22 April 2014

The Right And Proper Response To Pain And Persecutions!

Hello Guys and Gals,

I am writing today about how one should act when under persecution and malicious treatment. The world has ceased to be courteous to each other. Morality is going out the window with anything else that leads to a civilized society. Our current administration is pushing to institute Islamic Socialism. If you are not aware of what that is, let me explain. Islamic Socialism is when people of the Islamic faith move to a country to escape the Islamic extremism of the country they move away from. But when they come to a country where the people have the liberty to worship how they choose in the freedom that many died to obtain for that country, they have a change of heart. They do not like our brand of freedom, so they seek to change our country into something that is Islamic, yet not so extreme as the country they fled from.

The problem with this is that most countries with liberty have a conservative (morally responsible) side and a liberal (paganistic and hedonistic lifestyle) side. So what the Islamic people who move to those countries do is team up with the liberal people of that country to bring about change that the liberals have wanted for so long.

Why would they team up with liberals to move their agenda forward? Because liberals never do their homework. They do not seek after or adhere to such good morals as truth, respect, courtesy, and accountability. So these people who have fled from tyranny in their old country, work toward changing the new country so that they can rise in power in the new land. They team up with liberals because they are more likely to believe the false rhetoric that they will be speaking in their attempt to overthrow the new country.

But what makes a person go liberal or become an extremist like most of those in the Islamic faith? Typically, in the research I have done, these people, in both those camps, have been tragically hurt in some way by someone they have trusted and they either no longer care about such things as morality and accountability as the liberals of any given country do, or they go so far in opposing that behavior that contributed to what allowed the hurt to be done to them that they become extremists.

Now everyone has been treated badly in their past, and everyone has also had wonderful times as well. But how we choose to deal with our pain is what makes the world either a better place or a worse place.

Take the typical homosexual person. In nearly every single case, if not every single case, the homosexual person has chosen their lifestyle because of some hurt a person of the opposite sex has done to them that left a grievous wound in their heart. These people have a wound of such great pain within them that they want nothing more to do with a member of the opposite sex and seek to attack in some form of revenge every one of the opposite sex.

Also take the extremist of any philosophy. Again the same behavior comes from a grievous wound. Athiests are so adamant in their statements against God that it is obvious that the hurt they bear was caused by someone who was supposed to be an upstanding person of the Christian faith held in somewhat esteem by those leaders of the church where the person was attending at the time of the affliction of the wound to their heart, that grievous hurt that they do not ever want to be reminded of.

But using the pain you have from your past to attack people or religions or anything else is simply wrong. Ask anyone who has extreme pain why they are so filled with joy or happiness or are always trying to make other people feel better in their struggle with their own problems. I bet you will get this answer every time: I simply do not want others to have to deal with the pain that I now experience because of (insert any cause here)!

Right now I have a kidney stone giving me fits. As painful as a stone is, it is but a dull ache compared to the rest of my body. I get up every morning and the first thing I have to do is overcome the pain it will take to toss back the covers and turn on the light. Then I have the lovely torture of walking on two feet that would cause anyone else to scream in agony. After a hot shower to ease the muscles in my neck a little bit, I am able to pop my neck about 10-20 times because of how distorted it gets with just my muscles tensing up during the short time I am asleep. I do this every single morning and choose to get out and exercise, work around the house, and have something of a real life despite the constant pain. So I have pain, a lot of pain, pain that far exceeds anything anyone else is suffering from with few exceptions. And while many people do have pain in one particular spot or another, and while some do have this pain so frequently as to be considered chronic pain, I doubt anyone has the pain that I have with very few exceptions. You few know who you are!

It has been said of me that I am arrogant in how I speak about my pain or my walk with Christ. Now before anyone thinks I am calling any particular person out, know right now that I am not because I have gotten that same message from far too many people to call out any single person whom I have in my life!

