Hello Guys and Gals!
I have been exploring with my mind the burning in our hearts that comes with the hearing of the word of God. I have come to the conclusion that there are three reactions that happen when this burning comes upon us: the first is anger, the second is indifference, and the third is yearning, or burning. I will explore why we feel what we feel in these three ways when we hear the word of God today.
The first reaction I have listed that we, as humans, feel when we hear of the word of God is anger. I believe that we feel anger when we hear the word of God because we know it, deep within us, to be truth when we hear it and we also know that we have something in our life with which we are rebelling against God with; or a better term we are more familiar with is sin. When we hear the word of God being spoken, or even written, and we come across something that makes us restless within us, we get angry if we respond wrongly to the hearing of God’s word. But God knows that we have to go through this most of the time in order to reach the place where we are ready to bring that sin which God is confronting us will to Him and accept, for good or bad, the judgment He will place upon us about that sin! This is a normal reaction and every one of us who has brought our sins to Him has gone through this reaction before in our lives!
The second reaction I have listed that we, as humans, feel when we hear the word of God is indifference. This is the scariest of all reactions that we should fear having when we hear the word of God. This reaction comes when two things could be happening in our life: the first would be when we have gone through the anger of rebellion against Him and have said within our hearts that we will not bring this sin before God and do not care to hear His judgment about that sin; the second would be when we have become overwhelmed with the cares of life and have come to a point where the cares of our life are overweighing our priority of placing the cares of God’s will in the proper place in our life, which should be on top of everything else. Now the first indifference is someone who is in jeopardy of losing his immortal soul at any time because he no longer even desires to hear the truth of God in his life. Please pray for God to melt the hearts of these individuals so they will once again start responding to the word of God when they hear it. As for the second, we should pray the same thing even though they may or may not have that sin within their life. Even I have entered into indifference in both of these situations in my life and if I ever do so again, I ask each one of you to pray for me as hard as you can because it is not a good place to be because both of them do not have hope anymore!
The third reaction I have listed that we, as humans, feel when we hear the word of God is yearning, or burning within us for more of His word. I believe this is the right and proper reaction everyone should have when they hear the word of God being preached or read by those in the audience. Yes, the audience can be just one person at the time of reading a book or listening to a recorded spoken message. This reaction is how we can continue to have hope in our life for it leads us to know more and explore more about what is being said to us. This reaction is the reaction that the lost peoples of the world properly feel and respond to when they dedicate their lives to God and become saved through Jesus Christ. This reaction is the reaction that those of us who are saved properly feel and respond to when we strive with His power to correct and change our lives for the better. This reaction is the one we want every time when we hear the word of God so that we can continue our journey in moving to become the person God wants us to be.
So I am asking you a question today: how do you feel when hearing the word of God being spoken to you, read to you, spoken or read to someone else?
I will close this post with Luke 24:32 – They said to one another, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?"
May God bless you all this day!
I choose to be a Man of Integrity in Christ! This is where I will share that walk with any who want to share it with me!
26 April 2012
11 April 2012
The Truth Is Not In Them!
Hello Guys and Gals!
Today in our society there is a war against Christianity and conservative values, not only here in America, but also in the rest of the world. Let us start with what the word, conservative, means.
Conservative – disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
So what it means to be a Conservative in America is someone who wishes to restore the traditional values and principles upon which America was founded and to limit the changes which all others want to bring to America. Just so we are clear, this is the definition and application under which I will be talking about when I speak about Conservatives.
In our society today, here in America, the media outlets which give us our news through the newspapers, magazines, television, cable and internet have taken it upon themselves to work towards minimizing or hiding those news stories which are advancing conservative principles, or Christian principles. In the current process for nominating a Republican candidate for the presidential election coming up this year, we have seen a repeated attack, over and over again, of the leading conservative candidate in an effort, by those people currently in political power and the media organizations promoting their Liberal agenda!
Take a look back at a time when the Congresswoman, Gabby Giffords, was tragically attacked by Jarod Loeffner. At that time, the Liberals and the media were pushing the rhetoric that this was the fault of conservatives and how they ‘target’ those Liberal politicians who are in office. They misconstrued Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann’s use of small target symbols over the districts where these Liberal politicians were holding office and said that this is where Jarod Loeffner got his motivation to attack Congresswoman Giffords. Yet the conservatives were saying that was not true and that we should wait on the evidence before we rush to judgment and say and do things that cannot be taken back. And after some very heated debate about all this, we find that Jarod Loeffner had never been to Congresswoman Bachmann’s website where these target symbols were used and that his grievance had been with Congresswoman Giffords over a past altercation which they had experienced between them and on top of that, Jarod Loeffner was actually a Liberal in his political association.
