Hello Guys and Gals!
I have been exploring with my mind the burning in our hearts that comes with the hearing of the word of God. I have come to the conclusion that there are three reactions that happen when this burning comes upon us: the first is anger, the second is indifference, and the third is yearning, or burning. I will explore why we feel what we feel in these three ways when we hear the word of God today.
The first reaction I have listed that we, as humans, feel when we hear of the word of God is anger. I believe that we feel anger when we hear the word of God because we know it, deep within us, to be truth when we hear it and we also know that we have something in our life with which we are rebelling against God with; or a better term we are more familiar with is sin. When we hear the word of God being spoken, or even written, and we come across something that makes us restless within us, we get angry if we respond wrongly to the hearing of God’s word. But God knows that we have to go through this most of the time in order to reach the place where we are ready to bring that sin which God is confronting us will to Him and accept, for good or bad, the judgment He will place upon us about that sin! This is a normal reaction and every one of us who has brought our sins to Him has gone through this reaction before in our lives!
The second reaction I have listed that we, as humans, feel when we hear the word of God is indifference. This is the scariest of all reactions that we should fear having when we hear the word of God. This reaction comes when two things could be happening in our life: the first would be when we have gone through the anger of rebellion against Him and have said within our hearts that we will not bring this sin before God and do not care to hear His judgment about that sin; the second would be when we have become overwhelmed with the cares of life and have come to a point where the cares of our life are overweighing our priority of placing the cares of God’s will in the proper place in our life, which should be on top of everything else. Now the first indifference is someone who is in jeopardy of losing his immortal soul at any time because he no longer even desires to hear the truth of God in his life. Please pray for God to melt the hearts of these individuals so they will once again start responding to the word of God when they hear it. As for the second, we should pray the same thing even though they may or may not have that sin within their life. Even I have entered into indifference in both of these situations in my life and if I ever do so again, I ask each one of you to pray for me as hard as you can because it is not a good place to be because both of them do not have hope anymore!
The third reaction I have listed that we, as humans, feel when we hear the word of God is yearning, or burning within us for more of His word. I believe this is the right and proper reaction everyone should have when they hear the word of God being preached or read by those in the audience. Yes, the audience can be just one person at the time of reading a book or listening to a recorded spoken message. This reaction is how we can continue to have hope in our life for it leads us to know more and explore more about what is being said to us. This reaction is the reaction that the lost peoples of the world properly feel and respond to when they dedicate their lives to God and become saved through Jesus Christ. This reaction is the reaction that those of us who are saved properly feel and respond to when we strive with His power to correct and change our lives for the better. This reaction is the one we want every time when we hear the word of God so that we can continue our journey in moving to become the person God wants us to be.
So I am asking you a question today: how do you feel when hearing the word of God being spoken to you, read to you, spoken or read to someone else?
I will close this post with Luke 24:32 – They said to one another, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?"
May God bless you all this day!
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