Hello Guys and Gals!
It has been said of me recently that I am using this blog as a grandstand for a conflict I am going through. It has also been said that I am like the Pharisees of old which are all pretty on the face but corrupt inside. It was also said that this blog is all about me and the question was raised of what about other people. I tell you this so that you know that I am hiding nothing from you who follow this blog.
The whole purpose of this blog is to tell you of my walk in becoming a Christian Man of Integrity, where what I say and what I do are in alignment with each other. It is about what I am going through to seek after that goal. Therefore this blog IS about me and my walk! That is the whole reason for this blog. I hope that others who follow this blog also find what I go through and how I deal with it applicable to their own lives as well. That would be a very wonderful outcome of this blog.
But I am not here to preach to anyone about their walk with God. I believe there are only two relationships anyone should be concerned with. The first is one's relationship with Jesus Christ. The second is one's relationship with their neighbor. I will never tell anyone that you should be concerned with another person's relationship with God other than to try and lead them into a personal relationship with Him. Leading someone to Jesus is not the same as judging and correcting someone on their relationship with Jesus. I feel that if someone is judging or trying to correct someone else's relationship with God, then they need to pull the plank out of their own eye first and fix their own relationship with God!
A good friend of mine called me today when I was feeling down about these accusations against my motives for this blog and other things in my life. He reminded me that Satan attacks you the hardest when you are actually doing a good work in God's eyes. Satan is simply trying to get you to stop doing the work which you are doing.
Dear Satan, I will not let you stop me in this work I am doing for the sake of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I will stand against you and call you out for your lies O Father of Lies! I will wear the whole armor of God and I will stand in defiance against you O Evil One! This is where I draw my line and let him try as he might, I will not abandon my work in Jesus Christ!
Thank you Sam for your encouragement of me and my motives and my work this day!
May God bless you guys this day!
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