Hello Guys and Gals!
I am writing tonight to speak specifically about a topic that is so misunderstood that I have been accused of not doing what the Word of God says in a matter.
In Deuteronomy 32:35 it states:
‘Vengeance is Mine, and retribution,
In due time their foot will slip;
For the day of their calamity is near,
And the impending things are hastening upon them.’
Does this mean then that we are not to pursue those who have wronged us under the law? Does this mean that simply because we are Christians that we are not to pursue, under the law, the right prosecution of those who break it?
I say that it does not mean that! I say, and I have discussed this much with many others, that we are obligated, not only to follow the law, but to pursue those who break the law so that the innocent will no longer suffer under the hands of the law breakers!
Take a look at Romans 13: 1 - 6!
1 Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.
2 Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.
3 For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same;
4 for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.
5 Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake.
6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing.
As I read this, noting that this is a full passage of scripture and not simply one verse that can be taken to mean something other than what scripture is actually saying, I note that only those who do evil need to fear the sword of the authorities placed over us who have been put there by God Himself!
So if you have cause with another and pursue them under the laws of the nation for their evil doing against you, then do not let people tell you that you are doing wrong because God said, 'Vengeance is Mine'! If anyone tries to tell you that you are doing wrong by going to the law for justice, refer them to these two passages. They are very clear that we are to be in subjection to the authorities placed over us by God so that evil men will be judged and punished through the laws of the land which these same evil doers knew before they broke the law and sought to do evil upon you!
As in all things, if you seek God and His Kingdom, then all other things will be added unto you! Do not do as the hypocrites do and quote scripture without the true meaning of what is actually being conveyed in the scripture!
God bless you all this night!
I choose to be a Man of Integrity in Christ! This is where I will share that walk with any who want to share it with me!
22 January 2011
20 January 2011
Past Paths You Could Have Taken!
Hello Guys and Gals!
I have been reading the Book of Job. I have been considering and thinking about what is written there. Then I have been thinking about the 'paths' we could have taken in life but did not. I have thought about what if I had been fully devoted to God earlier on in my life. I think God has sent me a message. I believe He told me that I should not dwell upon it other than to tell you all what I have found out. That is, all them other paths that could have been, they don't matter! What is important in God's eyes is what you are doing now!
Dwelling on the past can be used to repair what is broken now and fixing it by not making the same mistakes. But even though you regret certain choices you have made in life, you shouldn't give up on what you can do now just because you didn't do it then! So focus on now and look and see what you can do to get right with God now and follow that by doing what He leads you to do with your abilities and gifts that He has given you for such a time as this!
Listen, we all have sin in our past. We have all treated others with contempt and disdain and given them all pain and suffering and even persecution. So what if they gave it to you first. It doesn't matter! Seek God first and repair your relationship with Him! Then let Him guide you into repairing your relationship with those who have hurt you or those whom you have hurt! But always do it in the way God would do it! Be loving and kind and respectful! Know that they might attack you and yell at you and maybe even get physical with you. Turn the other cheek and let them do so. I know this will be tough as I am also dealing with this concept in my life! But do it anyway with faith that God will use this to restore your relationship!
Now I'm not saying take abuse that doesn't stop. If this happens, walk away and leave them alone for God to work upon their heart as well. But reach out and try and do it in a humble way. But at the same time, do not let them abuse you! But do reach out to try and repair what is broken!
After you have been working on repairing your relationship with God and your relationship with your neighbor, then ask this question: what can I do that I do well? Make a list if you have to. Figure out what you have as strengths and also weaknesses, areas in your life that you need to work on! Then ask, what you can use those things you do well to do something to further God's will in your life and the lives of others! It may be something small. It may be something big. It may be something in between the two. It may be something nobody will notice but God. Again, it doesn't matter what it is so long as you do something! Trust me in this one thing, God will bless your efforts and will show you and teach you and lead you to further your efforts for Him!
So quit dwelling on the possible paths that could have been taken in your past! Think on and act on the path you are on today and do something pleasing to God! He will surely reward you for it!
God bless you all this day!
