Hello Guys and Gals,
Have you ever had to change your thinking? Have you ever had to reorient your mind so that you can properly see what is right and what is wrong? Let me explain.
I am usually very good at orienting my mind to an area by figuring out the roads of a certain area with the directions from a compass. So, when I moved up to Wisconsin, I was having a hard time determining rightly the directions of East and West. For some reason I was seeing East as West, and West as East. So I finally figured out why it was that I was thinking incorrectly about these directions.
You see, I grew up in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. As a result, I had linked the directions of East and West to the way I perceived people in that area. On the West side of the Metroplex is Fort Worth, Texas. And on the East side of the Metroplex is Dallas, Texas. In my mind, I had somehow linked my views of the people in these two cities, directly to the directions of East and West. In Fort Worth, I view the people as being the country lifestyle personalities or of the conservative mindset. In Dallas, I view the people as being the city lifestyle personalities or of the progressive/liberal mindset.
So when I moved up to Wisconsin, keeping in mind that I had lived in Minnesota previously, I was having a hard time setting the directions of East and West in my mind because of the people in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Wisconsin, where I am living, is a very conservative area and the people here are wonderful and loving and they love the country living lifestyle. And in Minnesota, the total opposite is true: it is very progressive/liberal in their mindset and the people there are not really concerned with helping other people and more concerned with pursuing their own goals and life is all about them and what they can get as quickly as they can get it. This becomes very evident in just driving from Wisconsin to Minnesota and how the people driving on the highways which connect the two states, behave towards other drivers on the road.
Please understand that there are some very loving people in Minnesota and I still have a wonderful and loving relationship with many of them. Yet I am talking about the majority of people there whom I have witnessed.
So with Wisconsin being East of Minnesota, my mind was having a hard time grasping that to the West was the progressive/liberal people and to the East was the conservative people. My mind could not get the directions right and when I finally figured out the problem, I was able to overcome my inability to perceive the directions of East and West within my mind to better able to navigate this area of Wisconsin.
I know many of you are getting a good chuckle out of this! =)
However, did you know that we all have the same problem in our thinking about God? Do you realize that, because of how we grew up, and how we lived in sin (all of us), we have a big problem in how we think to such a degree that we cannot rightly discern what it is that God is saying to us through His Word!
Everywhere in society today is this thought, that there is no absolute truth! Well the first thing I would ask someone that says that to me would be, 'Is that statement true?'! Yet that thought still invades our mind. Add to that the fact that we naturally perceive everyone as being not completely truthful about anything. We have this thought in our minds whenever we have any dealings with someone whom we are not familiar with. Why? Because we guard against them cheating us through deception in some way. Why do we guard against it? Because we, in our thinking, naturally are aware that this unfamiliar person may try to cheat us through deception or some other form of guile!
I have good news though: not everyone has deception built into them. There is one who has truth and no deceit in all that He is: Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ never told a lie. Jesus Christ never deceived anyone! Jesus Christ never had false dealings with anyone! Jesus Christ will always tell you the truth! Jesus Christ will never deceive you! Jesus Christ will never deal falsely with you!
In coming to the full understanding of Jesus Christ, I had to reorient my thinking in regards to Him and His Word. As a result, much of the stuff I write about is not understood for the truth it is. The source of this misunderstanding comes from Satan and the lies he has flooded the world with the idea that truth can be different to different people. There is one truth that stands true no matter who is perceiving it, that is the truth that comes from Jesus who is the source of all truth that exists in all creation.
Society has taken Satan's lie as their personal truth and as such, when they hear the Word of God and the conviction of the Holy Spirit comes upon them, they feel justified in their claim that the Word of God, either all of it, or one specific area of it, is not true for them! Society has to reorient it's thinking in order to fully understand that they are sinners and under the just penalty of the law for their sin, which is death! Until our society comes to that understanding, they cannot truly come to Jesus Christ and repent of their sins so that they can receive the loving grace and forgiveness that only Jesus Christ can offer!
In John 14:6 Jesus declares, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." ~ HCSB
Jesus is the only way to salvation and Jesus is also the only way to truth for He is the very source of all truth! The Word of God in text is nothing more than words describing the Word of God in flesh: Jesus Christ! The whole of the bible, the Word of God, is doing nothing more than pointing those who read it towards Jesus Christ as the only answer for returning to a right relationship with God, the Father! The idea that the Word of God is not relevant today, like it was 2,000 years ago, is simply another lie of Satan who is using all his power to keep you in bondage to him!
Are you going to stay a slave to Satan by refuting the Word of God?
Or are you going to willingly bend your knee to the rightful Lord of all Creation, Jesus Christ, and find true liberty and freedom from the guilt and shame that Satan lords over you?
I am praying for you all, whether you are currently saved, or have yet to be saved, or even if you refuse Jesus Christ completely; still I will pray for you!
May the love and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you all today!
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