Hello Guys and Gals!
I am concerned today with something that is definitely going to be a touchy subject. But just because it is difficult, does not mean that we should not talk about it. I want to talk about fighting against countries or regimes that seek to do America harm but at the same time hide behind the lives of the 'innocents'. You notice that I put italics around that word. I did this because I don't think that all of them are all that innocent.
I recently read a book about a regime that hid a nuclear warhead factory underneath a hospital in an effort to keep it not only hidden, but if it was ever discovered, also to keep America from destroying it because the hospital had 'innocent' people in it. This is a very deliberate and deceptive thing to do.
First off, we know that the regime does not have the welfare of their own people in mind by the very evidence of them placing the facility there in the first place. What do they have in mind then? They have in mind the thought that even if America were to take out the facility, then they would be able to tell the rest of the world that America purposely targeted civilians and innocents.
Secondly, the people who live under such regimes do know what is going on. You can not tell me that they are not as smart as Americans. Therefore having some modicum of intelligence, they do know what type of people run the regime that they live under. They know their motivations, their true intentions, and they also know that the regimes purposely place these facilities using their people as a shield against those who would stop their aggressive actions against the free peoples of the world.
Yet we live in a society where our freedom was bought and paid for in the blood of our soldiers and sailors who serve to keep that freedom in place. They also know that they stand up to protect the right of every citizen in America to express their beliefs freely without oppression. Yes, they even protect the Liberals and Progressives who protest against the very soldiers and sailors who are protecting their right to do so! Our soldiers and sailors know this and they choose to protect even them from tyranny!
So now the Liberals and Progressives take a stance against any military action that would threaten the lives of those 'innocent' people who work at the hidden facilities and are being used as a shield against those who would put an end to the regime's tyranny. This confuses me because these Liberals and Progressives are ultimately protecting the very regimes that would seek to end their right to speak out against anything. Why would you support any regime, in any way, that is seeking to put an end to you and the very principles you stand for?
These shields, or 'innocent' people, who are being used by these regimes KNOW they are being used by the regimes. As such, they are no longer innocent but accomplices to the very aggression against the free peoples of the world. If they do not want to be viewed as accomplices to these terroristic regimes, they can do something about it. They can speak out. They can quit their jobs. Or they can simply leave! They have no excuse whatsoever when they stay and support these terroristic regimes and act as a human shield protecting them in their aggressive terrorism!
The simple fact of the matter is, they are using America's Liberals and Progressives in an effort to keep terrorizing the free peoples of the world without fear of retaliation. Yet these very regimes that are doing this do not hesitate to make Total War against America! They will not hesitate to bomb civilians, women, children, and elderly people in an effort to promote their causes. How then do we as Americans not have the right to make Total War against them? If we did make Total War against them, and the peoples of the world knew that Total War was imminent when America is attacked with Total War, then the terroristic regimes of the world would be more hesitant to attack America knowing that we would retaliate with the full force of our might as they did against us!
I know that many Liberals and Progressives will probably say that I am wrong for my beliefs. Well I will simply say back to them that they are wrong for their beliefs. What's that? You mean to say that they have the right to tell me I'm wrong for believing what I believe, but I can not tell them that they are wrong for their beliefs? Sounds a little hypocritical to me! The simple fact is, we did not start the aggression and the swifter we can put an end to the aggression, the more lives will be saved in the long run. So let this serve as a warning to any who would target America, we will use the same type of tactics against you that you use against us. If you bring Total War, then we should retaliate with Total War. And to those 'innocents' out there acting as shields, you are not innocent and you are just as guilty as the terroristic regimes who are bombing America and the free peoples of the world!
God bless you all this day!
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