I have been reading the Book of Job. I have been considering and thinking about what is written there. Then I have been thinking about the 'paths' we could have taken in life but did not. I have thought about what if I had been fully devoted to God earlier on in my life. I think God has sent me a message. I believe He told me that I should not dwell upon it other than to tell you all what I have found out. That is, all them other paths that could have been, they don't matter! What is important in God's eyes is what you are doing now!
Dwelling on the past can be used to repair what is broken now and fixing it by not making the same mistakes. But even though you regret certain choices you have made in life, you shouldn't give up on what you can do now just because you didn't do it then! So focus on now and look and see what you can do to get right with God now and follow that by doing what He leads you to do with your abilities and gifts that He has given you for such a time as this!
Listen, we all have sin in our past. We have all treated others with contempt and disdain and given them all pain and suffering and even persecution. So what if they gave it to you first. It doesn't matter! Seek God first and repair your relationship with Him! Then let Him guide you into repairing your relationship with those who have hurt you or those whom you have hurt! But always do it in the way God would do it! Be loving and kind and respectful! Know that they might attack you and yell at you and maybe even get physical with you. Turn the other cheek and let them do so. I know this will be tough as I am also dealing with this concept in my life! But do it anyway with faith that God will use this to restore your relationship!
Now I'm not saying take abuse that doesn't stop. If this happens, walk away and leave them alone for God to work upon their heart as well. But reach out and try and do it in a humble way. But at the same time, do not let them abuse you! But do reach out to try and repair what is broken!
After you have been working on repairing your relationship with God and your relationship with your neighbor, then ask this question: what can I do that I do well? Make a list if you have to. Figure out what you have as strengths and also weaknesses, areas in your life that you need to work on! Then ask, what you can use those things you do well to do something to further God's will in your life and the lives of others! It may be something small. It may be something big. It may be something in between the two. It may be something nobody will notice but God. Again, it doesn't matter what it is so long as you do something! Trust me in this one thing, God will bless your efforts and will show you and teach you and lead you to further your efforts for Him!
So quit dwelling on the possible paths that could have been taken in your past! Think on and act on the path you are on today and do something pleasing to God! He will surely reward you for it!
God bless you all this day!
15 January 2011
What I Believe!
Hello Guys and Gals!
I believe there is one God! He is the Creator of all that was, is, or ever will be! I believe that He not only notices us, but loves us! I believe He has made one path to return to Him, that of Jesus Christ! I believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God Himself and that He is God in the form of man! I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross at Calvary that blessed day for the sins of any who accept Him as their Savior! I believe that Jesus Christ rose again three days later because even the power of death and the grave could not hold Him! I believe that day was blessed because Jesus Christ became a curse so that we, as sinners, could be restored to Himself!
I believe that America was founded upon Christian principles! I believe that America is the greatest nation that has ever existed and only achieved that greatness through the blessings of God Almighty! I believe that when we move away from those founding principles, that we become cursed until we return to God and work with Him to restore America to the greatness it once was! I believe that everyone needs a personal relationship with God! I believe that said relationship should start with the knowledge and admission that everyone is a sinner and beyond salvation except through the means of Jesus Christ! I believe redemption for America can only start with the Individual in America turning back to Christian principles in their life!
I believe Islam was founded on lies that the prophet Muhammed preached! I believe him to be very confused when he lived! I believe Islam to be a religion of hate where the followers of Islam have free reign in their belief system to lie to anyone so that Islam can be furthered! I believe that the followers of Islam who preach peace do not really mean it because if they did, they would denounce the violence of ANYONE practicing it who is also a follower of Islam!
I believe that Christians should take a stand on the truth and integrity of Jesus Christ and denounce anyone who preaches against Christianity! I believe in Freedom of Religion and that it is free to practice any religion so long as they do not contradict the peaceful ways of the Christian Principles that America was founded upon! I believe in Separation of Church and State where the State does not govern the Church; however, the Church is still free to have beneficial influence upon the American Government! I believe that if we separate completely the Church from the State, then we should do it equally and apply it equally among all religions and not just against Christianity!
