Do you all truly think that what I am warning of is so that you can smirk at me as if it could never happen? Do you know that Obama has followed along Hitler's rise to power in perfect lockstep as his administration keeps trying to take away your rights?
I am not worried about me! I know I will be one of the very first ones hunted because of my stance against his agenda. Yet, no matter what happens to me, I have the Lord Jesus Christ who will fight my battles!
It is YOU who I am worried about! I do not want you all to suffer as I already have or will under any circumstance. I know mental pain! I know physical pain! I know social pain of stigma! I know what it means to be hunted!
Do you? Are you prepared? Do you have a plan in place if they should come for you when you least expect it? Because that is exactly what WILL happen!
I warned you all and have been warning you for over six years now! The time is coming when they will silence my voice!
Often it is said that people who can prophecy of future events do so because they have seen the past or studied it and are viewing a similar pattern in society! I have studied the past in detail that few of you can imagine. I know this pattern. It is one that has been used by every dictatorship that has existed in history. I am telling you a truth that any of you can go to the internet and compare with in the histories of mankind!
I am pleading with you to get your life straight! Get into a TRUE relationship with Jesus Christ where every word he uttered is upheld as true. For when you are persecuted, and then asked to spit on a bible or deny Jesus Christ, that is the very time you will need to say NEVER! Even if it means your death. And it probably will for this world is spiraling into darkness!
If you choose a survivor's mentality, then prepare yourself accordingly. Every day we hear of a new attack upon one of the foundations of our Constitution. When will you wake up and start preparing for the war that is coming? Start now and prepare now or you will find yourself behind enemy lines and/or living in a prison camp closely resembling Auschwitz or something similar!
I am praying for you! May your days be peaceful and God's light always illuminate your path! But if war should come, may He be ever at your side so that you are not caught unawares!
God bless you all this evening!
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