Hello Guys and Gals!
Happy Fourth of July to you all!
I like superhero movies and comic books and all things associated with them. Recently there have been two superheroes who have made statements which are diametrically opposed to each other. Superman has stated that his mission is 'bigger than America'! Captain America's statement is 'made in America'! Both seem to me to be directly competing against each other for the hearts and minds of America today. And these statements are also a fair indication of the political climate here in America today.
On Superman's side, we have those who believe that we should put the interests of the world above the interests of America even if it should cause Americans to suffer in the long run. On Captain America's side, we have those who believe that we should keep American interests as the primary focus and use what we have already secured for ourselves and help others to achieve the same through their own governments, but in no way are we to sacrifice the interests of America so that the world would advance!
I do not believe that Superman is right here! I believe it is Captain America to whom we should look for our inspiration today! I believe in American exceptionalism and it is that very exceptionalism that has made America the great nation it is today under God!
To get to the heart of the matter, we have the very principles and ideas which our founding fathers established into the Constitution under attack today. Liberals are saying that these principles and ideas are open to interpretation in lieu of the changing times and that they are not set in stone. Conservatives believe just the opposite, that the principles set forth in the Constitution are unchanging and not in need of interpretation because they are so clearly stated as to what they are.
So I ask you today to think about the ideas set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America and also American exceptionalism. Think about what has made this country great under God and in the eyes of the rest of the world. Think about how the Constitution clearly states that the only powers the national government should have are the ones expressly given in the Constitution and any powers not expressly given belong to the state governments and the state governments alone and therefore forbidden from the national government. Think about how America is 'One Nation Under God', and was founded with our belief that God, the Christian God and not the Islamic god or any other false diety that men have devised, will bless America so long as we adhere to His principles and do not let ungodly ideas such as Socialism and Communism enter into our society. Think about how Capitalism and how every individual has the same right to succeed or fail as they work to advance themselves in American society. Think about how most people who are successful started their careers off by failing in so many other endevours before they found what they succeeded in. Think about how America lead the way in the Industrial Revolution. Think about how America lead the way in the Arms Race. Think about how America has never known defeat by another country. Think about how Hitler was unable to be stopped until America enterred into WWII and showed the world the power behind our mindset of American exceptionalism. Think about all these things!
Now think about the Socialist and Communist countries that have adopted the values thereof. Think about how their people are always suffering and always under one dictator or another. Think about how their people and how they actually protest when something is not right in their country only be be beaten and killed by the very governments they are protesting. Think about how they have done away with freedom to worship the god of their own choosing and if any are caught worshipping in any way, they are tortured and killed by their government. Think about all these things!
I believe in the Constitution and that what it says, it means. I believe in American exceptionalism and that when Americans set their minds to doing something, it becomes only a matter of time before that something gets accomplished.
Warning to all those opposed to the Constitution of the United States of America:
I give you this warning because I would that you reconsider your actions and your beliefs. I give you this warning because I do not think you know what you are doing. I give you this warning because I think you are unaware of the massive slumbering beast which you are about to wake up.
By and large Americans do not like to think too much about our political system. This is probably why America has gone so far towards Liberalism and Socialism and Communism in our political thinking today.
But most of America is Conservative and the Liberal machine has already woken up the massive slumbering beast. But there is one thing that Americans do better than anyone else: we get back up when we are knocked down! We get back up and we make WAR! We make war like no other on the planet! We make war better and stronger than anyone else ever has! When we march to war, the very sound of our marching sends fear into the hearts and minds of our enemies as if the Lord God Almighty were marching at the head of our armies! Because He is marching with us and for us! For our very core beliefs are based upon His laws and His principles and His might! He is known as the Lord of Hosts for a reason. Even should all of America and Israel be defeated by a coalition of the rest of the world governments, then the animals of the earth, the birds of the air, the fishes of the sea, the insects that dwell in the earth, all of these would turn upon those who worked to destroy America and Israel. And even if those governments should prevail against all those hosts, then the very rocks of the Earth would then turn and war upon those who fight against the Lord! He is the Lord of Hosts! His hosts are undending and undefeatable!
This is why America has stood by Israel through thick and thin until we wrongfully elected a socialist minded muslim into the White House. Even those that voted for Barack Obama now regret their vote if they have paid any attention at all to what he is actually doing in his fundamental transformation of America. But the massive slumbering beast has already woke up and now we have a battle of beliefs such as we have never before known on our hands. Do we adhere to the beliefs and principles and ideas set forth by our founding fathers in the Constitution of the United States of America, or do we let Socialism and Communism take over America when every other country who has adopted this type of government has either failed miserably or has oppressed their people?
Again, America, and Israel for that matter, know how to make war! And when we get knocked down, WE GET BACK UP! It does not matter how many times you knock us down, we will always get back up and we will not surrender our hard earned freedom to Socialism! WE ARE AMERICA and we will not be defeated even from within!
So as you all celebrate the Fourth of July today, also known as Independence Day, a day which America celebrates our declaration that we will not be oppressed ever again, celebrate it and think on these things and know that God is watching over both America and Israel today and that with Him standing with us, no one can stand against us and win!
Heroes are Made in America!
God bless you all this day!
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