I believe there is a movement out there to bring about Communism and Facism and Socialism in America the same way it was brought about in Germany during the years between World War I and World War II! I believe that President Obama is the figurehead for that movement! I believe that Communism and Facism and Socialism and their beliefs go against the teachings and principles of Christianity and all that is good in America! I believe that America has woken up from the greed of materialism and is ready to take back our nation from the radical Left! I believe we should lock down our borders! I believe we should re-open our oil wells and rely upon ourselves for our means of surviving! I believe we should produce and not just consume!
I believe that all can turn back to God when He touches our heart and have forgiveness for our sins: past, present, and future! I believe that once saved, that God has placed you into Jesus' hand and that no man has the power to remove you or your salvation from you!
I believe in YOU!
God bless you all this day!
I believe there is one God! He is the Creator of all that was, is, or ever will be! I believe that He not only notices us, but loves us! I believe He has made one path to return to Him, that of Jesus Christ! I believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God Himself and that He is God in the form of man! I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross at Calvary that blessed day for the sins of any who accept Him as their Savior! I believe that Jesus Christ rose again three days later because even the power of death and the grave could not hold Him! I believe that day was blessed because Jesus Christ became a curse so that we, as sinners, could be restored to Himself!
I believe that America was founded upon Christian principles! I believe that America is the greatest nation that has ever existed and only achieved that greatness through the blessings of God Almighty! I believe that when we move away from those founding principles, that we become cursed until we return to God and work with Him to restore America to the greatness it once was! I believe that everyone needs a personal relationship with God! I believe that said relationship should start with the knowledge and admission that everyone is a sinner and beyond salvation except through the means of Jesus Christ! I believe redemption for America can only start with the Individual in America turning back to Christian principles in their life!
I believe Islam was founded on lies that the prophet Muhammed preached! I believe him to be very confused when he lived! I believe Islam to be a religion of hate where the followers of Islam have free reign in their belief system to lie to anyone so that Islam can be furthered! I believe that the followers of Islam who preach peace do not really mean it because if they did, they would denounce the violence of ANYONE practicing it who is also a follower of Islam!
I believe that Christians should take a stand on the truth and integrity of Jesus Christ and denounce anyone who preaches against Christianity! I believe in Freedom of Religion and that it is free to practice any religion so long as they do not contradict the peaceful ways of the Christian Principles that America was founded upon! I believe in Separation of Church and State where the State does not govern the Church; however, the Church is still free to have beneficial influence upon the American Government! I believe that if we separate completely the Church from the State, then we should do it equally and apply it equally among all religions and not just against Christianity!
I believe there is a movement out there to bring about Communism and Facism and Socialism in America the same way it was brought about in Germany during the years between World War I and World War II! I believe that President Obama is the figurehead for that movement! I believe that Communism and Facism and Socialism and their beliefs go against the teachings and principles of Christianity and all that is good in America! I believe that America has woken up from the greed of materialism and is ready to take back our nation from the radical Left! I believe we should lock down our borders! I believe we should re-open our oil wells and rely upon ourselves for our means of surviving! I believe we should produce and not just consume!
I believe that all can turn back to God when He touches our heart and have forgiveness for our sins: past, present, and future! I believe that once saved, that God has placed you into Jesus' hand and that no man has the power to remove you or your salvation from you!
I believe in YOU!
God bless you all this day!
11 January 2011
The Wake Of Violence!
Hello Guys and Gals!
In the wake of violence there is always treachery and deceit! But there is also truth. Our nation is dealing with a crazed man who assassinated and murdered people in cold blood. After the incident, many were saying this or that but without any evidence. Many were pointing fingers and making accusations implying guilt on one party or another. Again without any evidence to back up what it is they were saying. This is wrong!
Another thing that happened was that nobody really stood up and said it was wrong and simply said, 'Stop it!' Why not? Is it because we either like false accusations or that we like to wait and see those making false accusations fall into a lie and then be seen as false so that we can say, 'I told you so!'? What happened to the neighbor who, when he saw a child misbehaving, would say, 'Stop it or I'll tell your parents!'? What happened to the parents who would correct the child when he was being immoral or doing wrong? What happened to the integrity that used to be a part of serving as an elected official?