So I have been questioning the specialists who help me understand and deal with the pain that I have about whether I am arrogant. They tell me that I am so far removed from the common equation of how people deal with pain that I am a category to myself and that if anyone doubts what I say about my pain, repeating what the doctors have told me, then for me to give out their phone numbers and have them call and they would bear witness that the pain I am in is literally the most pain any human being can be in. They also tell me that I should be writing a book specifically about my battle with this pain and how I have overcome it with the help of Jesus Christ. They tell me that I should be shouting my victory from the rooftops and making it a bold statement with my every action because I am a living testament to what can be overcome with the worst pain any human can have! Praise be to God above for gracing me with this pain so that I may also be graced with His strength and mercy to overcome this pain to give all the glory of overcoming this pain to Jesus Christ who paid the price for my sin!

I have neck pain that is withing 1/4-1/2 inch away from my spinal cord on both sides, bone on bone grating with every movement I make. Each movement aggravates the greater occipital nerves that run along side the spinal cord in the neck area. Because of the proximity of these nerves to the bone on bone grating in the two joints at the base of my skull, I have had an intense migraine headache that has not lessened in over 4 years now; I also have neck, shoulder, back, and chest muscles that are constantly tightening to the point where I have to perform my wiggle dance, as Jim Patty likes to call it, just to keep the muscles limber enough that I am able to keep moving them; also the pain travels through my central nervous system to produce severe aching and throbbing pain in every single joint in my body. Do you still think yours compares? On top of that, I have diabetic neuropathy in both my feet and both my hands to the point where any pain there is magnified about 10 times what a normal person without neuropathy would feel.

Does yours still compare? Added to even that is the fact that I have a rare kidney disease called IgA Nephropathy which, if I am very careful with my diet, will produce kidney stones which I have to pass on the minimum of every 6 months or so.

Do you still think yours compares with mine? Let's dig a tad bit further shall we? I also have a broken finger on my left hand that I ignore mostly because the pain of moving it is so minute that I still have full use of the finger. I also have a hyper extended tendon in my right elbow that flares intense shooting pain through my elbow and arm with every movement it makes.

When I was first diagnosed with this problem, I was told that of all the places I could have bone on bone grating, the place I have it is absolutely the worst possible place. I was informed that I had only a 5% chance to live past 6 months with pain like this. I was informed that of those 5% of people who do make it past 6 months, 99% of them die from their constant battle with the pain in the next 3 years. Have you ever been given odds of such a minute scale to live through and over come? I am literally 1% of 5% of the people who have survived having this same neck problem which I have. And I am pretty sure that the others do not have all my other problems that add into my pain.

Now please be aware that I am not bragging here. I am simply stating facts about my health and what I live with on a daily basis. The only way I get through even a single hour of any given day, is by the grace and strength Jesus fills me with so that the pain does not overwhelm me. Jesus Christ is the sole reason for my ability to deal with this pain which is at the highest pain level in every part of my body at all times. My pain is sometimes so very great that parts of my body literally go numb and the muscles vibrate with the intense pain that exists there.

I am called to boast in my ability to overcome my pain though. I am called to boast about it by God. I am called to boast about it because, through my boasting, I am encouraging others who have pain or will have pain, that there is a way to overcome that pain.

Still, no matter what caused my pain in my body, or even the pain in the wounds of my life that others have inflicted upon me, I am always willing to reconcile with those who have brought me harm. I am always willing, at a moments notice, to do whatever I can to help others in their distresses. I do not have much. I probably have much less than the majority of people I help. Yet, if it is help that you need, I encourage you to freely reach out to me and I will pray for you, encourage you, and stand between you and those that desire to maliciously use you to keep you safe.

I literally hate my life! I hate it because I am the one responsible for my mistakes and sins through the course of my life and I know that I did most everything wrong. But there is one thing I did get right: I sought after my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ with all my heart, and soul, and mind; but only because He sought after me with all His heart, and His soul, and His mind! I can claim Him as Lord only because He claimed me as His servant before He even taught me how to serve properly, my fellow man!

I encourage you today, that no matter what pain you have, whether it be physical, mental, heart, betrayal, or whatever else pain you have, to not react with hate or envy or spite because of it. I encourage you to instead, act with love to others because of it. Now you will fail at this many, many times. I also encourage you to seek after my Lord and Savior, in the same manner I have sought after Him, so that you may also call upon His grace and strength to help you to overcome your pain as well.

