Hello Guys and Gals!
Martin Luther said, “If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved and to be stead on all the battle front besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.”
Today we are beset on all fronts with attacks against our beliefs and symbols of Christianity and America. Yesterday I saw that the Left was flying an American flag absent the stars and in their place was a picture of Obama. Add to that the Obama Administration giving a permit for a tribe to hunt and kill the Bald Eagle, the very symbol of America. Add to that the Obama Administration requiring the Catholic Church to provide contraceptives and go against their very core beliefs. Add to that Obama deliberately omitting the phrase about ‘the Creator’ when quoting The Declaration of Independence.
On top of all that, even though Obama professes Christianity, we see him and his administration working to apologize for America to Islamic countries and also promoting Islamic traditions. He went so far to say that America is no longer a Christian nation but more an Islamic nation and Hindu nation and Buddhist nation.
Congressman Joe Wilson shouted at Obama, “You lie!” during one of Obama’s speeches before Congress. His outburst drew condemnation from both Democratic and Republican sides of the aisle and ultimately led to him apologizing for it. But his outburst came after Obama said, “There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false. The reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.” Yet we see that Obama was lying in that speech and Joe Wilson was right in his declaration that Obama was lying. So why the apology if he was right?
Recently, Jim Wallis, a Liberal pastor, said America is not a Christian nation and has never been a Christian nation. He goes on to say, “American exceptionalism, theology, is a heresy. It’s not true and it’s very dangerous.” Yet the term American Exceptionalism was coined in 1831 by French political thinker Alexis de Tocqueville, who wrote the book, Democracy in America.
Conservative historian, David Barton, wrote: ‘America has a wonderful spiritual and constitutional legacy. It is no surprise that Secularists, Atheists, Leftists, and Liberals have relentlessly attacked every aspect of that heritage. They must sever citizens from a knowledge of their true history if they are to succeed in moving the country in a new direction.
Such attacks are to be expected, but what is surprising that some who would be described as conservative Christians have now joined with them and become leaders in the attack on America’s rich Christian heritage. They are trying to convince Christians not only that America does not have a Biblical foundation but specifically that the Founding Fathers were largely pagans who represented the spirit of the Anti-Christ. They further assert that Christians should not be involved in the political arena or similar areas of culture.’
With all this we see our churches, beliefs, traditions, symbols, and even the very rights guaranteed by the Constitution under attack by the Left and the Obama Administration. And where is the leadership that stands up against these attacks? Even those who do stand up and call the lies of Obama what they actually are, namely Joe Wilson, eventually back down and apologize, even though he is right, because of the public outcry and political correctness which has infested our society like a disease today!
Did you ever notice that when you put on the Armor of God (Ephesians 6), that the first thing you put on is truth? You gird your loins with the truth! Think about that. This is the armor that goes on first and undergirds all the other armor! I believe that without the truth, being that the ultimate truth comes only from Jesus, that all the other armor has weakness to it! Look at the Breastplate of Righteousness. Without truth, how would that righteousness protect you? So we should stand up for the truth against the attacks upon it! And do not let public opinion and political correctness make you bow to a liar when you know that what you are standing for is the truth!
Looking back at what Martin Luther said above, how can we claim to be Christian Soldiers and not stand firm against the very critical points where Satan is attacking? How can we not defend, with our very lives if need be, those attacks against Christianity and even America, which was founded by Christians and upon Christian morals and traditions? How is it that when those very morals and symbols are under attack that we just sit there and watch it happen not standing up against those attacks?
Let me leave you with a quote which I do not know the author of: Stand up for what you believe! You may be right. You may be wrong. But at least you stand for something. Because when you don’t stand for something, you will lay down for anything!
Are you standing firm in the line of battle which we are in today?
May God bless each and every one of you this day!
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