Now I am a Christian Conservative Man. But what is that to you? It doesn't matter! It is not about being on the Right or the Left. It is not about being Conservative or Liberal. It is not about being Christian or Muslim or Hindu. It is not about being Male or Female. It is simply about being Human! It is called Humanity! One of the definitions of Humanity is: the quality of being humane; kindness; benevolence! Think about that! Kindness! Benevolence!
If you had seen a Muslim man or woman lying hurt in the wake of what is clearly a terrorist act, would you help him? Would you help him not knowing if he was one of the attackers or not? I'm not saying that Terrorism is linked to Muslims here! I'm just asking if you would help a hurt man without having to know his character first? I like to think I would! I have never been in that position so I cannot say for sure. Still I would like to believe that I would have the integrity to help someone in need no matter who they are! That is Humanity! That is the kindness and benevolence I am talking about.
If you look at Luke 6:27-35 then you see Jesus talk about this very thought. '27 “But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.29 “Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also; and whoever takes away your coat, do not withhold your shirt from him either.30 “Give to everyone who asks of you, and whoever takes away what is yours, do not demand it back.31 “Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.33 “If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same.34 “If you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners in order to receive back the same amount.35 “But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men.'
So I ask you to think today on what you would do if...
Think about it and pray!
May the Lord Jesus Christ look upon you today and bless you with His love!
In the wake of violence there is always treachery and deceit! But there is also truth. Our nation is dealing with a crazed man who assassinated and murdered people in cold blood. After the incident, many were saying this or that but without any evidence. Many were pointing fingers and making accusations implying guilt on one party or another. Again without any evidence to back up what it is they were saying. This is wrong!
Another thing that happened was that nobody really stood up and said it was wrong and simply said, 'Stop it!' Why not? Is it because we either like false accusations or that we like to wait and see those making false accusations fall into a lie and then be seen as false so that we can say, 'I told you so!'? What happened to the neighbor who, when he saw a child misbehaving, would say, 'Stop it or I'll tell your parents!'? What happened to the parents who would correct the child when he was being immoral or doing wrong? What happened to the integrity that used to be a part of serving as an elected official?
Now I am a Christian Conservative Man. But what is that to you? It doesn't matter! It is not about being on the Right or the Left. It is not about being Conservative or Liberal. It is not about being Christian or Muslim or Hindu. It is not about being Male or Female. It is simply about being Human! It is called Humanity! One of the definitions of Humanity is: the quality of being humane; kindness; benevolence! Think about that! Kindness! Benevolence!
If you had seen a Muslim man or woman lying hurt in the wake of what is clearly a terrorist act, would you help him? Would you help him not knowing if he was one of the attackers or not? I'm not saying that Terrorism is linked to Muslims here! I'm just asking if you would help a hurt man without having to know his character first? I like to think I would! I have never been in that position so I cannot say for sure. Still I would like to believe that I would have the integrity to help someone in need no matter who they are! That is Humanity! That is the kindness and benevolence I am talking about.
If you look at Luke 6:27-35 then you see Jesus talk about this very thought. '27 “But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.29 “Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also; and whoever takes away your coat, do not withhold your shirt from him either.30 “Give to everyone who asks of you, and whoever takes away what is yours, do not demand it back.31 “Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.33 “If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same.34 “If you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners in order to receive back the same amount.35 “But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men.'
So I ask you to think today on what you would do if...
Think about it and pray!
May the Lord Jesus Christ look upon you today and bless you with His love!
08 January 2011
Reason For The Name Change!
Hello Guys and Gals!
I have changed the name and address of my blog. I did this because it was pointed out to me that when you do a search for The Integral Christian on the web that another site comes up where there are some views that I do not agree with and find quite strange. Since I do not agree with this other site's viewpoint and believe that they used that name first, I am changing the name of my blog so that there will be no confusion whatsoever with my blog and that other site!
I have chosen the name: Christian Truth and Integrity for my blog. I hope you guys like it!
God bless you all this night!
I have changed the name and address of my blog. I did this because it was pointed out to me that when you do a search for The Integral Christian on the web that another site comes up where there are some views that I do not agree with and find quite strange. Since I do not agree with this other site's viewpoint and believe that they used that name first, I am changing the name of my blog so that there will be no confusion whatsoever with my blog and that other site!
I have chosen the name: Christian Truth and Integrity for my blog. I hope you guys like it!
