30 March 2012

Remember Your Primary Reward!

Hello Guys and Gals!

I have been thinking today about rewards in Heaven and on Earth. In thinking about this, it occurred to me to share with you that we should never forget our primary reward from God for our commitment to Him, that of Himself! Do you not know that when you are working, striving to live your life in the way that God has outlined for us that you will fall short and success only comes by relying on Him, Jesus Christ, for our strength to accomplish this very thing; that He gave Himself to us for our benefit and His glory and that only by His strength will we be able to accomplish His will; and that He is the very greatest reward given to us, that of Himself so that we can and are able to accomplish His will? Jesus Christ is our greatest reward and we, who have believed on Him and have salvation through Him, have already received His presence in our lives and hearts where He writes upon the tablets of our hearts His law for accomplishing His will for His glory!

I know this is short today, but I wanted to remind you of our greatest and primary reward which we, by His gracious gift, have already received from Him! Cling fast to this reward and by this reward we accomplish great things for His glory!

God bless you all this day!

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