14 February 2014


Hello Guys and Gals,

I am writing today because I have been convicted in my spirit of the sin of pride.

I have extreme pain. I have had it for 4 years now and I believe I have conquered it. Yet, there are still days and times during normal days in which I am overwhelmed with it. And even with all that, I stood tall in bragging about my pain to others who do not have as much pain as me, or maybe are just starting to cope with the pain they now have. I proclaimed it from every venue I could that I had this pain and I walk tall with it now. I pridefully boasted of nobody being able to cause me pain because I already have more than just about anyone else does, even full burn victims, for that is the level of my pain as where I am bone on bone, it transfers all that grinding into every part of my body and every joint to be at level 10 or better pain. I have bragged and boasted about this!

From everything that is within me, I sincerely apologize for this to all of you who are my friends!

A.W. Tozer says that a man must be fully conquered by God in order for God to fully bless the man. I thought I was conquered before. I was not. I am wondering how many more areas of my life He will conquer within me to bless me in the ways He wants to bless me. I am wondering how many more areas of my life that I am withholding from His rightful place of Lord over them. I am greatly fearful of what else lay in store for me. Yet, with that fear, I am fully filled with joy at the outcome of His conquering every part of me so that He may bless me with whatever He wants and that I may be spent fully for Him in bringing about His will to every part of His creation!

Once again, I apologize for my pride and I pray that you will forgive me!

May God bless you all with His presence as Lord of your life as well this day!

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