Take a look back at the scandal with Congressman Anthony Weiner. Here it was reported by Andrew Breitbart that Congressman Weiner tweeted photos of himself and his genitalia to a young woman. And Congressman Weiner denied the allegations and the media not only took his side about it but pushed the very heated rhetoric about this whole thing and how the Right goes out of their way to falsify their stories in order to attack Congressman Weiner and his attempts to bring much needed change. Again, the conservatives were saying that something is fishy and that Congressman Weiner should release his Twitter records to prove his innocence and let the truth come out. In the end, we found that Congressman Weiner was lying about the whole affair, did tweet the picture of his genitalia to the young woman, and that Andrew Breitbart was 100% accurate in his reporting.
Take a look back at the allegations leveled at Herman Cain about an adulterous affair which a woman accused him of having with herself. Again the Liberals and the media that supports them ramped up the rhetoric about this and fraudulently reported many things which were untrue and had no proof to back them up. You even had Gloria Allred coming forward with a news conference with the accuser and several other women who supposedly had affairs with Herman Cain. And yet, today, we are still waiting on that proof to come to light and that press conference to happen with the allegations still being repeated by those who are too blind to see that it was simply a ruse of the Liberals to get Herman Cain out of the Nomination Process.
Then yesterday it was made aware to me about how Rick Santorum supposed is against women serving in the military. Right away my alarm bells started ringing. Upon researching what he actually said, it became clear that he was talking about women serving in front line combat situations and that his concerns were not about women being able to serve in those situations, but rather his concern was about how the men serving with the women would be able to handle the emotions which they would suffer from in seeing a woman being hurt by their side and how their natural tendency is to be one of which to protect the woman. And yet, when I pointed out to some friends of mine that the media was trying to divert conservative women’s attention to this which may happen someday in the future and that they were even twisting the truth of what Santorum said and even taking what he did say out of context, these female friends of mine were under the impression that I was against their right to serve and/or that I was saying that they didn’t have the right to believe what they believe. I never did say that and I never would. But I did point out that they fell for what the media was attempting to do; divert their attention away from the other issues that was going on at that time in order to become upset about this women’s rights issue which was never accurately under fire by Santorum.
And these are just some of the attempts I can remember off the very top of my head about how the Liberals in political office and the media which supports their agenda have twisted and misrepresented the truth and jumped to conclusions about a situation where all the facts are not present. Does anyone not see this very thing happening again with Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman and the struggle under which Trayvon Martin lost his life?
What I have come to realize is that whenever I see an issue come up that has not been an issue prior to the issue being discussed with whatever conservative it is being discussed with, I immediately begin looking for why this has suddenly become an issue and what exactly the people bringing the issue up are actually attempting to keep my attention away from. Is it the war on Christianity by the Obama Administration? Is it how the rights of parents are being stripped from them and government is taking over the raising of our children? Is it how the Obama Administration is stripping our right to keep and bear arms as citizens of the United States of America? Is it how President Obama refuses to stand with Israel during their time of need for a real ally, which America has always been since the founding of the nation of Israel?
President Obama ran for office on a platform of change where he did not define the change he would bring to America. Is this the change you voted for a move from a free society to a socialist one? Why is the media working so diligently to keep what this president is doing hidden from the people of America? Why is it that whenever we see a conservative candidate moving ahead in the polls that a new attack against that candidate comes to light in an attempt to damage their candidacy, with the attack being one that is completely manufactured by Liberal politicians or the media that supports them? Why is it that the media seems to be behind Mitt Romney? Do you think maybe that there is an agenda here that is not being brought to light? Do you think they are pushing Mitt Romney for the Republican Nominee because they know that Obama has the best chance to win re-election by running against him?
Seriously, my friends, when you see something come around that does not make sense as to why it is coming around at this time, ask yourself why. Also, when you see the media say anything, go check the actual source they are reporting from. Not only that, but check the original video or speech from which they are quoting and listen to the whole thing in the context the speech giver is speaking. Do not ever take what they Liberal media is reporting as truth because almost every time, what they are saying is being misconstrued or downright being lied about!
I will leave you with a scripture passage for you to think upon!
“43 Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” – John 8:43-44.
May God bless you this day!
Today in our society there is a war against Christianity and conservative values, not only here in America, but also in the rest of the world. Let us start with what the word, conservative, means.
Conservative – disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
So what it means to be a Conservative in America is someone who wishes to restore the traditional values and principles upon which America was founded and to limit the changes which all others want to bring to America. Just so we are clear, this is the definition and application under which I will be talking about when I speak about Conservatives.
