Hello Guys and Gals!
I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. I have been busy preparing and recovering from a major, intensive surgery. I had a Gastric Bypass and I am doing well. Thank you to all who were praying for me!
I have just been reading up on what happened this weekend at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas; a church pastored by John Hagee; a man I have always listened to and respect for most of my life. Pastor Hagee had dedicated this service on May 15, 2011 to express Cornerstone Church's appreciation for the State of Israel and the Jewish People. Hundreds of churches across America and around the world had joined Cornerstone Church in this effort to honor Israel.
It seems that the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center organized a protest for this service in an effort to disrupt Pastor Hagee's honoring of Israel. It started with one protester throwing hundreds of leaflets down upon those seated in the lower seating from her place in the balcony. On one side of the leaflet it stated, “We stand in solidarity with Palestinians and demand an end to U.S. support for Israeli occupation, apartheid and violations of the human rights of Palestinians. We stand in solidarity with the Third Intifada demanding the right of return to occupied territories.“ The other side of the leaflet showed a picture of a mother burying her child with the caption, ”Your tithes are responsible for this!”!
After that, protester by protester stood up in various parts of the seating area and started shouting anti-Israel propaganda. Just as it seemed to calm down some, another one would stand up and start again. In all, eleven protesters were removed from the service and documented and given trespass warnings never to come back.
I don't really want to get into any more facts of this story but if you are interested in finding out more, you can find the information and stories on http://www.theblaze.com!
I am scared for the lives of these protesters! Not because I fear any retaliation from anyone in attendance at the service or anyone associated with Pastor Hagee in any way. Not because I fear that Christians anywhere would take the law into their own hands and try to commit a 'holy war' against these people. But I fear for their lives because they have interrupted and dishonored a gathering of people who have gathered together to honor God Almighty and His chosen people, Israel, a nation whom He alone founded and brought into being with the roots of their people buried so deeply in the recesses of time that you cannot find another nation in existence today with the same religion or beliefs or traditions. They have dishonored not only those who attended this service, but also Israel and the Jewish People and, most importantly, God Himself!
Now I do not know who God will use. I do not know if they will be Christian, Jewish, or any other religion. I only know that when you declare war against God Himself, you are bound to end up in a bad way!
But in reality, did these protesters do anything they set out to do? Not really! They wanted to stop the service. Instead the stiffened the spines of all in attendance to make sure the service went on to completion! They wanted to spread their message of hate against Israel and the Jewish people. Instead they showed how intolerant they are of other people's beliefs and right to assemble! They unified Cornerstone Church's members into a single, unified force for God's will! In reality, the only thing they actually did is set their own agenda, if they even have a real agenda, back a long ways because nobody is bound to give them any sort of respectability after this atrocity!
Listen to me very closely my friends. If you are a Christian and you bless Israel and the Jewish People, you will be blessed by God! If you curse Israel and the Jewish People, you will be cursed by God! This is a promise God made to Abraham when He established His covenant with him in Genesis 12:1-3!
1 Now the Lord said to Abram,
"Go forth from your country,
And from your relatives
And from your father’s house,
To the land which I will show you;
2 And I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great;
And so you shall be a blessing;
3 And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."
It goes back to the very establishment of the Israel Nation! Simply put, you cannot be for God and against Israel! Even when God uses foreign nations to punish Israel by God's own hand, God later judges them nations for their crimes against Israel! Jeremiah prophecies about this very thing when God uses Babylon to judge Israel and then judges Babylon 70 years later! If you would be for God, then also be for Israel and the Jewish People! Pray for them and their nation that they find the truth that God has been trying to get them to see since He established His covenant with them so very long ago! That truth is revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!
Like I was saying earlier, I fear for these protesters. So tonight I would ask that you pray for them. I would ask that you pray that they come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior as well as we do. Please do this and also include a prayer for the safety and health of Israel and the Jewish People!
God bless you all this night!
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