01 November 2010

I Still Have Jesus!

Hello Guys and Gals!

I have been thinking about what if I lost something. It has been mulling over in my mind for a while now. One of the things that I hold most dear is the knowledge I have. My intelligentcia if you will. But what would I feel like if I lost my ability to think clearly? To analyze? To even understand?

Well, I have come to a conclusion about this. If I lose everything, my intelligence, my health, my ability to walk, to talk, to process thoughts, if I lose it all and I still have Jesus, whom by the way can never be taken from me, then I have still won! I win salvation which is a free gift from God through my faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. This means that I will never suffer of the Second Death which is the death of the soul. I will never be cast into Gehenna, the Lake of Fire. I will never know what total separation from God is. And this means I win life eternal with Him!

Thank you Jesus, my Lord, my Savior, my God, and my friend! I love you!

If you do not have this kind of a relationship with Jesus Christ, and you would like to know God personally as I do, please contact me here, by e-mail, by phone, or just come over and talk to me. I will not judge you. I have probably done worse than you could ever do. If Jesus can save me, then He certainly can save you as well. God loves you! Jesus loves you! He wants you to have eternal life and even better life than what you are now experiencing. He wants to give it to you freely. You only have to reach out to Him and ask Him to come into your heart. You can do this alone, or with someone else, or with me. Either way, or whatever you do decide to do, please seek to find out what God wants for you.

I love all of you guys! God bless you this day!

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