In our society today, here in America, the media outlets which give us our news through the newspapers, magazines, television, cable and internet have taken it upon themselves to work towards minimizing or hiding those news stories which are advancing conservative principles, or Christian principles. In the current process for nominating a Republican candidate for the presidential election coming up this year, we have seen a repeated attack, over and over again, of the leading conservative candidate in an effort, by those people currently in political power and the media organizations promoting their Liberal agenda!
Take a look back at a time when the Congresswoman, Gabby Giffords, was tragically attacked by Jarod Loeffner. At that time, the Liberals and the media were pushing the rhetoric that this was the fault of conservatives and how they ‘target’ those Liberal politicians who are in office. They misconstrued Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann’s use of small target symbols over the districts where these Liberal politicians were holding office and said that this is where Jarod Loeffner got his motivation to attack Congresswoman Giffords. Yet the conservatives were saying that was not true and that we should wait on the evidence before we rush to judgment and say and do things that cannot be taken back. And after some very heated debate about all this, we find that Jarod Loeffner had never been to Congresswoman Bachmann’s website where these target symbols were used and that his grievance had been with Congresswoman Giffords over a past altercation which they had experienced between them and on top of that, Jarod Loeffner was actually a Liberal in his political association.
Take a look back at the scandal with Congressman Anthony Weiner. Here it was reported by Andrew Breitbart that Congressman Weiner tweeted photos of himself and his genitalia to a young woman. And Congressman Weiner denied the allegations and the media not only took his side about it but pushed the very heated rhetoric about this whole thing and how the Right goes out of their way to falsify their stories in order to attack Congressman Weiner and his attempts to bring much needed change. Again, the conservatives were saying that something is fishy and that Congressman Weiner should release his Twitter records to prove his innocence and let the truth come out. In the end, we found that Congressman Weiner was lying about the whole affair, did tweet the picture of his genitalia to the young woman, and that Andrew Breitbart was 100% accurate in his reporting.
Take a look back at the allegations leveled at Herman Cain about an adulterous affair which a woman accused him of having with herself. Again the Liberals and the media that supports them ramped up the rhetoric about this and fraudulently reported many things which were untrue and had no proof to back them up. You even had Gloria Allred coming forward with a news conference with the accuser and several other women who supposedly had affairs with Herman Cain. And yet, today, we are still waiting on that proof to come to light and that press conference to happen with the allegations still being repeated by those who are too blind to see that it was simply a ruse of the Liberals to get Herman Cain out of the Nomination Process.
Then yesterday it was made aware to me about how Rick Santorum supposed is against women serving in the military. Right away my alarm bells started ringing. Upon researching what he actually said, it became clear that he was talking about women serving in front line combat situations and that his concerns were not about women being able to serve in those situations, but rather his concern was about how the men serving with the women would be able to handle the emotions which they would suffer from in seeing a woman being hurt by their side and how their natural tendency is to be one of which to protect the woman. And yet, when I pointed out to some friends of mine that the media was trying to divert conservative women’s attention to this which may happen someday in the future and that they were even twisting the truth of what Santorum said and even taking what he did say out of context, these female friends of mine were under the impression that I was against their right to serve and/or that I was saying that they didn’t have the right to believe what they believe. I never did say that and I never would. But I did point out that they fell for what the media was attempting to do; divert their attention away from the other issues that was going on at that time in order to become upset about this women’s rights issue which was never accurately under fire by Santorum.
And these are just some of the attempts I can remember off the very top of my head about how the Liberals in political office and the media which supports their agenda have twisted and misrepresented the truth and jumped to conclusions about a situation where all the facts are not present. Does anyone not see this very thing happening again with Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman and the struggle under which Trayvon Martin lost his life?
What I have come to realize is that whenever I see an issue come up that has not been an issue prior to the issue being discussed with whatever conservative it is being discussed with, I immediately begin looking for why this has suddenly become an issue and what exactly the people bringing the issue up are actually attempting to keep my attention away from. Is it the war on Christianity by the Obama Administration? Is it how the rights of parents are being stripped from them and government is taking over the raising of our children? Is it how the Obama Administration is stripping our right to keep and bear arms as citizens of the United States of America? Is it how President Obama refuses to stand with Israel during their time of need for a real ally, which America has always been since the founding of the nation of Israel?