God bless you all this night!
04 January 2011
What Do You Want To Be Known For?
Hello Guys and Gals!
I'm asking this question today, 'What do you want to be known for when you are done with this life?' The reason I'm asking you this question is because it is a question I have asked myself. I started asking myself this question a few years ago and it, through the grace of God, has helped to transform my life!
Back then, I was known for being a jerk, speaking my mind, and doing methamphetamines! I did not like what I saw when I looked at myself in the mirror. And no, I'm not talking physically. The person I looked at when I looked in the mirror was never someone I wanted to know when I was younger. So I prayed to God asking Him to take me out of that life with His power because I was helpless to leave it on my own, such was my addiction!
Now, just a few years later, my life has been transformed! But it was a hard road! One of the main things I had to do was cut the people who were contributing to my sinful habits out of my life like an infection is cut out in order that the wound may heal! So the process started.
Then I asked myself this question, 'What do you want to be known for?' I came up with an interesting answer. I wanted to be known as someone who, when I stood before the throne of God, He would look down upon me with love and say, 'Well done thou good and faithful servant!' That is what I wanted to be known for!
So I started to study on how I could achieve that. Where did I go you might ask. I went to the Bible, the Holy Word of God! I dove in and did not resurface until I had a good grasp of what I should do! Not all has been revealed yet to me, but I believe I have made a good start! And I started it all by making coffee for the people at my church.
That is the secret! Serving others! But how? Start anywhere where you see an opportunity that you can do something for someone else and do it without letting them know you're doing it! You will not be able to fathom the joy that will come to you from doing that one simple thing that puts a smile on other people's faces. Today, I try to do for others all the time. And today I am looking for yet another way to serve that I have not started doing yet. This is my joy and the joy that Jesus spoke of when He said if you would be first in the Kingdom of God, then you must be a servant! Such is the joy of serving!
So I ask you again, 'What do you want to be known for?' Do you want to be known for being selfish in any way? Or would you rather be known for being a loving servant of others? Which is more desirable to you? If the answer comes up different than you expect, then ask yourself why that is. Figure it out for you. I figured it out for me!
God bless you all this day!
I'm asking this question today, 'What do you want to be known for when you are done with this life?' The reason I'm asking you this question is because it is a question I have asked myself. I started asking myself this question a few years ago and it, through the grace of God, has helped to transform my life!
Back then, I was known for being a jerk, speaking my mind, and doing methamphetamines! I did not like what I saw when I looked at myself in the mirror. And no, I'm not talking physically. The person I looked at when I looked in the mirror was never someone I wanted to know when I was younger. So I prayed to God asking Him to take me out of that life with His power because I was helpless to leave it on my own, such was my addiction!
Now, just a few years later, my life has been transformed! But it was a hard road! One of the main things I had to do was cut the people who were contributing to my sinful habits out of my life like an infection is cut out in order that the wound may heal! So the process started.
Then I asked myself this question, 'What do you want to be known for?' I came up with an interesting answer. I wanted to be known as someone who, when I stood before the throne of God, He would look down upon me with love and say, 'Well done thou good and faithful servant!' That is what I wanted to be known for!
So I started to study on how I could achieve that. Where did I go you might ask. I went to the Bible, the Holy Word of God! I dove in and did not resurface until I had a good grasp of what I should do! Not all has been revealed yet to me, but I believe I have made a good start! And I started it all by making coffee for the people at my church.
That is the secret! Serving others! But how? Start anywhere where you see an opportunity that you can do something for someone else and do it without letting them know you're doing it! You will not be able to fathom the joy that will come to you from doing that one simple thing that puts a smile on other people's faces. Today, I try to do for others all the time. And today I am looking for yet another way to serve that I have not started doing yet. This is my joy and the joy that Jesus spoke of when He said if you would be first in the Kingdom of God, then you must be a servant! Such is the joy of serving!
So I ask you again, 'What do you want to be known for?' Do you want to be known for being selfish in any way? Or would you rather be known for being a loving servant of others? Which is more desirable to you? If the answer comes up different than you expect, then ask yourself why that is. Figure it out for you. I figured it out for me!
God bless you all this day!
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