT your rights! If you do want to become a Citizen of the U.S.A., then go through the proper legal means to attain that Citizenship, and then those very rights will be a right guaranteed to you as well!"
This friend of mine quickly pointed out a very good passage of scripture to me. Leviticus 19:33-34:
33 ‘When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong.
34 ‘The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.
My friend convinced me through more debate that my statement was too general in the way I first stated it!
Over the next couple of days I could not get this debate out of my head. So I asked myself why. I started thinking about both sides of the issue.
I do fully agree with my friend that we should not do strangers who reside with us any wrong! And anyone who comes to the USA with the true intent of becoming as one who is native to the USA, abiding by our laws, our beliefs, and our constitution, then yes, they should be accorded all the rights with their good intent that a US Citizen would have!
But someone might say that everyone should have those rights no matter what. Well let us take a good look at exactly what that statement is saying.
First of all what constitutes a citizen?
A Natural Born Citizen can be defined as:
Currently, Title 8 of the U.S. Code fills in the gaps left by the Constitution. Section 1401 defines the following as people who are "citizens of the United States at birth:"
Anyone born inside the United States *
Any Indian or Eskimo born in the United States, provided being a citizen of the U.S. does not impair the person's status as a citizen of the tribe
Any one born outside the United States, both of whose parents are citizens of the U.S., as long as one parent has lived in the U.S.
Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national
Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year
Any one found in the U.S. under the age of five, whose parentage cannot be determined, as long as proof of non-citizenship is not provided by age 21
Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time)
A final, historical condition: a person born before 5/24/1934 of an alien father and a U.S. citizen mother who has lived in the U.S.
This information was found here:
A Naturalized Citizen, on the other hand, has certain requirements that need to be met in order for that person to become a Naturalized Citizen. These requirements are:
Foreign nationals who wish to become citizens of the United States may do so through the naturalization process. Citizenship confers many advantages -- the right to vote, protection from the government, access to certain jobs and benefits, and the option to hold public office. All naturalization applicants must meet a number of filing requirements, described below.
An applicant for naturalization must be at least eighteen years old.
An applicant must be a legal permanent resident in the U.S. The applicant must have an I-551 (Alien Registration Card) to proceed.
Residence and Physical Presence
Just before applying, a naturalization applicant must have been physically present in the U.S. for at least 30 months out of the previous five years. However, if the applicant was absent for more than six months but less than one year, the applicant may still be eligible if he or she can show that the absence was not an abandonment of resident status.
Good Moral Character
A naturalization applicant must show good moral character during the five-year period prior to application (three years if married to a U.S. citizen or one year for certain military exceptions). Murder convictions are a permanent obstacle to naturalization, as are aggravated felony convictions on or after November 29, 1990.
Certain criminal convictions in the five years prior to the application will bar naturalization, but even if the applicant fears that a conviction will ruin his or her application, all convictions must still be disclosed. It is far worse to have U.S. immigration authorities discover a falsehood than to disclose the issue.
Attachment to the Constitution
An application for naturalization must declare the applicant's willingness to support and defend the U.S. and the Constitution. An applicant declares his or her "attachment" to the U.S. and the Constitution at the time he or she takes the oath of allegiance.
Applicants must be able to read, write, speak, and understand English words in ordinary use. Some applicants may be exempt because of age or mental condition.
U.S. Government and History Knowledge
An applicant for naturalization must demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of U.S. history and certain principles of U.S. government. Applicants are exempt if they have a medically recognizable physical or mental impairment that affects their ability to learn or understand these topics.
Oath of Allegiance
U.S. citizenship is conferred after the oath of allegiance is taken. A modified oath may be available in certain instances, such as religious opposition to oaths.
Legal Help with the Naturalization Process
Successfully naturalizing in the United States requires a thorough understanding of the steps involved, and careful preparation at each stage. If you or a loved one are considering becoming a U.S. citizen through naturalization, you should contact an experienced immigration attorney who can guide you through each step of the process and protect your legal rights
This information can be found here:
I want to focus specifically upon the Naturalized Citizenship because I believe that many things should be of particular note here!
1. The right of Protection from the Government only comes with Citizenship!
2. An applicant for Citizenship must be of Good Moral Character!
3. An applicant must declare their willingness to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America!
4. Applicants must be able to read, write, speak, and understand English words in ordinary use!
5. Citizenship is not granted until the applicant takes an Oath of Allegiance!
So the Right of Protection from the Government and the application of the Bill of Rights guaranteed to a Citizen of the United States of America under the Constitution of the United States of America is only given and guaranteed to actual Citizens of the United States of America! Therefore all rights such as a speedy trial, a court appointed attorney, humane treatment and everything else that the Constitution grants to their Citizens are only guaranteed to Citizens!
But we still extend and grant these rights to Non Citizens! Why? Because we are a Nation who believes in the Golden Rule where we treat others the same way we wish we would be treated!
So with all this, let's take another look at my statement above as well as my friend's passage of scripture.
My statement clearly states the case I have laid out for you as to who is considered a Citizen of the United States of America and that the Constitutional Guaranteed Rights of the USA are only guaranteed for Citizens of the USA as defined above!
But what about being strangers among us? This passage clearly indicates that we should treat those who live among us as a native citizen. Yet let us not confuse the fact that the US Constitution does not govern it's people by Holy Scripture but by the Constitution. So even if we are Christians and we believe the Holy Scripture, we should also follow the law of the land and that which defines the Law as is stated by Paul here in Romans 13:1-6:
1 Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.
2 Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.
3 For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same;
4 for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.
5 Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake.
6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing.
I believe that it all hinges upon the foreigner who lives among us part of the passage. Let's look at the intent of someone from a foreign land who would choose to live among another people. They would be living among another people because they see something in the way that those people live which they value and want part of! What could this be? I believe that it is the freedoms and rights that every Citizen of the USA has that you will find in no other country on the face of this planet!
I believe that there are those who come to the US in order to commit crimes and terrorism against it's citizens and do not have Good Moral Character or Intent to live among us and abide by our laws! I believe fully and completely that each and every one of these subversive persons who come to the US with evil intent should not be given any rights whatsoever as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America and that the authorities should use any and every means at their disposal to stop them from committing evil acts upon the Citizens of the USA!
But what about torture you may ask. I fully believe that those who use Enhanced Interrogation Techniques in our government do so with full knowledge that those they use them upon have evil intentions for the US Citizens and should have full clearance to do whatever it takes to protect it's people!
But just so we are clear, Enhanced Interrogation Techniques is NOT Torture! Anyone who wants to know the true difference between the two simply needs to talk to any person who was a Prisoner of War to a foreign country where they do use Torture to get information out of the PoW! Just talk to them and then compare what they say to Enhanced Interrogation Techniques as shown by any of a number of articles or news stories easily looked up on a web search!
The simple truth is that the US Government treats their prisoners better than any other government in the world! Not only that, but they also graciously grant rights, guaranteed only to Citizens of the US, to many who are not Citizens and have evil intent to do harm upon US Citizens!
So everyone out there who is says that we should be guaranteeing the Rights of a US Citizen to even non citizens, I say that you are wrong! The reason why is because if the roles were reversed, I can guarantee you that your rights would be the first thing to go under their authority!
In the end, it does not matter whether rights are given or rights are taken! What matters is that God will ultimately dispense true justice upon all evil doers and give forgiveness to all who accept His Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, as their Lord and Savior! All hail King Jesus, Lion of Judah and my best friend!
May God bless you all this day!
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