President Obama ran for office on a platform of change where he did not define the change he would bring to America. Is this the change you voted for a move from a free society to a socialist one? Why is the media working so diligently to keep what this president is doing hidden from the people of America? Why is it that whenever we see a conservative candidate moving ahead in the polls that a new attack against that candidate comes to light in an attempt to damage their candidacy, with the attack being one that is completely manufactured by Liberal politicians or the media that supports them? Why is it that the media seems to be behind Mitt Romney? Do you think maybe that there is an agenda here that is not being brought to light? Do you think they are pushing Mitt Romney for the Republican Nominee because they know that Obama has the best chance to win re-election by running against him?
Seriously, my friends, when you see something come around that does not make sense as to why it is coming around at this time, ask yourself why. Also, when you see the media say anything, go check the actual source they are reporting from. Not only that, but check the original video or speech from which they are quoting and listen to the whole thing in the context the speech giver is speaking. Do not ever take what they Liberal media is reporting as truth because almost every time, what they are saying is being misconstrued or downright being lied about!
I will leave you with a scripture passage for you to think upon!
“43 Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” – John 8:43-44.
May God bless you this day!
10 April 2012
The Process Of Becoming Equipped For The Lord!
Hello Guys and Gals!
Have you ever asked, 'Why me Lord'? Have you ever known someone that is going through something difficult and/or painful in their life and have done nothing to cause it? Have you never had an answer for why someone is going through what they are going through? Well gird up your loins because I will give you the answer as I have learned it from the Lord! The answer is simply so that you will be equipped to deal with this same problem in your life at a later time so that you may find strength for yourself or provide strength for someone else who may need it at that later date!
Last night a friend of mine asked me to call her and she was going through something which I had been through some 5-7 years ago. She was at a loss of why she was going through it. Yet I was able to comfort her through this difficult time and give her some tools to be able to rely upon to help her with this difficulty she was experiencing. Yet, as I remember back to when I was having this same difficulty, I could not for the life of me understand why I was going through this thing. And now I see clearly why I went through it: the Lord was equipping me for a time such as this when I would be able to be able to help this dear friend of mine through this same trouble that I had been through so many years before!
If I had not gone through what I had gone through, then I would probably have been at a loss for what she is now going through. I would not have had the tools and knowledge and patience and answers that she needed so badly last night. I would not have been as understanding as I was. I would not have been able to help her in her time of need. Yet, the Lord saw fit in His loving provision to provide me with all of this so that I was equipped for that day of need! Yes, I said loving provision! Yes, I mean exactly that God lovingly put me through that so that I would, by His loving provision, be able to help someone else through the same thing!
Let me leave you with a verse to think upon this day: "28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." ~ Romans 8:28!
So when you are going through something very difficult or painful, remember that God is simply equipping you for what He needs you to be equipped for at a later time!
May God bless you all this day!
Have you ever asked, 'Why me Lord'? Have you ever known someone that is going through something difficult and/or painful in their life and have done nothing to cause it? Have you never had an answer for why someone is going through what they are going through? Well gird up your loins because I will give you the answer as I have learned it from the Lord! The answer is simply so that you will be equipped to deal with this same problem in your life at a later time so that you may find strength for yourself or provide strength for someone else who may need it at that later date!
Last night a friend of mine asked me to call her and she was going through something which I had been through some 5-7 years ago. She was at a loss of why she was going through it. Yet I was able to comfort her through this difficult time and give her some tools to be able to rely upon to help her with this difficulty she was experiencing. Yet, as I remember back to when I was having this same difficulty, I could not for the life of me understand why I was going through this thing. And now I see clearly why I went through it: the Lord was equipping me for a time such as this when I would be able to be able to help this dear friend of mine through this same trouble that I had been through so many years before!
If I had not gone through what I had gone through, then I would probably have been at a loss for what she is now going through. I would not have had the tools and knowledge and patience and answers that she needed so badly last night. I would not have been as understanding as I was. I would not have been able to help her in her time of need. Yet, the Lord saw fit in His loving provision to provide me with all of this so that I was equipped for that day of need! Yes, I said loving provision! Yes, I mean exactly that God lovingly put me through that so that I would, by His loving provision, be able to help someone else through the same thing!
Let me leave you with a verse to think upon this day: "28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." ~ Romans 8:28!
So when you are going through something very difficult or painful, remember that God is simply equipping you for what He needs you to be equipped for at a later time!
May God bless you all this day!
09 April 2012
A House Filled With Love And Joy!
Hello Guys and Gals,
I saw yesterday a house filled with love and joy! I had the privilege of being invited to dinner with a family of a young couple, Carl and Angel, well... young to me, who had 7 children. Let us just say it was a change of the scenery from living as a single man in an apartment. But let me tell you of what I witnessed there which I cannot get out of my thoughts until I witness about it!
