Hello Guys and Gals!
I usually try and not bring politics into my blog but you all know how passionately I feel about it. But this morning I am doing just that because I believe it has to be said.
Back when Rick Perry was leading the polls, out came people who said because he did this or that, they will never vote for him!
Then we had Herman Cain in the lead and the allegations of sexual assault. Again we hear the same thing!
Now that Newt Gingrich is leading, there is a push against his policies and history as well. Again we are hearing the same thing from voters on how they will never vote for him!
Now I am not telling anyone how to vote or how to hold their conscience in their voting. But I think, because of our morals on the right, that the Left uses our very morals against us by bringing up accusations and allegations of those things which violate our moral principles with the very people we have portraying our values as our prospective candidates! All they have to do is push forward an allegation, whether it is true or not, whether it is 15 years old or recent, and play on our moral values in order to get the candidates which we are currently looking hard at out of the lead! It is in this way that the Left is able to pick and choose which candidate they will have to face when it comes time for the actual election!
But there is a bigger threat! I say we should continue to vet our candidates and explore them very critically! And I say that we should vote our hearts and minds, especially our minds, when we nominate the candidate to run against Barach Obama! But Obama is the bigger threat! I would happily take any one of the candidates running for the Republican ticket over another 4 years of Barach Obama!
So stick to your convictions during the nomination process! Absolutely! But once the nominee has been chosen to run against Barach Obama, then we must all rally behind that one candidate in order to make sure that Barach Obama is a one term president!
United we stand, divided we fall!
Do you guys not remember what happened with Ross Perot splitting the Republican vote and ensuring that Bill Clinton wins with a 40% share of the vote? I say to you now that anything that the candidates for the Republican nominee have done in their past is nothing compared to what Obama is doing now and will do in the future! I believe that if Obama is elected, that it will be the last election held in America and that elections will be eliminated under his next term, if not before then!
I want you also to think about Ninevah in the book of Jonah! God had punishment in store for Ninevah. Yet the people of Ninevah, at the preaching of Jonah to repent, humbled themselves, repented and prayed! These were not Israelites but Gentiles who did this! God saw their repentance and relented in bringing the punishment of that nation until a later time! I believe that America is ripe for God's Anger and justifiably so! But I also believe that if we humble ourselves, repent, and pray; that God will hold off the punishment He is bringing against America for the sins we have allowed to corrupt our society!
We are One Nation Under God! That is not the God of Allah, or Buddha! That is YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! We believe in YHWH as the one and only God! All other gods are false for they are not living gods! It is the beliefs and principles of the Christian Bible under which this great nation was founded and which we need to return to!
So pray about this and whatever candidate is nominated for Republican nominee, rally behind that candidate because I can most assuredly state that whoever this person will be, they will be a far better choice than Barach Obama as the leader of our nation, for Barach Obama is the bigger threat!
May God bless you all this day! Happy Thanksgiving!
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