Hello Guys and Gals!
I believe there is one God! He is the Creator of all that was, is, or ever will be! I believe that He not only notices us, but loves us! I believe He has made one path to return to Him, that of Jesus Christ! I believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God Himself and that He is God in the form of man! I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross at Calvary that blessed day for the sins of any who accept Him as their Savior! I believe that Jesus Christ rose again three days later because even the power of death and the grave could not hold Him! I believe that day was blessed because Jesus Christ became a curse so that we, as sinners, could be restored to Himself!
I believe that America was founded upon Christian principles! I believe that America is the greatest nation that has ever existed and only achieved that greatness through the blessings of God Almighty! I believe that when we move away from those founding principles, that we become cursed until we return to God and work with Him to restore America to the greatness it once was! I believe that everyone needs a personal relationship with God! I believe that said relationship should start with the knowledge and admission that everyone is a sinner and beyond salvation except through the means of Jesus Christ! I believe redemption for America can only start with the Individual in America turning back to Christian principles in their life!
I believe Islam was founded on lies that the prophet Muhammed preached! I believe him to be very confused when he lived! I believe Islam to be a religion of hate where the followers of Islam have free reign in their belief system to lie to anyone so that Islam can be furthered! I believe that the followers of Islam who preach peace do not really mean it because if they did, they would denounce the violence of ANYONE practicing it who is also a follower of Islam!
I believe that Christians should take a stand on the truth and integrity of Jesus Christ and denounce anyone who preaches against Christianity! I believe in Freedom of Religion and that it is free to practice any religion so long as they do not contradict the peaceful ways of the Christian Principles that America was founded upon! I believe in Separation of Church and State where the State does not govern the Church; however, the Church is still free to have beneficial influence upon the American Government! I believe that if we separate completely the Church from the State, then we should do it equally and apply it equally among all religions and not just against Christianity!
I believe there is a movement out there to bring about Communism and Facism and Socialism in America the same way it was brought about in Germany during the years between World War I and World War II! I believe that President Obama is the figurehead for that movement! I believe that Communism and Facism and Socialism and their beliefs go against the teachings and principles of Christianity and all that is good in America! I believe that America has woken up from the greed of materialism and is ready to take back our nation from the radical Left! I believe we should lock down our borders! I believe we should re-open our oil wells and rely upon ourselves for our means of surviving! I believe we should produce and not just consume!
I believe that all can turn back to God when He touches our heart and have forgiveness for our sins: past, present, and future! I believe that once saved, that God has placed you into Jesus' hand and that no man has the power to remove you or your salvation from you!
I believe in YOU!
God bless you all this day!
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