This house was filled with children everywhere. Not all the children were the direct offspring of this couple. But such was their love for each other and children that they went out and adopted several children to fill their house. And it even seemed to me that their goal was so simple; to love these children and each other with all their strength and raise them up in the ways and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. The children ranged from the youngest at around 2 years old by my estimation all the way up to around 12 years old. I saw them fall and cry. I saw them laugh and shine. I saw them hungry and fed. I saw them taught the ways of the Lord. But mostly, I saw them loved beyond all measure and return that love to their parents!
The parents are two beautiful friends of mine. The father is a man who has devoted himself to the the Lord and serves diligently at my church, Calvary Community Church. The mother is a woman dedicated to the Lord, her husband, and their children. I saw this loving couple feed their children and teach their children and love their children. I even saw this loving couple correct and admonish their children with love and respect, but firm in their handling of the issue that was at hand.
This family just had a recent loss. They had their beloved dog hit by a car on Good Friday and had to explain about loss and death to their children. And through the weekend they mourned their beloved dog. The father, however, had a wonderful idea about teaching their children a lesson about Easter. He went out and found a puppy which was brought to their house on Easter morning and he taught their children about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and named the puppy he had found for his family, Rez! He has a longer name but everyone there called him Rez. This puppy was quickly shown how much he was loved by all these children who truly know how to love as they are being taught well by their parents.
But mostly, what I saw with this family yesterday, was a devotion to each other in their love and dedication to the Lord; and joy! So much joy I saw that I said to myself that this is what I want in life. I want a loving wife to have children with and raise them in the ways of the Lord. I am not envious or jealous of this family. I simply desire to love as they love! Such was their love and joy that it was infectious to all that were there.
Let me say also that there was another couple there and also another mother who also practiced the same devotion and dedication to the Lord and their children. The father of this other couple is my good friend, Desmond, who is married to his beautiful wife, Andrea. Let me just say that if I could model my life after any one of these people, any single one, then I would be blessed by the Lord for the love and joy that would be in my life!
I could not stop thinking about the love and joy I witnessed yesterday. Lord Jesus, please bless and love and care for all who shared in this love and joy yesterday!
May God bless you all this day!
I saw yesterday a house filled with love and joy! I had the privilege of being invited to dinner with a family of a young couple, Carl and Angel, well... young to me, who had 7 children. Let us just say it was a change of the scenery from living as a single man in an apartment. But let me tell you of what I witnessed there which I cannot get out of my thoughts until I witness about it!
This house was filled with children everywhere. Not all the children were the direct offspring of this couple. But such was their love for each other and children that they went out and adopted several children to fill their house. And it even seemed to me that their goal was so simple; to love these children and each other with all their strength and raise them up in the ways and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. The children ranged from the youngest at around 2 years old by my estimation all the way up to around 12 years old. I saw them fall and cry. I saw them laugh and shine. I saw them hungry and fed. I saw them taught the ways of the Lord. But mostly, I saw them loved beyond all measure and return that love to their parents!
The parents are two beautiful friends of mine. The father is a man who has devoted himself to the the Lord and serves diligently at my church, Calvary Community Church. The mother is a woman dedicated to the Lord, her husband, and their children. I saw this loving couple feed their children and teach their children and love their children. I even saw this loving couple correct and admonish their children with love and respect, but firm in their handling of the issue that was at hand.
This family just had a recent loss. They had their beloved dog hit by a car on Good Friday and had to explain about loss and death to their children. And through the weekend they mourned their beloved dog. The father, however, had a wonderful idea about teaching their children a lesson about Easter. He went out and found a puppy which was brought to their house on Easter morning and he taught their children about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and named the puppy he had found for his family, Rez! He has a longer name but everyone there called him Rez. This puppy was quickly shown how much he was loved by all these children who truly know how to love as they are being taught well by their parents.
But mostly, what I saw with this family yesterday, was a devotion to each other in their love and dedication to the Lord; and joy! So much joy I saw that I said to myself that this is what I want in life. I want a loving wife to have children with and raise them in the ways of the Lord. I am not envious or jealous of this family. I simply desire to love as they love! Such was their love and joy that it was infectious to all that were there.
Let me say also that there was another couple there and also another mother who also practiced the same devotion and dedication to the Lord and their children. The father of this other couple is my good friend, Desmond, who is married to his beautiful wife, Andrea. Let me just say that if I could model my life after any one of these people, any single one, then I would be blessed by the Lord for the love and joy that would be in my life!
I could not stop thinking about the love and joy I witnessed yesterday. Lord Jesus, please bless and love and care for all who shared in this love and joy yesterday!
