14 August 2015

Healed Instantly!

Hello Guys and Gals,

This happened to me on Tuesday evening, 11 Aug 2015!

The post from Facebook I wrote on Wednesday morning:

So last night I went to a men's meeting at my new church, Church of His Presence. Before we eat, God tells me that He is going to heal me tonight.
Later, at the end of the meeting, 3 very specific things were told to me which I will not reveal yet. But after that, God told me to move forward and be healed. So I walked up to Pastor John and stated I'm supposed to come to you for healing. He asked what was wrong. I started to tell him about my neck. He cuts me off saying he gets it. He then siezed me by my head and neck, pulled me to his shoulder, and then I was falling and God's Spirit flowed into me, and I was on the floor. I tried to get up 3 times and could not. I felt dizzy, but not dizzy; it's so hard to explain.
When I was able to syand up again, God told me I would be pain free by morning. I was already so much less pain that it seemed to me I had none. I also noticed that I no longer had to protect my eyes as much as I used to from all the bright lights. The huge knot in my spine at the base of my neck is gone.
I felt God whispering to me and working on me all night.
This morning I am completely pain free for the 1st time in over 5 1/2 years or more!
I had not been praying for healing because I never thought it would happen. I had prayed for death many times beyond number and God emphatically told me no. But He simply told me He would heal me last night, and He did!
All praises to the Lord, our God, for doing this for me! Thank you Lord Jesus!

May God bless you all with His presence!

07 August 2015

The Hypocrite's Heart

Hello Guys and Gals,

There are people who would look at this sin or that sin, and then see that sin in my life. Then, upon finding that sin in my life might accuse me of being a hypocrite, which I am, for this sin in my life simply because I speak out against that sin.

Let me explain that hypocrisy is never my aim when I am speaking about things revealed to me from the Word of God. However, if I can convince you not to sin as I have, not to suffer as I have, and also to get to know Jesus as I do; then gladly will I accept the label of hypocrite! For my aim is to help save you in the work of my Lord Jesus Christ from all the things Satan would destroy you with. Things I have only lived through because I cried out to my King on His Throne in Heaven, Who heard me in my distress, flames burned in His eyes as He tore through the very fabric of time and space to lovingly grab my outstretched hand and pull me to safety in Him!

Satan wants to destroy both you and I. I am only saved because I turned to the only One Who can save: the Lord, Jesus Christ! My only desire is for you to be able to join me in Heaven. This is why I write and share things from my past or present as they are laid upon my heart by my Lord to do so. Me having the sin I am writing about in my life may, in the world's eyes, make me a hypocrite. But that does not change that I am sharing my thoughts on it because of the love I have for you and not wanting you to suffer as I have from it. My heart in the matter is to help, not hurt. So if I have hurt you in my hypocrisy, I apologize for doing so from the bottom of my heart and I will gladly be a hypocrite in your eues if it wins you to Christ.

May God reign in our lives this day!

06 May 2015

A Heavenly Perspective

I think I'm making my gangstalkers mad... Every time they do malicious things to me, I bless them asking my Lord to draw close to them and then I begin to use every conversation I have about them as a means of telling others about having a life of victory, such as mine, in Jesus Christ!

Now please understand that the victory of which I speak is not one measured in earthly perspectives. I belong to the kingdom of Heavan, as such, I prefer for my treasure to be stored by Him up there. And that makes my life down here to be a constant battlefield of which I have not very much treasure.

And there are those who would say that my life is a sinful life, including those gangstalkers who belong to that church that has been a primary part of my gangstalking. God has told me over and over again I hat His is a lot happier with my life as opposed to theirs. When I ask Him why, His response has always been that I have a relationship with Him and they do not. Jesus said, 'my sheep know my voice.' And right now, they are using Voice to Skull Technology to make people believe they are hearing God's voice. But this doesn't work on me! You see, when they try that on me, their 1st problem is that they are not very knowledgeable about scripture. Their 2nd problem is I have known my Lord's voice for longer than most of them have been alive!

Guys, don't let anyone deceive you! It is NOT about the sin or absence of it in your life! It is about the relationship with God the Father, through Jesus the Son, empowering your life with the Holy Ghost! There is only one person alive who does not sin on a daily basis, and He sits upon His Father's throne. So never make the mistake of believing the lie that your sins are nowhere near as bad as someone else's sins. Here is a clue: ANY SIN will separate you from having a relationship with God! It is only with the viewpoint that your sins make you the worst sinner ever that you can truly come to know Jesus Christ as He desires for you to know Him. So quit living in human perspective and start living with a Heavenly perspective! God bless you all this morning!

21 January 2015

God's Daily Miracle

Hello Guys and Galls,

So yeah, it is now less than 3 months until I pass the 5 year mark with this neck problem that literally produces level 10+ pain in every muscle and joint in my body. It is especially bad in my shoulders and neck and even worse on rainy days like this when a front is moving in.

As I near the5 year mark, where I will be, literally, the first ever person who has been diagnosed with my problem to live past 5 years with it, I have been thinking a lot about wishing it would just be over and done with. See, what most of you do not know is that I have so much pain, and that coupled with the B-12 deficiency of last year, that I very seldom go out in public because of the spectacle everyone views me as. I have balance problems because of the B-12 thing and a very good friend made me a very personal gift of a hand made cane for me to walk with and keep my balance with. Thanks Ronnie!

Add to that the constant tension in my shoulders and neck rotations I have to do just to keep limber enough to keep moving, and I have security following me anywhere I go, that or something more official! Add in dialated eyes, not because of the medication I am on, but simply because of the pain levels I am always at; and you get very intrigued people with my presence anywhere I happen to go!

So do you really wonder why I wish it would all end?

Then God talks to me...

I have prayed for death too many times to possibly remember!

God tells me that He has work yet for me to do and that I am one of His Shining Examples!

I ask Him how He figures that because I sin all the time.

He asks me if I know of anyone besides Him who doesn't sin daily.

I ask HIm, but a shining example? How so?

He replies that, no matter what He allows me to go through or face, I go through it talking to Him through it all and also telling others about Him being the reason I am still standing!

So if any of you ever want to see a miracle today, come visit me because I am truly one of His miracles still walking this earth!

Put God ever-present in your mind and you can also be one of his miracles that He does daily!

God bless you guys today!