I think I'm making my gangstalkers mad... Every time they do malicious things to me, I bless them asking my Lord to draw close to them and then I begin to use every conversation I have about them as a means of telling others about having a life of victory, such as mine, in Jesus Christ!
Now please understand that the victory of which I speak is not one measured in earthly perspectives. I belong to the kingdom of Heavan, as such, I prefer for my treasure to be stored by Him up there. And that makes my life down here to be a constant battlefield of which I have not very much treasure.
And there are those who would say that my life is a sinful life, including those gangstalkers who belong to that church that has been a primary part of my gangstalking. God has told me over and over again I hat His is a lot happier with my life as opposed to theirs. When I ask Him why, His response has always been that I have a relationship with Him and they do not. Jesus said, 'my sheep know my voice.' And right now, they are using Voice to Skull Technology to make people believe they are hearing God's voice. But this doesn't work on me! You see, when they try that on me, their 1st problem is that they are not very knowledgeable about scripture. Their 2nd problem is I have known my Lord's voice for longer than most of them have been alive!
Guys, don't let anyone deceive you! It is NOT about the sin or absence of it in your life! It is about the relationship with God the Father, through Jesus the Son, empowering your life with the Holy Ghost! There is only one person alive who does not sin on a daily basis, and He sits upon His Father's throne. So never make the mistake of believing the lie that your sins are nowhere near as bad as someone else's sins. Here is a clue: ANY SIN will separate you from having a relationship with God! It is only with the viewpoint that your sins make you the worst sinner ever that you can truly come to know Jesus Christ as He desires for you to know Him. So quit living in human perspective and start living with a Heavenly perspective! God bless you all this morning!