I leave you tonight with a passage of scripture from 2 Corinthians, Chapter 12:

1 Boasting is necessary. It is not profitable, but I will move on to visions and revelations of the Lord.
2 I know a man in Christ who was caught up into the third heaven 14 years ago. Whether he was in the body or out of the body, I don’t know, God knows.
3 I know that this man — whether in the body or out of the body I don’t know, God knows —
4 was caught up into paradise. He heard inexpressible words, which a man is not allowed to speak.
5 I will boast about this person, but not about myself, except of my weaknesses.
6 For if I want to boast, I will not be a fool, because I will be telling the truth. But I will spare you, so that no one can credit me with something beyond what he sees in me or hears from me,
7 especially because of the extraordinary revelations. Therefore, so that I would not exalt myself, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to torment me so I would not exalt myself.
8 Concerning this, I pleaded with the Lord three times to take it away from me.
9 But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me.
10 So I take pleasure in weaknesses, insults, catastrophes, persecutions, and in pressures, because of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

So I will boast of my pain, for it is my weakness, and through it, Jesus saw fit to give me His grace and strength, so that I could be made strong in my pain for His glory!

May God bless you all with the presence of His Son, Jesus Christ, and may you all be granted the strength to believe Jesus Christ over Satan in your walk with Him!

10 April 2014

What I have been shown!

Hello Guys and Gals,

I am looking at things and I have seen some things, and there are things I have yet to see.

I see a nation reveling in their sin and God is overdue in punishing that sin.

I see men acting like women and women leading their families like men should be. I see women pushing men to be softer and then get upset when they are no longer chivalrous. I see children being cast away so that someone's life, be it man or woman, is not interrupted by a 'burden' that would stop them from achieving their own glory.

I see a man on the throne of America weakening the Armed Forces of America, yet strengthening the Armed Forces of other nations. I see this same man telling America that we should give up our rights to bear arms while arming the people of other nations. I see a public attack on our children in some way every time this man on the throne of America wants to push these issues. I see that man succeeding in his attempt to devalue American Values and Strength!

I see America invaded by the United Nations. I see the great bear spearheading that invasion... to bring peace back to America and also bring America into line with the rest of the world as if America were some willful child.

I see true Americans not afraid to go armed in public anymore. I see men walking around with guns on their hips and yes, swords also. I see manliness returning to those who are not afraid of being men.

I see war coming to America as the main battlefields of the world until it also comes to Israel, as if Israel hasn't been fighting a war for thousands of years already. I see America laid waste and fallen before Israel is accosted by all the hosts of the world.

I also see the Christian Church purified through the fire of God of all those who would pervert the Word of God to meet the Political Correctness perverting our society across the whole world. I see valiant men and women protecting those in need of protection in secret places that are hidden from the war machine that will soon come! I see these hidden places in the mountains and forests all across the world as Christians are persecuted because they will not bend the knee to the Anti-Christ or the Beast that bears witness of the Anti-Christ. I see those who do support a more open government slaughtered by the Islamic radicals who wrestle power from those duly elected for this world government. I see the world government becoming an Islamic Tyranny with a council of kings ruling at it's head.

The good news is that I also see Jesus Christ coming in power to rightfully judge those who willfully still persist in their denial of Him as rightful Lord of all Creation! I see every knee that ever lived, every knee that lives now, and every knee that ever will live; bending their knees and bowing low, acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord, and King, and God!

I also see many whom I truly love grieve the Holy Spirit and become lost because they did not repent when the Word of God came into their lives! I am also grieved by this, but not as much as the Lord God Almighty is grieved. But my God is a just God, righteous and true; and because He is just and righteous and true, He must rightly and with great power, judge those who did not repent and condemn their souls to eternal damnation in Gehenna, the Lake of Fire, where He will withdraw His presence from completely as the final punishment for those cast into it and they will never behold the face of God!

All these things I have seen, and am seeing! I wonder what He will show me next! I give this testimony of my witness, bearing true faith to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who commands it of me, for His sake and His glory!

May God bless you all this day with understanding needed to see what is coming!