Hello Guys and Gals!
I guess it's been a while since I blogged. I have had so much going on and my head spins around at times.
My question for you today is, are you drawn to Jesus? What I mean by that is have you felt His magnetism drawing you closer to Him, His word, and a real relationship with Him?
See, I think that Jesus had a powerful magnetism about Him. Not only as a person, but also as God. In Matthew chapter 4, Jesus tells Peter and Andrew to follow Him. They immediately left their nets and followed Him. Think about this. A man whom they've never met comes up to them and tells them, not asks but tells, to follow Him. And they do! Powerful! In Mark chapter 5, it talks about a large crowd following Him. Again, powerful magnetism!
In church this morning, my pastor talked about being drawn to Jesus which queued this whole chain of thought for me. He wasn't preaching on it but stated it during his sermon. I thought about this. I know that Jesus has drawn me to Him. I know that I feel this magnetism from Him whenever I read my bible, talk about Him to others, listen to a sermon about Him, and definitely now when I'm writing about Him. I know that others have testified that they feel this powerful drawing of themselves to Him as well.
So again, my question to you today is, are you drawn to Jesus?
Today, in this culture we are all striving to exist in, there are powerful forces lined up against Jesus Christ and His Church, us believers in Him. And we're being told that our beliefs are wrong on the basis of their beliefs. Yet when we try to tell them that their beliefs are wrong, then we're accused of being intolerant. We need more people who have been drawn to Jesus to stand up for Jesus and His Church against this oppression that is assailing us! We need to stand up, doing it in love, but also in truth, against all these forces opposing us and say, NO! You are wrong! Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven! And no matter what the consequences may be, no matter what danger we may face, we need to stand up for Jesus and His Church and tell the world that this is where we stand and we will not be swayed into thinking that our beliefs are wrong or that the truth that is Jesus Christ is wrong!
So if you are drawn to Jesus, and have been saved by His sacrifice, then stand with me against all that assail Jesus and His Church!
God bless you all this day!
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