17 June 2011

My Creed

Hello Guys and Gals!

This is something that came to mind today and I just had to write it down.

I am a man! I was created by the almighty God, creator of all that ever was, is, or ever will be! He created me in His image.

An image that I perverted and twisted into something horrendous with my sin of defying Him. But through His love, He called me back to him and forgave me of my rebellion against Him. He then broke all the wrong I had grown in my life and reshaped me into the image He always intended me to be. He is working on me still.

But I know that there is nothing which I cannot do with Him supporting me. I know that no weapon formed against me will prevail. I know that I will be assaulted endlessly by those that hate Him and try to twist His truth into anything else. But I will prevail against those that hate both Him and I. He has instilled in me the man I have become and I know what He has shown to me that I will face.

So bring your hordes Satan and still I will defy you for I do not defy you by my strength, but by the strength of Lord Jesus Christ. And even if I am defeated by any machinations you can dream up, I know that Jesus has already defeated you and that you will ultimately be thrown into Gehenna, the lake of fire, for a millenia. Such is the fate God has alloted for you. I will be victorious in His power against you!

May God's grace and love be with you all tonight!

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