Hello Guys and Gals!
Someone asked me a rather detailed question today which I have answered here because FB, as usual, would not permit a detailed response.
Here is what he asked me:
Paul says in Galatian 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek... neither MALE nor FEMALE; for you are all one in Jesus Christ.
Paul also says in 1 Timothy 11, 12 - Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, bot to be in silence.
Paul also says in 1 Corinthian 14:34 "Let your WOMEN keep silent in the CHURCHes, for they are not Permitted to SPEAK; but they are to be summissive, as the LAW also says.
Paul said in Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are NOT UNDER LAW but under grace.
What do you say on these things?
Here is my response to his question:
Galatians 3:28 is speaking about how believers in Christ are no longer themselves but are now part of Christ. If you are then part of Christ, then put on the whole of Christ and become a direct heir to the promise God made to Abraham!
Now 1 Timothy 2:11-12 is instruction on the woman's place in the hierarchy established by God. As God created man followed by woman and created woman to support the man, then the woman must therefore necessarily be in submission to the man as the church is in submission to Christ. Now this does not mean that Paul is talking about the type of submission put forth by the Islamic mindset. This is a submission knowing full well that the man will provide and care for her as Christ has provided and cared for the church. It is certainly not a submission of domination by a man.
Likewise, in 1 Corinthians 14:34, Paul is teaching about how the church hierarchy should be set up. Keep in mind that all of Paul's teachings come first from the Law as was established by God through Moses for the Jewish people. See, before Paul was converted, he thought that enforcing the Law upon people was how he would bring them to true devotion to God. Yet Jesus showed Paul how wrong his thinking was when He called him to become his apostle on the road to Damascus. Paul corrected his view and started looking at the whole of the Law from Christ's perspective instead of his own. But what Paul is expounding upon is what is already written in the Law.
As far as your Romans reference, it is true we are not under the Law as the Jewish people who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior still are. Nor are we under no law as those who are not Jewish nor have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. But we are under grace! Yet through that very grace, we believers establish the Law which is written upon our hearts as it states in Romans 3:31.
Too many people are trying to mix scripture references with other references because they're trying to say they have the same meaning just because it seems as if they are dealing with the same thing. In reality, each of these are actually dealing with different situations. But in the end, the Law still serves as a guide to the Christian in how they should behave. But that behavior shouldn't come from a legalistic motivation of obeying simply to make sure you do not break the Law. Instead, we should adhere to the principles which the Law sets forth as how we should behave both toward God and toward our neighbor. But not doing so just to obey, but doing so because it is in our hearts and desires to seek to do these things because of what Christ has done for us!
Please note that it all returns to 'context' in these references. If you seek to make an argument out of linking several scriptures together that in truth are actually dealing with different problems, then your linking of these references is in error. The only way they are not in error is if each of your references are referring to an argument being addressed by all of the references which you are linking together!
God bless you all this night!
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