Hello Guys and Gals!
When Adam sinned, he fell from innocence and became a sinner, through which all of mankind inherited this sinful state. As a result of his sin, God drove him out of the Garden of Eden.
24 He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life. ~ Genesis 3:24 (ESV)
Did you take notice of the cherubim and the flaming sword that guarded the way to the tree of life?
Most hold the view that being driven out of the Garden of Eden was a punishment. Well, it was... and it wasn't! You see, God is so holy that none can come into His presence who have sin in their life. The driving out of the Garden of Eden was about man having to live with the consequences of his sin and protecting him from the destruction that would happen to him if he tried to enter the presence of God in his sinful state. God was protecting Adam and Eve from destruction of themselves so that they would not be destroyed by entering into the holiness of God in their sinful state.
Yet so many believe that man was punished for his sin in the driving him out of the Garden of Eden. This is a lie from Satan. You see, the primary punishment for sin is the second death, burning in eternal hellfire, also known as Gehenna! That is the punishment for sin that God has ordained. All other things that happen because of sin are consequences. Now those who receive punishment for sin from other men are receiving manly punishment, or punishment from those in authority over other men; yet the punishment from God is Gehenna! Anything that happens because of your sin are consequences of sin in the view of God.
God has always wanted us to not have to live under the consequences of sin. This is why God has sent forth His Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer the consequences of His wrath for the sins of man.
Jesus Christ is God's answer to the problem of sin and how He chose to redeem the sinful man unto Himself; how He chose to bring man back into a loving relationship with Himself! Without Jesus Christ, it is impossible to enter into His presence and attain salvation. In society today, there is going about this belief that there are many ways to Heaven and you can enter Heaven through many different ways of worship. This is one of the biggest lies Satan ever told. If you believe that there is any other way to Heaven other than Jesus Christ, then you have believed the lies that Satan has whispered into your ears!
That's right, I said Satan has been whispering into your ears!
For if you do not believe the whole of the Word of God, the manifestation of Jesus Christ in text, then you have believed Satan over God!
How do you return to a right relationship with God? It's so simple: you believe in the Word of God in flesh, Jesus Christ!
That's it! That's all it takes! You believe in Him!
But saying you believe is not enough. You must believe within your heart, the very core of your being; and walk in that belief so that just you walking by someone else can look upon you and see that Jesus Christ is in you!
Do you believe in Jesus Christ in such a way that others see Him inside you as you walk by?
May God the Father love you so much that He sends His Son, Jesus Christ, to you so that you may be filled with His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and you may know His peace!
God bless you all this day!
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