Hello Guys and Gals!
Have you ever wondered why you were going through a particular trial or tribulation in your life? Have you ever thought God to be unjust by putting you through it, or allowing you to go through it? Boy, I sure have!
I have been through many trials and tribulations in my life. With each and every one, Jesus has been there right by my side. Yet I only seem to realize this after the fact. I think one of the reasons we go through troubling times is to build our faith in God. He wants us to know that He is the one we should turn to in times of need and knows that by us putting our trust in Him to get us out of this troubling time, that we strengthen our faith in Him.
But surely that is not the only reason. Then I've considered some of the trials or tribulations I have been through and looked at them separately. What was the trial about? How did going through this trial help me? I looked at one in particular. About five to six years ago I started having panic attacks. This is one trial that was particularly tough for me. You see, my ex-wife used to have panic attacks, and when she did, I used to tell her to pull herself out of it and that it was mind over matter and she was way too smart to be having something stupid like panic attacks. So here I was, years later, having the very things I said she should be able to control. I thought I was helping her when she had her attacks. Now I was having panic attacks and I could do NOTHING to stop them from happening.
I think that God allowed me to go through this so that I would see what a defeating event they are in people's lives. I also believe that they helped me see that, no matter how small you think a problem may be, that this very problem could be very huge to the person suffering from it. I had not been seeing the problem from their eyes but my own. If I have ever done this to any of you, I apologize most sincerely.
Now I do not know if there are more reasons as to why we suffer trial and tribulations. But I know this, with just these two reasons, I thank God for putting me through each and every trial and tribulation I have faced. Thank you Lord Jesus for also being there with me through them!
God bless you all this day!
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