30 January 2014

Confident In The Word Of Jesus Christ!

Hello Guys and Gals,

Many have told me I am arrogant. I am not!

I will be the very first to tell the world that my sins most likely far exceed those who accuse me of arrogance.

I boast in Jesus Christ and the knowledge which He had brought me into! Confidence in that knowledge and confidence in my ability which comes only through Him, is not arrogance. Standing in the truth of the gospel and not backing down from those who have heard twisted gospels is what we are called to do!

Before you tel me that I am too confident in the word of God, I ask you to turn your critical focus onto the bible and see if what I am saying is or is not in alignment with it!

If it is, then focus upon yourself asking this question: why is what he is saying offensive to me where I am thinking he is arrogant? Then also ask yourself if maybe your perception of the difference in standing confidently in God's truth and being arrogant has been redefined because of the progressive agenda of society!

In other words, before you talk to me about what I am speaking about, are you ready with an answer as to why, in your perception, I have spoken erringly about God's word. Because I have already prepared my answer for the joy in my life that comes only through a closr relationship with Jesus and His good word!

May Jesus Christ bless you with the same confidence I am blessed with!

A True Sacrifice Before God!

Hello Guys and Gals,

Have you ever thought about this?

When a sacrifice was made, you needed the altar, the sacrifice, and the fire!

The altar is the structure of our life.

The sacrifice is that which we willingly give into His hands.

The fire is the intent of our heart when we make the sacrifice.

And yet, God does not seek any one of these things. He does not want any combination of any two of these. He does not even want a combination of all three of these.

What God desires is the pleasing aroma that is only produced with all three fervently sacrificed before Him!

Are you producing the pleasing aroma He desires?

May Jesus Christ shine down upon you this day!

23 January 2014

Discovering JOY (JESUS CHRIST) In Our Persecutions And Pain!

Hello Guys and Gals,

Have you ever noticed that people who are in Christ and have gone through great persecution or pain are always happy and filled with joy to overflowing?

I do not know if all of you have noticed the changes being made by Him in me. But I am changing for sure.

I am filled with joy to overflowing. I doubt most of you will ever see me not like this ever again. If ever I do not feel this, I seek His face,  the face of Jesus Christ!

Why the change in me? Why the change in those like me?

It is because we have found that which makes us content and it fills us with joy overflowing.

The THAT of which I write is Jesus Christ, the only Son of the only God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!

Do you have something troubling you today?

Your answer is Jesus Christ!

Do you have pain?

Your healing can be found in Jesus Christ!

Is somebody persecuting you?

That persecution will have no effect if you go find Jesus Christ!

Do you want joy overflowing?

You can only have this by placing yourself within Jesus Christ!

If you ask any of these from Him, it will surely be given unto you, but you need to find Him to receive it from Him!

May the Lord Jesus Christ help you to find Him today!

20 January 2014

Martin Luther King Jr

Hello Guys and Gals,

Let us all remember Martin Luther King Jr. accurately today.

He was for all mankind standing together equally with no malice toward one another based upon race, gender, or creed!

It certainly was not elevating race, gender, or creed to be dominant over another race, gender, or creed.

We all have gifts. Let us strive to see God's gifts in others with love in your heart rather than seeking hatred and division!

May Jesus Christ draw close to you this day!

06 January 2014

Has God Allowed Man To Change What Sin Is?

Hello Guys and Gals,

So many are pushing this thought that the bible is no longer relevant or that as culture changes, so does the definition of sin.

God does not change!

The Word of God does not change!

He has defined what sin is and that definition does not change with time, culture, or the demands of men or women!

Yet, so many say it does.

What is so hard about His grace? If you only submit to him and acknowledge the sin in your life, accept Jesus Christ as your savior, and you will escape, forever, His wrath!

Yet, due to our stubbornness, we refuse His grace and say to God, I would rather face Your wrath!

I submit, daily if need be, to You Oh my Lord Jesus Christ!

May God bless you all this day!

03 January 2014

I Must Be About His Work!

Hello Guys and Gals,

God is doing a work in me. He has been for some time now. As usual, I have been resisting His will for my life. Yet, what He wants of me seems so hard. Yet, I also know that He will fully prepare me for what He wants me to do.

And just look at me...

Can you cause me pain...

Can you drive me crazy...

Can you kill me...

Can you stop me...

I cannot even do these very things to myself!

Why not, you may ask.

The answer shocked even me. It is not because I already walked the mental path. It is not because I already have pain beyond what most can bear. It is not because I can defend myself extremely well. It is not because I think faster or any other ability I have.

It is simply because Jesus Christ has a job for me to do. The job is very specific and until it is completed, He will not take me home. Nor will He allow anyone or anything to hinder the completion of this job.

As I must be about His work to go home, I care not about political correctness or how I am perceived any longer.

I vow, before Him, to speak the truth, no matter how hard it is for me... or you to hear it. I will be about accomplishing my love returned to Him for the grace He has given to me.

Are you standing with joy in all you face so that life can pour itself out from Him, through you, to bring life to the unsaved?

May the Lord Jesus Christ be poured out on you this day!

01 January 2014

Striving for Excellence!

Howdy Guys and Gals!

It has been a while. I have returned.

So many times I am told that I try too hard in all I do.

What is wrong with that, I ask?

Maybe that is what is wrong with our society today; that we no longer strive for excellence in ALL that we do!

As for me, I will always strive for excellence in all that I do. Whether that be washing the dishes, helping my friends, or even seekinf after God's promise of a perfect for me wife. I will not take shortcuts and I will abstain from destructive behavior.

God wants this of me and I will honor him in this!

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all this day!