May God bless you all this day!
06 April 2012
Overcome By His Love!
Hello Guys and Gals!
Have you ever been doing something, any little thing, and then the knowledge of what He has done for you through His love for you comes to you and suddenly you can't think or move and your emotions get the better of you and you break with that knowledge and feel His love for you at that moment in such a way that nothing else in your life matters but Him? I have! It happened to me again this very morning. Last night, as I lay down, I asked groggily if I could have some real sleep... just this once. I woke up at 5 am and took a pain pill as the pain was what woke me. So after, I lay back down hoping for another hour of sleep. Yet when I woke up it was 10 am!
If you know me at all, then you know that this never happens to me, that I get a full 10 hours of restful sleep with only one break in it. Then I remembered asking Him for it last night. And the knowledge that He had touched me to help me to sleep and get truly rested overcame me. When I mean it overcame me, I mean that I had to grab something to keep me standing up because I almost fell I was so overcome by His love for me; that He would take a half-hearted wish and ensure that it came true for me!
Listen to me very carefully. If you do not have Jesus in your life like this, and you want a friend who will be there for you, and never abandon you... ever, then simply ask Him into your life. Just close your eyes and pray to Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, and simply ask Him to forgive you of your sins and come into your life to be your anchor through this storm of life. He will forgive you and He will become the best friend you have ever had or ever will have. Such is His love for you! If you trust me in anything, then trust me when I tell you that you can trust Him in everything! Do this now and you will never forget it and He will never forsake you!
I have done this many years ago and He was with me protecting me even when I was in rebellion against Him! On top of that, He convicted me of my sinful rebellion and brought me home to His side and led me back to the righteous path that leads to true life! He will also do that for you, no matter how far down that path that leads to death you have gone. He has the power to help you get back to the path of life. Trust in Him and while your troubles may not go away, He promises to be there with you as you go through those troubles and help you with those troubles so that you can see His power in any trial you may go through! Jesus loves you this much! Trust in Him and you will always be able to rely on Him no matter what you face. Go ahead and ask Him now!
May God bless you all with the love of His son, Jesus Christ, the Lord of Morning, this day!
Have you ever been doing something, any little thing, and then the knowledge of what He has done for you through His love for you comes to you and suddenly you can't think or move and your emotions get the better of you and you break with that knowledge and feel His love for you at that moment in such a way that nothing else in your life matters but Him? I have! It happened to me again this very morning. Last night, as I lay down, I asked groggily if I could have some real sleep... just this once. I woke up at 5 am and took a pain pill as the pain was what woke me. So after, I lay back down hoping for another hour of sleep. Yet when I woke up it was 10 am!
If you know me at all, then you know that this never happens to me, that I get a full 10 hours of restful sleep with only one break in it. Then I remembered asking Him for it last night. And the knowledge that He had touched me to help me to sleep and get truly rested overcame me. When I mean it overcame me, I mean that I had to grab something to keep me standing up because I almost fell I was so overcome by His love for me; that He would take a half-hearted wish and ensure that it came true for me!
Listen to me very carefully. If you do not have Jesus in your life like this, and you want a friend who will be there for you, and never abandon you... ever, then simply ask Him into your life. Just close your eyes and pray to Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, and simply ask Him to forgive you of your sins and come into your life to be your anchor through this storm of life. He will forgive you and He will become the best friend you have ever had or ever will have. Such is His love for you! If you trust me in anything, then trust me when I tell you that you can trust Him in everything! Do this now and you will never forget it and He will never forsake you!
I have done this many years ago and He was with me protecting me even when I was in rebellion against Him! On top of that, He convicted me of my sinful rebellion and brought me home to His side and led me back to the righteous path that leads to true life! He will also do that for you, no matter how far down that path that leads to death you have gone. He has the power to help you get back to the path of life. Trust in Him and while your troubles may not go away, He promises to be there with you as you go through those troubles and help you with those troubles so that you can see His power in any trial you may go through! Jesus loves you this much! Trust in Him and you will always be able to rely on Him no matter what you face. Go ahead and ask Him now!
May God bless you all with the love of His son, Jesus Christ, the Lord of Morning, this day!
05 April 2012
My Security!
Hello Guys and Gals!
I have a question for you today: where have you placed your security? Do you have a savings account? Have you invested in the stock market? What about gold; have you bought any? Do you have a secret stash somewhere that you keep money in for a rainy day? In other words, when times get tough financially or otherwise, what do you have set aside to ensure that you and yours are taken care of?
