06 January 2014

Has God Allowed Man To Change What Sin Is?

Hello Guys and Gals,

So many are pushing this thought that the bible is no longer relevant or that as culture changes, so does the definition of sin.

God does not change!

The Word of God does not change!

He has defined what sin is and that definition does not change with time, culture, or the demands of men or women!

Yet, so many say it does.

What is so hard about His grace? If you only submit to him and acknowledge the sin in your life, accept Jesus Christ as your savior, and you will escape, forever, His wrath!

Yet, due to our stubbornness, we refuse His grace and say to God, I would rather face Your wrath!

I submit, daily if need be, to You Oh my Lord Jesus Christ!

May God bless you all this day!

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