What about me? I have nothing! I have no savings account and can barely hold onto my money more than a day or two after I get paid. I have no money invested in the stock market or gold or any other financial considerations. I have no secret stash hidden away. But do you know one thing I have that guarantees that I will be taken care of? I have Jesus Christ! He is my Lord and my Savior! In Him do I put my whole well being; that of my health, my finances, and my security!
Jesus addresses the issue of our security in Matthew:
"19 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; 21 for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." ~ Matthew 6:19-21.
and again:
"24 "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. 25 "For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? 27 And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? 28 And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, 29 yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! 31 Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' 32 For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 34 "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ~ Matthew 6:24-34.
Jesus tells us specifically that we can trust completely in God for all of our needs; yes, even financial security! Now I am not saying do not be diligent with your money and do not put aside for times of need. What I am saying is put your whole trust in God to provide for you in times of bounty as well as need!
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a giving and helping person. If you come to me and are in need, I will take the very shirt off my back if necessary in order to help you with your need! This is probably why a Psychiatrist told me one time that I need to learn that I can support people in need without always helping them with my money. I sometimes go too far in caring for others so that I become a crutch to them instead of them learning to walk on their own. That being said, I do not have a lot of money to give people, but when they come to me for help, I am always able to help in some way. I believe this is one of the ways we are called by Him to live with other people, by helping them when they need help.
My point is that money is not the answer, God is the answer! Think about the Dollar. It is the currency upon which the USA trades and uses as legal tender. It used to be based upon the Gold Standard. Now it is not. It used to be the premiere currency of the world. Now it is not. The words, 'In God We Trust' used to have meaning to those who use it. Now they do not. Did you ever consider that as we have lost our faith in God that our currency has also lost the faith of the world? God is the only answer we should ever seek when we are in need. Did He not make everything and install into power every ruler who rules over every empire that has ever existed and will exist? Think about God's storehouses and treasury.
Do you remember when the Pharisees tested Jesus on whether or not it was lawful to pay tribute to Caesar?
"15 Then the Pharisees went and plotted together how they might trap Him in what He said. 16 And they sent their disciples to Him, along with the Herodians, saying, "Teacher, we know that You are truthful and teach the way of God in truth, and defer to no one; for You are not partial to any. 17 Tell us then, what do You think? Is it lawful to give a poll-tax to Caesar, or not?" 18 But Jesus perceived their malice, and said, "Why are you testing Me, you hypocrites? 19 Show Me the coin used for the poll-tax." And they brought Him a denarius. 20 And He *said to them, "Whose likeness and inscription is this?" 21 They *said to Him, "Caesar's." Then He *said to them, "Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's." 22 And hearing this, they were amazed, and leaving Him, they went away." ~ Matthew 22:15-22.
My point is that all the money in the world is God's! All the food, the land, the real estate... is God's! God's treasuries have no end and this is where I go to place my security!
Many times I have been in need and times have been rough. But do you know that through all those times I have never once not had a meal to eat or a roof over my head or a place to lie down and sleep? God has provided for me, even when I was in sinful rebellion against Him, yes even then, through my whole life! He is my security and to Whom I put all my trust!
So again I will ask you: where have you placed your security?
May God bless you all this day!
I have a question for you today: where have you placed your security? Do you have a savings account? Have you invested in the stock market? What about gold; have you bought any? Do you have a secret stash somewhere that you keep money in for a rainy day? In other words, when times get tough financially or otherwise, what do you have set aside to ensure that you and yours are taken care of?
What about me? I have nothing! I have no savings account and can barely hold onto my money more than a day or two after I get paid. I have no money invested in the stock market or gold or any other financial considerations. I have no secret stash hidden away. But do you know one thing I have that guarantees that I will be taken care of? I have Jesus Christ! He is my Lord and my Savior! In Him do I put my whole well being; that of my health, my finances, and my security!
Jesus addresses the issue of our security in Matthew:
"19 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; 21 for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." ~ Matthew 6:19-21.
and again:
"24 "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. 25 "For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? 27 And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? 28 And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, 29 yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! 31 Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' 32 For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 34 "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ~ Matthew 6:24-34.
Jesus tells us specifically that we can trust completely in God for all of our needs; yes, even financial security! Now I am not saying do not be diligent with your money and do not put aside for times of need. What I am saying is put your whole trust in God to provide for you in times of bounty as well as need!
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a giving and helping person. If you come to me and are in need, I will take the very shirt off my back if necessary in order to help you with your need! This is probably why a Psychiatrist told me one time that I need to learn that I can support people in need without always helping them with my money. I sometimes go too far in caring for others so that I become a crutch to them instead of them learning to walk on their own. That being said, I do not have a lot of money to give people, but when they come to me for help, I am always able to help in some way. I believe this is one of the ways we are called by Him to live with other people, by helping them when they need help.
My point is that money is not the answer, God is the answer! Think about the Dollar. It is the currency upon which the USA trades and uses as legal tender. It used to be based upon the Gold Standard. Now it is not. It used to be the premiere currency of the world. Now it is not. The words, 'In God We Trust' used to have meaning to those who use it. Now they do not. Did you ever consider that as we have lost our faith in God that our currency has also lost the faith of the world? God is the only answer we should ever seek when we are in need. Did He not make everything and install into power every ruler who rules over every empire that has ever existed and will exist? Think about God's storehouses and treasury.
Do you remember when the Pharisees tested Jesus on whether or not it was lawful to pay tribute to Caesar?
"15 Then the Pharisees went and plotted together how they might trap Him in what He said. 16 And they sent their disciples to Him, along with the Herodians, saying, "Teacher, we know that You are truthful and teach the way of God in truth, and defer to no one; for You are not partial to any. 17 Tell us then, what do You think? Is it lawful to give a poll-tax to Caesar, or not?" 18 But Jesus perceived their malice, and said, "Why are you testing Me, you hypocrites? 19 Show Me the coin used for the poll-tax." And they brought Him a denarius. 20 And He *said to them, "Whose likeness and inscription is this?" 21 They *said to Him, "Caesar's." Then He *said to them, "Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's." 22 And hearing this, they were amazed, and leaving Him, they went away." ~ Matthew 22:15-22.
My point is that all the money in the world is God's! All the food, the land, the real estate... is God's! God's treasuries have no end and this is where I go to place my security!
Many times I have been in need and times have been rough. But do you know that through all those times I have never once not had a meal to eat or a roof over my head or a place to lie down and sleep? God has provided for me, even when I was in sinful rebellion against Him, yes even then, through my whole life! He is my security and to Whom I put all my trust!
So again I will ask you: where have you placed your security?
May God bless you all this day!
04 April 2012
I Kneel Before Jesus Christ!
Hello Guys and Gals!
I kneel before the One Who sits on the throne of David.
I abide in His strength and mercy all of my days.
In Him have I found mercy and peace for all my iniquities.
Through Him will I help others in their time of need.
He is my King, my Lord, and my Savior.
I have always been His; even before I knew that I was.
It was His love that brought me out of my sin and into His grace.
Through Him I have found strength to do that which I never thought possible.
During times of pain, His presence has surely been with me.
During times of peace, His joy reigns in my heart.
During times of persecution, His love sustains me.
During times of exaltation, His admonition keeps me humble.
I kneel before Him and pledge ever more to be His.
I kneel before Him and vow eternally to do His will no matter where it takes me.
I kneel before Him because there is none who is greater.
I kneel before Him because there is none who has shown more love.
I kneel before Him because I got tired of running away from Him.
I kneel before Him because He is holy, holy, holy.
He is my King, my Lord, my Savior, and my God.
He dwells within my heart and keeps the darkness within me at bay.
He has written His law upon the table of my heart.
His word fills my mind in time of need; and also in time of other people's need.
His love endures forever and began before the foundations of the world were laid.
To Him do I pledge everything that I have and everything that I am.
I kneel before you this day, King Jesus Christ!
May God bless you all this day!
I kneel before the One Who sits on the throne of David.
I abide in His strength and mercy all of my days.
In Him have I found mercy and peace for all my iniquities.
Through Him will I help others in their time of need.
He is my King, my Lord, and my Savior.
I have always been His; even before I knew that I was.
It was His love that brought me out of my sin and into His grace.
Through Him I have found strength to do that which I never thought possible.
During times of pain, His presence has surely been with me.
During times of peace, His joy reigns in my heart.
During times of persecution, His love sustains me.
During times of exaltation, His admonition keeps me humble.
I kneel before Him and pledge ever more to be His.
I kneel before Him and vow eternally to do His will no matter where it takes me.
I kneel before Him because there is none who is greater.
I kneel before Him because there is none who has shown more love.
I kneel before Him because I got tired of running away from Him.
I kneel before Him because He is holy, holy, holy.
He is my King, my Lord, my Savior, and my God.
He dwells within my heart and keeps the darkness within me at bay.
He has written His law upon the table of my heart.
His word fills my mind in time of need; and also in time of other people's need.
His love endures forever and began before the foundations of the world were laid.
To Him do I pledge everything that I have and everything that I am.
I kneel before you this day, King Jesus Christ!
May God bless you all this day!
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